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Giants of the Flanaess
Posted on Fri, January 28, 2005 by Dongul
gvdammerung writes "Giants are perhaps the signature Greyhawk monster and they are not just found in the Sheldomar Valley anymore. Giants can and should be villains in any Greyhawk campaign, set anywhere in the Flanaess. This article provides an overview of giants in the Flanaess and offers hooks to develop giants as more than just the odd encounter. Super-size your campaign with giants in the Flanaess!

Giants of the Flanaess
By: Glenn Vincent Dammerung, aka GVDammerung
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.


Giants are some, if not the, monsters most closely associated with the World of Greyhawk and the Flanaess. The GDQ series is the most well regarded and well known of all (A)D&D adventures and it features prominently the giants of the western Flanaess. The Liberation of Geoff adventure, of course, revisited the themes of the first part of the GDQ Series. Beyond this seminal use of giants in the western Flanaess, however, giants have not appeared in other Greyhawk adventures or sourcebooks as other than predominantly incidental encounters. This article is an attempt to remedy that situation by providing DMs with an overview of giants in the Flanaess, suggesting their utility.

Gods of the Giants

The giantish pantheon is large but oddly segmented. There are deities that align with or support certain giant types but there are also giantish deities with more general interests in the affairs of all giants. The aligned or supporting deities are part of a larger pantheon but supercede any member of that pantheon when reference is had to the particular giant type they align with or support. A list of giantish deities follows.

Name _____ Status _____ Alignment _____ Portfolio

Annam _____ Greater _____ N _____ Creation, Knowledge, Fertility, Divination
Hiatea(f) _____ Greater _____ N _____ Family, Agriculture, Nature, Hunting
Stronmaus _____ Greater _____ NG _____ Sun, Sky, Weather
Surtur _____ Intermediate _____ LE _____ Firegiants, Fire, Law, War
Thrym _____ Intermediate _____ CE _____ Frostgiants, Cold, War
Grolantor _____ Intermediate _____ CE _____ Hillgiants, strength, cunning, stubborness, pride, stupidity
Stonebones _____ Intermediate _____ N _____ Stonegiants, stone, earth
Memnor _____ Intermediate _____ NE _____ Subtlety, charm, guile, usurpers
Iallanis(f) _____ Lesser _____ NG _____ Love, foregiveness, mercy, beauty
Karontor _____ Lesser _____ NE _____ Formorians, hatred

Demi-gods of the Formori and Firbolg

Elathan the Golden _____ DG _____ N _____ Wisdom, judgment
Balore _____ DG _____ CE _____ War, berserks, madness
Bresse _____ DG _____ LE _____ Seduction, cunning, trickery, charm
Morck _____ DG _____ NE _____ Music, magic
Connann _____ DG _____ NE _____ Magic, illusion
Domnu(f) _____ DG _____ NE _____ Darkness, fertility, pestilence
Dulg _____ DG _____ NE _____ Smiths
Indech _____ DG _____ NE _____ Strength, warcraft
Ethmiu(f) _____ DG _____ NE _____ Beauty, lethargy, love
Cethlen _____ DG _____ NE _____ Thievery, assassination

Three themes run through the religion and mythology of the giantish races - age, conquest and destruction.

All giants believe that they are the eldest sentient race, older than men, dwarves and even elves. Evidence to support this contention is not abundant but it is a firm tenant of giantish belief. To understand the mentality of giants, one must understand how they see their place in history. As the first race, they hold a position superior to all other sentient races. That they no longer exercise a dominion equal to their primacy among the sentient races is a source of never-ending bitterness. Giants see dwarves, elves and most especially men as usurpers who have wrongly denied giants their rightful rule over all creation. The are blamed for the Fall of the Giants. The precise details of the Fall of the Giants that allowed lesser races to profit at their loss are only vaguely mentioned. As will be discussed in connection with Eldritch and Death giants, it appears the giantish race brought about its own Fall. It is not wise to suggest this in giantish company, however.

Conquest is a naturally allied theme to the Fall. To reassert there denied preeminence among the races, giants must conquer. They must conquer any and all who stand in their way. The three groups of giants who have most eagerly embraced this philosophy are the Hill, Firbolg and Formorian giants. The Hill giant followers of Grolantor are, however, as stupid as their patron deity and stand almost no chance of doing more than maintaining the status quo. That may be enough, however. As will be further discussed in greater depth, the united Firbolg and Formorians are allied with ten demi-gods of unusual power and well advised by the clergy of Karontor. The threat of giantish conquest is not idle.

