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The Six Great Night Hags - D&D 3.0 Character Data
Posted on Sat, January 08, 2005 by Dongul
Wykthor writes "Herein are the game mechanics of the greatest planar servants of Incabulos, whose story is described in the first article. Using D&D 3.0, this material offers information to fully use these vile women as campaign arch-villains and provide an epic challenge as well. A great night hag alone should be around Challenge Rating 25. Finally, there are two artifacts mentioned (The Shepherd of Souls and Despair's Collar of Thralls) that will be described in the last article of the series.

The Six Great Night Hags - D&D 3.0 Character Data
By: Wykthor
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

The following statistics are in D&D 3.0 Edition. Dungeon Masters are encouraged to convert these statistics as they see fit for his or her campaign.

Malevolence – Great Hag of Malice (curses, betrayals, etc): Wizard 20; Medium size outsider; Alignment NE; HD 16d8 (outsider) + 20d4 (wizard) + 324 (482 hp); SQ Fast healing 3; AC 61 (+9 natural, +20 armor, +10 deflection, +8 dexterity, +4 haste); Face/Reach: 5x5/5; Speed 20 ft.; Init +8; Attack +32/+27 melee dagger (+1 attack/spell if hasted), +26/+21 melee/ranged touch, +26 bite Damage dagger: 1d4 +14 +2d6 evil bite 2d6+12 + demon fever disease.
SA Spell-like abilities: at will- detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th level sorcerer – DC: 22 + Spell level.
Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Malevolence’s choosing. SQ Damage Reduction 20/+3, SR 25, immunity to fire, cold, charm, sleep, fear.
Incabulos prime agent: Ageless, arcane and religious knowledge is a hag class skill; immune to 1st - 3rd level spells, disease, ability drain & damage, energy drain, starvation, thirst, suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 26, Con 28, Int 46, Wis 27, Cha 31.
Saves: Fort +31 Ref +30 Will +36
Skills: Alchemy +38, Appraise +23, Bluff +34, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +29, Listen +32, Ride +27, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +57 (+67 in Epic Spell cast), Spot +32, Forgery +23, Knowledge Arcana +57, Knowledge History +23, Knowledge Religion +57 , Knowledge the Planes +43, Knowledge Undead +38, Knowledge (architecture & engineering) +38, Scry +53, Gather Information +16, Balance +13, Climb +13, Swim +13.
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Aquam, Auran, Terram, Ignam, Common, Undercommon, Giant, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Halfling, Ancient Suloise, Old Oeridian, Ancient Baklunish, Flan.
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Eschew Spell Component, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Twin Spell, Craft Wand, Maximize Spell , Empower Spell, Quicken Spell, Forge Ring, Spell Mastery x2 (14 spells: plane shift, energy immunity, timestop, wish, meteor swarm, horrid wilting, teleport without error, maze, power word stun, web, Malevolence’s resilient sphere, mislead, ghostform, screen).
Epic feats: Epic Spellcasting, Epic Spell Penetration, Forge Epic Ring, Improved Spell Capacity x3 (up to level 12 spells).
Permanency: See invisibility, comprehend languages, read magic; 24 Hr energy immunity (electricity);
Contingency: Greater dispelling if helpless, chain contingency; greater dispelling, plane shift and teleport if at zero hit points.
Epic spells: (3/day, DC 38) Mass frog, let go of me, epic repulsion(outsiders), epic mage armor, spell worm.
Commonly prepared spells: (vs. SR +26, Save DC: 28 + lvl)
1st – Identify, true strike, obscuring mist, grease, feather fall, charm person, summon monster I x2.
2nd – Mirror image x2, rope trick, web x2, knock, daylight, blur.
3rd – Twin magic missile, lightning bolt, fly, dispel magic x2, haste x3.
4th – Bestow curse, dimensional anchor x2, Malevolence’s resilient sphere, dimension door x2, enervation x2.
5th – Ghostform x2, quickened magic missile x3, teleport, feeblemind, contact other plane.
6th – Maximized vampiric touch x2, acid fog, Malevolence’s freezing sphere , disintegrate, eyebite, mislead x2.
7th – Teleport without error, power word stun, energy immunity, maximized sonic orb x2, limited wish x2.
8th – Maalevolence’s irresistible dance, maze, maximized cone of cold, symbol, mass charm, binding, great shout.
9th – Timestop x3, temporal stasis, wish, power word kill, prismatic sphere.
10th – Quickened chain lightning, empowered horrid wilting, quickened malevolence’s freezing sphere x2.
11th – Maximized horrid wilting, empowered meteor swarm, quickened plane shift.
12th – Twin horrid wilting, quickened horrid wilting, maximized meteor swarm.
Relevant items (normally carried): Ring of rapid healing, ring of epic protection +10, ring of spell turning, hand of glory, boots of dexterity +6, bracers of epic health +8, robe of stars, cloak of epic resistance +8, diadem of epic intellect +10, belt of charisma +6, staff of magi, philosopher stone, +6 unholy ghost touch dagger, Malevolence’s heartstone: etherealness at will, +2 resistance on saves.