Destruction is the last and most metaphysical theme, speaking to an inevitable destiny. Just as giants were the first sentient race, they shall be the last. In a final apocalyptic battle, giants shall unite to overthrow all other races and their puny gods. Surtur and his Fire giant followers will burn all of creation. Thrym and his Frost giant followers will then usher in a never-ending winter, freezing all that Surtur has burned. The world will end. Not surprisingly, giants do not fear death in the same manner as other beings. They are not suicidal but faced with inevitable destruction; they fight with a religious fury born of a sense of destiny. If they may not live to see the End Times, they will die having wreaked so much destruction that those of the End Times will sing of their deeds. A cornered giant is nothing less than an engine of pure destruction.

The First Giants

Of the first giants, almost nothing is known. Even legends are scarce. That great giantish civilizations once flourished, however, seems certain. The evidence lies in those rare beings known as Eldritch and Death giants.

Eldritch giants are rare beings found mainly, if at all, in the Tyurzi Mountains of the Middle West. From those few beings that have ventured east, it is known that Eldritch giants possess a high degree of intelligence and magical ability. The usual brutish image of giants is nowhere in evidence, although Eldritch giants are uniformly of evil disposition. What little more can be gleaned suggests that Eldritch giants represent the last remnants of a once greater giantish race, as accomplished as any human, elven or dwarven civilization.

Death giants offer yet more proofs, although hardly definitive. Evil and dangerous in the extreme, Death giants are not undead. Rather, they are survivors of a race that sold parts of their souls for power and immortality in the distant past. Again, Death giants exhibit an intelligence and sophistication that suggests a civilization altogether more advanced than that now commonly associated with giant-kind.

The details of either civilization, if they were not one, is unknown.

Giants of Stone and Wood

Looking for a giantish civilization worthy of the name in the present day Flanaess, leads one inevitably to the Stone giants and Esmerin, shared with halflings. Of an even demeanor too rarely seen in giants, the Stone giants are said to have developed a cooperative civilization in Esmerin. Elsewhere in the Flanaess, evidence of the Stone giants is passing at best. Here and there are structures said to have been built with the assistance of Stone giants, but no Stone giant civilization is evident. Rather, Stone giants live in isolated settlements. These settlements are the principal points of peaceful contact between giants of any sort and the Goliaths of the peaks and prairies. See below.

More rare than Stone giants are the Forest giants. The two are allied in ethos and often cooperate when found in the same area. Forest giants are even more reclusive, however. Within a wood, it is likely that only the local treant population will be able to reliably report on Forest giant activity. Generally speaking, treants and their fey and druidic allies adopt a live-and-let-live attitude toward Forest giants, provided that they do not overly disturb the environment. This is usually acceptable to Forest giants.

Giants of Fire and Frost

The Fire and Frost giants are a study in contrast and cooperation. Of course, the climatic affinity of each of these giantish races is immediately evident. It then comes as no surprise to find Fire giants most prevalent in the warmer and more volcanically active south and the Frost giants’ predominate strongholds in the farther, colder north. Fire giants predominate in the Hellfurnaces, while Frost giants predominate in the Corusks. What is not so immediately apparent is the related occurrence of Fire and Frost giant communities in close proximity to one another.

In warmer regions, where Fire giants are found, Frost giant enclaves will likely be discovered at higher elevations. In colder realms, where Frost giants are found, Fire giant redoubts will be situated nearby if there is a active volcano or thermal vent. In either case, the two groups of giants will be respectful of one another, if not directly cooperative. However, cooperation is highly likely, despite spite alignment differences. Such cooperation is explained by the allied roles of Surtur and Thrym in giantish mythology. These two groups of giants will work together to bring about the End Times and prepare even now by fostering cooperative relations. Any attack on one community is likely to provoke a response, not only from that community, but its allied counterpart. In this way, Fire and Frost giants are perhaps the most difficult to effectively counter.

Hill Giants

Stupid but numerous, Hill giants are the most commonly encountered, and defeated, of the giantish races. They do, however, keep on coming. The high birth rate among Hill giants ensures that losses are replaced with revenge minded kinsmen. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that Hill giant culture is dominated by the concept of revenge. Conquest is religiously central to the worship of the Hill giants’ patron diety Grolantor, but this becomes much more a personal matter when Hill giant stupidity leads to reverses that the next generation of Hill giants will seek to revenge. A cycle of violence is perpetuated that only the complete extinction of the Hill giant enclave, or its antagonists, will see come to an end. This is the true danger posed by Hill giants. They are tenacious in a way other giants are not.

Unfortunately, Hill giants are also the most widespread of all giant sub-races. In every region of hills and in the shadow of every range of mountains, Hill giants may be found. Climate is not an issue because Hill giants are extremely adaptive. While they will often dominate humanoids within their range, Hill giants are easily dominated, in turn, by more intelligent and charismatic creatures, especially if those creatures are obviously powerful or can hold open the realistic possibility of increasing Hill giant power. To the weak mind of the Hill giant, a realistic possibility is anything not obviously suicidal.

Giants of the Clouds

After Hill giants, Cloud giants are the next most frequently encountered. They may be encountered anywhere, at any time. The frequency of Cloud giant encounters is due entirely to their cloud homes and castles. These fantastic dwellings float upon the air and may be guided by their inhabitants. This gives Cloud giants an enviable versatility and mobility. Because not all Cloud giants are evil, an encounter need not necessarily lead to hostilities. This is too often the case, however. Of all giant sub-races, Cloud giants enjoy one of the worst reputations for spearheading alliances of other types of giants to achieve their own ends. The greater intelligence of Cloud giants, their impressive homes and personal power ensures that they will not want for willing servants among their giantish kin. Disrupting a growing league of giants may be as simple as divining the home of the Cloud giants pulling the strings and eliminating the inhabitants.

Giants of the Storm

Kin to Cloud giants, Storm giants are extremely powerful and extremely reclusive. While good aligned, as a rule, they enjoy the worst sort of relations with dwarves. The exact cause of this enmity is unknown and not spoken of often, but dwarves will not tolerate Storm giants to live in close proximity to any of their holds. The ill feeling dwarves have toward Storm giants may also affect others. In the Rakers, Griffs and Corusks, the native human barbarians have as much hostility toward Storm giants as their dwarven neighbors. As nothing in their history suggests a cause for this hostility, it is imagined that it is a byproduct of dwarven feelings.

Storm giants typically live on or above the highest peaks. They are not commonly encountered. While there have been occasions when Storm giants have acted to police or thwart the plans of their giantish kin, such cannot be counted upon. Storm giants may only reliably be counted upon to stand in opposition to any Eldritch or Death giants that may be in the vicinity and, even then, the opposition may be more by way of support for others opposing the interlopers than any direct action by the Storm giants themselves. Why Eldritch and Death giants are called out for special concern is a matter of some speculation. The possible relationship between these groups and a connection to a now lost giantish civilization of advanced culture is intriguing.

No less intriguing is the occasional support, usually quiet, that Storm giants have been known to provide to Fire, and especially Frost, giants in their predations. Alignment considerations would seem to rule out any such aid, but the evidence proving Storm giant complicity with Fire and Frost giants has been irrefutable. Incidents of such aid suggest a fellow feeling among giants sufficient to override simple considerations of ethos. This strongly suggests the role of giantish religion and mythology. There appears to be more at work than simple folk tales, at least in the minds of giants. It would be an understatement to say that such does not bode well for the future.

Giants of Sun and Sand

Sun and Sand giants are extremely rare within the boundaries of the Flanaess. The only notable population resides within the Abbor-Alz and the verges of the Bright Desert. Known to be sharp traders, Sun and Sand giants are two of the more approachable giant races but they are hardly safe or friendly. A noted streak of cruelty is present in each race that, combined with a penchant for sharp dealing, often spells trouble. In the worst cases, slaving is the result. Sand giants are particularly well known for their slaving practices, more as slave traders than owners of slaves, however.

Beyond the Flanaess, Sun and Sand giants may be more frequently encountered in the Dry Steppes, Ull and both the Ulspure and Suelhaut ranges. The unpredictability of the Sun giants and the cruelty of the Sand giants is here the stuff of legend. Extreme caution when approached by or approaching either group is essential. Certain tribes among the Paynims are known to have alliances with groups of Sun or Sand giants, and some are said to be interbred. The truth of the later rumor is dubious. It should be given somewhat greater credence in Ull, where orge and giant crossbreeds are far more likely.

Ocean Giants

Perhaps the least encountered of giants are the Ocean giants. Rumored variously to have the tail of a fish or to have webbed feet, Ocean giants appear to rarely give much offense to anyone. They are not particularly helpful either; tales of Ocean giants rescuing ships in trouble or lost seamen are not common. It seems the Ocean giants simply exist, keeping whatever secrets they may possess to themselves. The wizard Drawmij is rumored to consort with Ocean giants at times but the truth of such tales is unknown and likely unknowable.

Karontor’s Alliance

The gods of Oerth almost never interfere directly in the affairs of the Flanaess. This is true no less of non-human deities than human ones. This does not mean, however, that the gods do not have their agents and emissaries and that they do not seek to influence events. The giantish deity Karontor is extremely active in the Flanaess and, through his agents, has created a most deadly alliance of giants whose power is only now beginning to be felt. The future looks grim.