Despair – Great Hag of Nightmares (bad omens &dreams, mischievousness etc): Cleric 20; Medium-size Outsider; Alignment NE; HD 16d8 (Outsider) + 20d8 (Cleric) + 324 (542 Hp); AC 51 (+9 natural +8 deflection + 10 armor +6 enhancement + 8 dexterity); Face/Reach: 5x5/5; Speed 20 ft.; Init +9; Attacks Melee (dagger +6) +37/+32/+27, Melee (Bite): +31 Touch (Pastor de Almas) +31/+26/+21 or +31 (spell effect), Ranged touch +34 Damage, bite 2d6+12 + demon fever disease, dagger 1d4 +13 + 2d6 evil + wounding; SA Spell-like abilities: at will- detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th lvl sorcerer – DC: 22 + Spell level. Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Despair’s choosing.
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 20/+3, SR 25, immunity to fire, cold, charm, sleep, fear, critical hits.
Incabulos prime agent: Ageless, knowledge arcane & religion as hag skill, immune to disease, mind-affecting effects, ability damage& drain, energy drain, starvation, thirst, suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities Str 26, Dex 33, Con 29, Int 27, Wis 46, Cha 35.
Saves Fort +39 Ref +35 Will +48.
Skills: Bluff +30, Concentration +48, Intimidate +30 , Listen +37, Ride +20, Sense Motive +37, Spellcraft +57 (+67 in Epic Spell cast), Spot +37 , Knowledge Arcana +28 , Knowledge Religion +57, Knowledge the Planes +25 , Knowledge Undead +20 , Appraise +18, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +22 , Gather Information +18, Heal +22 , Scry +30.
Speak Language: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Aquam, Auran, Terram, Ignam, Common, Undercommon, Giant, Elven, Goblin, Ancient Suloise, Old Oeridian, Ancient Baklunish, Flan.
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Wand, Craft Staff, Forge Ring, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Weapons & Armor.
Epic feats: Epic Spellcasting, Craft Artifact*, Undead Mastery, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item. *allows the creation of artifacts, as long as the crafter has also the epic feat. Example: Despair can create staves and wondrous items with the power of an artifact, but not a ring.
Rebuke/Control undead (evil outsider) 15/day, Clr 26, check +12, dmg +32, max undead controlled = 240 HD.
Permanency spells: see invisibility, comprehend languages, read magic; 24 Hr energy immunity (electricity).
Domains: Evil, Trickery; Spells/day: 6/10+1/10+1/9+1/9+1/9+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/7+1 vs SR +20; DC 28 + level.
Epic Spells: (3/day; Save DC: 38): Contingent resurrection, dreamscape, eclipse, soul scry, lord of nightmares.
Relevant items (normally carried): +6 ghost touch wounding unholy dagger, The Shepherd of Souls, Despair Collar of Thralls, Despair’s Heartstone (Etherealness at will, + 10 resistance on saves + 10 enhancement to wisdom. Anyone but night hags who carry must make a save/day or contract gray wasting. It doesn’t shatter), Rags of Deceit (+6 glamered, heavy fortification, fearsome padded armor), Vest of spell turning, Anklets (as boots) of epic dexterity +8, Belt of epic health +8, Tiara of Epic Charisma +10, Bracelets of armor +10, Ring of the Trickster (Functions like a Ring of mind shielding and invisibility), Ring of epic protection +6, Rod of Epic Authority (rebukes/controls undead as 6 levels higher).

Pestilence – Great Hag of Plagues (i.e. diseases, afflictions of all types, etc): Cleric 20 Medium-size outsider; Alignment NE; HD 16d8 (Outsider) + 20d8 (Cleric) + 396 (614 hit points); AC 52 (+9 natural + 7 deflection + 8 armor + 6 enhancement + 8 dexterity + 4 haste-boots); Face/Reach: 5x5/5; Speed: 40 ft.; Init +10; Attacks Melee (morning star) +37 (if hasted +37/+32/+27), Melee (Bite) +31 (if hasted +31), Touch +31, Ranged touch +33; Damage Morning star (2 handed) 1d8+ 15 +2d6 evil + wounding, Touch Contagion spell (DC 30) or Death if Hp less than 20d6, Bite 2d6+12 + demon fever disease.
Special attacks: Spell-like abilities at will – detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th level sorcerer – DC: 22 + Spell level.
Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Pestilence’s choosing.
Special Qualities: Evasion, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 25, immune to fire, cold, charm, sleep, fear, critical.
Incabulos prime agent: Ageless, contagion at will, knowledge arcane & religion: hag class skill. Immune to disease, ability damage & drain, energy drain, starvation, thirst, suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities Str 26, Dex 31, Con 33, Int 31, Wis 42, Cha 31.
Saves Fort +36 Ref +29 Will +41.
Skills: Appraise +27, Bluff +30, Concentration +50, Intimidate +30, Listen +35, Ride +20, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +49 (+65 in Epic Spell cast), Spot +35, Knowledge Arcana +49 , Knowledge Religion +49 , Knowledge the Planes +27, Knowledge Undead +27 , Heal +43, Scry +17, Balance +30, Climb +28, Jump +28, Tumble +30, Swim +10.
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Aquam, Auran, Terram, Ignam, Common, Undercommon, Giant, and Slaad.
Feats: Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Extra Turning, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Quicken Turning, Craft Rod.
Epic feats: Craft Epic Rod, Epic Spellcasting, Undead Mastery, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Spell Capacity x1 (up to level 10 spells).
Rebuke/Control Undead: as CL 22, 17/day, check +10, dmg: +30, max undead controlled = 220 HD.
Permanency spells: See invisibility, comprehend languages, read magic; 24 Hr energy immunity (electricity).
Domains: Death, Pestilence; spell/day: 6/10+1/9+1/9+1/9+1/9+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/3; vs SR +26, DC 26 +level.
Epic spells (3/day - Save DC: 36): contingent resurrection, gathering of maggots, greater ruin, animus blast, crown of vermin (casting time: 1 action, 1000 xp cost, 10d6 dmg backlash).
Relevant items (normally carried): Pestilence’s Heartstone (+2 resistance on saves, etherealness at will), Rags of delirium (+6 glammered heavy fortification sacred padded armor), +6 wounding, ghost touched, unholy morning star, Periapt of epic health +8, Ring of sequestering, Ring of epic protection +7, Rod of greater quickening, Rod of greater maximization, Headscarf of intellect +4, Vest of wisdom +6, Bracers of armor +8, Boots of swiftness, Tattered cloak of Resistance +5, Girdle of charisma +6, 3 Ioun Stones (2 lavender and green, 1 pale lavender).

Famine – Great Hag of Hunger (i.e. droughts, starvation, etc): Monk 20; Medium-size outsider; Alignment LE; HD 16d8 (Outsider) + 20d8 (monk) + 396 (614 Hp); AC* 58 (+9 natural, +8 armor, +5 deflection, +4 monk, +9 dex, +9 wis, +4 haste up to 5 rounds) *Weaponbreaking ring (Fort DC 20 to attacker’s weapon); Face/Reach 5x5/5; Speed 90 ft.; Init +16, Attacks Unarmed +36/+33/+30/+27/+24 (affects damage reduction up to +9) ( with Haste +36/+36/+33/+30/+27/+24) (with Flurry +34 [if hasted +34/+34/+31/+28/+25/+22]) (with Lightning Fists +32 (if hasted +32/+32/+32/+29/+26/+23/+20), Bite +35, Sickle +41 if hasted +41/+38/+35/+32/+29); Damage bite 2d6 + 16 + demon fever disease, Unarmed 1d20 + 11 (Crit 17-20 , Fort DC 10 + 2d20 +22 or be beheaded), Sickle (used 2-handed): 1d6 + 23 +2d6 evil.
Special attacks: Spell-like abilities at will – detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th level sorcerer – DC: 10 + Spell level.
Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Famine’s choosing.
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/+5, SR 30, immunity to fire, cold, charm, sleep, fear.
Relevant Monk Abilities: Improved evasion, still mind, slow fall (any distance), wholeness of body, leap of the clouds, diamond body (immune to poison), abundant step, quivering palm (DC 32), diamond soul, Ki strike +3, tongue of the sun and moon, empty body. Incabulos prime agent: Scent and Blindsight, ageless, knowledge arcane and religion hag class skill, immune to disease, ability drain & damage, energy drain, starvation & thirst (but suffers constant hunger for both), suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 22, Wis 28, Cha 20.
Saves: Fort +33 Ref +31 Will +31.
Skills: Appraise +16, Bluff +20, Concentration +31, Intimidate +15, Listen +39, Ride +19, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +16, Spot +29, Knowledge Arcana +16 , Knowledge Religion +26 , Knowledge The Planes +21, Knowledge Undead +16 ,Climb +36, Swim +36, Tumble +34, Move Silently +34 , Hide +34, Balance +34, Jump +36.
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Common, Undercommon, Giant, Terram, Ignam, Aquam, Auram.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows, Improved Trip, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (fist), Weapon Focus (fist), Lightning Fists.
Epic feats: Keen Strike, Vorpal Strike, Penetrate Damage Reduction x3, Blinding Speed.
Relevant items: +6 ghost touch, unholy, keen sickle, Famine’s Heartstone (Etherealness at will, + 2 resistance on saves), Ring of weaponbreaking, Ring of protection +5, Bracers of armor +8, Girdle of strength + 6, Vest of Flying, Rags of health +6, Foot Straps of dexterity +6, Choker of wisdom +6, Cubic Gate (Access to Hades, Nine Hells, Acheron, Gehenna, Shadow, Astral).

Tragedy – Great Hag of Doom (i.e. disasters, catastrophes, etc): Cleric 20; Medium-size outsider; Alignment CE; HD 16d8 (Outsider) + 20d8 (Cleric) + 360 (578 hit points – fast healing 3, takes 1d6 vicious damage/hit; AC* 52 (+9 natural + 7 deflection + 8 armor + 6 enhancement + 8 dexterity, +4 haste) *Greater dispelling on attacker weapons; Face/Reach 5x5/5; Speed: 20 ft.; Init +7; Attacks Melee +43/+38/+33 greatclub (affects DR up to +8), Melee (Bite): +37, Touch +37, Ranged touch: +30; Damage (2 handed) greatclub 1d10 +27 +1d8 sonic(1d10 in critical) +2d6 vicious +2d6 chaotic +2d6 evil, Touch Death if hit points less than 20d6, Bite 2d6+21 + demon fever disease.
Special attacks: spell-like abilities at will – detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th level sorcerer – DC 22 + Spell level.
Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Tragedy’s choosing.
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 20/+3, SR 25, immunity to fire, cold, charm, sleep, fear, critical hits Incabulos prime agent: Ageless, shatter at will (DC 23), knowledge arcane and religion hag class skill, immune to disease, ability damage & drain, energy drain, starvation, thirst, suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 26, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 34, Cha 25.
Saves: Fort +36 Ref +28 Will +38.
Skills: Appraise +26, Bluff +21, Diplomacy +33, Concentration +46, Intimidate +21, Listen +33, Ride +24, Sense Motive +48, Spellcraft +44 (+58 in Epic Spell cast), Spot +38, Knowledge Arcana +44 , Knowledge Religion +44 , Knowledge the Planes +26, Knowledge Undead +26 , Knowledge Engineering & Architecture +18, Balance +28, Scry +36.
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Aquam, Auran, Terram, Ignam, Common, Slaad, Giant.
Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Extra Turning, Craft Magic Weapons & Armor.
Epic feats: Craft Epic Weapon and Armor, Epic Spellcasting , Improved Spell Capacity x1 (up to level 10 spells), Penetrate Damage Reduction, Fast Healing (3).
Rebuke/Control Undead: as Cleric 20, 14/day, check +7, dmg: +27, max undead controlled = 20 HD.
Permanency spells: See invisibility, comprehend languages, read magic ; 24 Hr energy immunity (electricity).
Domains: Death, Destruction; spells/day 6/8+1/8+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/2; vs SR +20, DC 21 +level.
Epic spells: (3/day; Save DC 31): ruin, dragon knight, rain of fire, contingent resurrection, let go of me.
Relevant items (normally carried): Tragedy’s Heartstone (+2 resistance on saves, etherealness at will “Doomseeker”- Large 39 HD Chaotic neutral Anaxim (Sometimes Doomseeker attacks tragedy or must be restricted in other ways : Tragedy must make a Cha check DC 25 –1 p/ 10 hp anaxim suffered from her), +6 thundering chaotic unholy vicious greatclub, Rags of war: +6 negating, heavy fortification, glimmered padded armor, Girdle of puissant battle: doubles movement rate, +10 epic strength, haste 5 rounds/day free action), Iron shoes of resilience – Treat bull rush/trip as Tragedy being 2 sizes greater, balance +20 ranks, Periapt of health +6, Ring of epic protection +7, Vest of epic wisdom +7, Bracers of armor +8, Gauntlets of epic resistance +6.

Insanity – Great Hag of Madness (i.e. derangements, laments, etc): Cleric 10/Dark Minstrel* 10; Medium-size outsider; Alignment CE; *Dark Minstrel is a prestige class described in St. Cooley Publishing’s “Enchiridion of Mystic Music”. A demo version of this book can be downloaded with the permission of the publisher at their site: HD 16d8 (Outsider) + 10d8 (Cleric) + 10d6 (Dark minstrel) + 324 (522 hit points) (fast healing 3); AC 36 (+9 natural + 9 deflection +8 dexterity); Face/Reach 5x5/5; Speed 20 ft.; Init +8; Attacks Melee (Bite) + 31, or touch/ranged touch +31; Damage Bite 2d6+12 + demon fever disease; Special Attacks spell-like abilities at will – detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, sleep. All as 8th level sorcerer – DC 22 + Spell level. Dark Minstrel special abilities: song of sorrows, song of silence, cacophony, dark melody, death chant.
Dream Haunting: As MM, but can use on mortals of any alignment (but must agree in a sort of pact if the victim is not evil). The ability drain is Insanity’s choosing.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+3, SR 33, immune to all elemental energy + sonic, charm, sleep, fear.
Incabulos prime agent: Ageless, madness score is added on perform checks and dark minstrel spells DC, knowledge arcane and religion hag class skill. Immune to disease, ability damage and drain, energy drain, starvation, thirst, suffocation, forgetfulness (even from Styx).
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 26, Con 28, Int 22, Wis 32, Cha 30.
Saves: Fort +35 Ref +30 Will +36 (1 vez por dia, o save de will pode ser feito com +46).
Skills: (1/day may add +10 in any wisdom based skill check or at a Will save) Bluff +25, Concentration +32, Intimidate +25, Listen +36, Ride +18, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +29, Spot +20, Knowledge Arcana +37 , Knowledge Religion +37 , Knowledge the Planes +20, Knowledge Undead +20 , Perform (sing) +40, Scry +12, Hide +14, Innuendo +24, Gather Information +16.
Languages:Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Aquam, Auran, Terram, Ignam, Common, Undercommon.
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Spell Focus (enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Alertness, Skill Focus (perform), Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration.
Epic feats: Negative Energy Burst, Epic Spell Focus, Improved Spell Resistance x4. Permanency spells: see invisibility.
Rebuke/Control Undead: As Cleric 10, 17/day, check +13, dmg: +23, max undead controlled = 10 HD.
Madness score: 5 (added to perform, spellcasting DC, subtracted from will save and wisdom skills).
Domains: Evil, Madness.
Spells/day: Cleric: 6/7+1/7+1/6+1/5+1/4+1, vs. SR d20+14, Save DC 27 + level +6 if enchantment school; Dark minstrel: 8/7/7/6, vs. SR d20+14, Save DC 26 + Level +6 if enchantment school.
Spells Known: 1st – Doom message, silent image, ventriloquism, protection from good, alarm.
2nd – Scare, blindness/deafness, enthrall, invisibility, whispering wind, hypnotic pattern.
3rd – Hold monster, modify memory, confusion, emotion, fear.
4th – Eyebite, mind fog, mass suggestion, repulsion.
Relevant items (normally carried): Insanity’s Heartstone (+2 resistance on saves, etherealness at will), Cloak of epic resistance +8, Rags of Charisma +6, Necklace of wisdom +6, Bracers of armor +8, Vest of epic health +8, Anklets of dexterity +6, Ring of universal elemental immunity (a gift from a strange old man, Incabulos or Ralishaz are suspected), Ring of Rapid Healing, Ring of epic deflection +9, Hand of glory.

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