The Formorian giants are perhaps the most horrid and hateful of all giants. Powerful, intelligent and entirely malignant, the malformed Formorians are a threat to all life. They take the giant mythology of conquest and destruction very seriously and live to embody both tenants of their faith. Karontor is their chief diety.

Karontor is also the chief diety of the Firbolg. Generally well formed, intelligent and possessed of a penchant for magic, the Firbolg are formidable, but unusual, examples of giant-kind. That Karontor is the patron of both Firbolg and Formorians is equally surprising. The reality is that, because of this connection, Firbolg have tended to ally with and support Formorians, usually in a limited, but ultimately superior, role.

What has been a noted tendency toward cooperation between Formorians and Firbolg, however, is now being brought to a near certainty. Throughout the Flanaess, Formorians and Firbolgs are systematically coming together to act in unison. These alliances are in every case spearheaded by clerics of Karontor, who are quick to take advantage of other giants willing to join their company. No group of giants have been more receptive to such overtures than the Fog giants.

Powerful but mysterious and elusive, Fog giants have made common cause with Formorian and Firbolg giants. Their goal is nothing less than the extermination or conquest of humanity and demi-humanity. To date, this threat has been nascent. No longer. Karontor’s alliance is now on the march in the more remote areas of the Flanaess.

In Stone Hold, raids by Formorians, Firbolgs and Fog giants have grown bolder and more coordinated. While no direct challenge has been offered that would see large numbers of giants arrayed in battle order, the pattern of the raids is frightening. The giants appear to be systematically destroying farms, mines and outlying towns. The aim appears to be to remove the ability of the city dwelling populations to survive in Stone Hold by destroying their support and infrastructures. Perhaps, a final assault is planned for the future. Perhaps, humanity will simply be forced to flee, being unable to survive without food and weapons. Stone Hold will be left to the giants as a first conquest and base of operations.

Much the same pattern is occurring in Blackmoor. That the results are less dramatic speaks to both the lesser populations and the interference of agents of Iuz, who are actually assisting locals to resist the giants (to say nothing of increasing numbers of Perrenland mercenaries hired to fight the giants). This interference by Iuz has not gone unnoticed, however, and Formorian raids into Iuz’ northern holdings (as well as Perrenland) are increasing. There is the suggestion of a widening conflict with giants in the north. All attempts by Iuz to coopt the giants have failed. The almost unthinkable possibility of a major conflict between Iuz and Karontor’s Alliance appears to be growing more and more probable.

In Ratik and in the Bone March, increased Formorian, Firbolg and Fog giant activity has also been noted. However, it is not yet showing the systematic pattern of events in Stone Hold and Blackmoor. Perhaps worse, it appears to be engendering a greater restiveness of the more general giantish populations in the Rakers that is a potential threat to the Aerdi in Eastfair, as well as the Kingdom of Nyrond and the Theocracy of the Pale. What is a trickle of activity may become a flood with repercussions that cannot be underestimated.

Interestingly, Karontor’s Alliance does not appear active in the Sheldomar Valley, already beset with long standing problems with giants. The reason for this is unexplained but may be attributable to established giantish power structures and alliances, which are considerable.

While no central leadership group or mastermind has been identified in relation to the rapidly fermenting alliance of Formorians, Firbolgs and Fog giants under the guidance of Karontor’s clergy, one common figure has appeared and it is a human one. Variously leading raids in Blackmoor, Perrenland, Iuz’ realm, Stone Hold and reportedly spied in the southern Rakers, the fallen paladin of Pelor, Galynor, is believed to be aiding the giantish priests of Karontor’s Alliance. The story of Galynor’s fall from grace is well known. The reason for this further treachery is entirely unknown and unexpected. No doubt it serves the anti-paladin’s ends ever as much as any giantish cause. What is certain is that Galynor’s extreme knowledge of military matters and human habits cannot but assist Karontor’s priestlings. The odd combination of both Furyondy and Iuz, (to say nothing of Perrenland) have placed a bounty on Galynor’s head.

The Jovans

Usually without feeling, Jovans are the product of a human parent and a giant parent. They may be raised by either but are rarely raised by both. Uniformly between 8 and 9 feet tall, Jovans are out of proportion in either human or giantish society. Of the two, Jovans are more likely to be accepted in human society, provided the particular area in which they find themselves has not had recent giant trouble. Wherever such troubles occur, Jovans are seen more as giants than human. Unfortunately, such giant troubles are often the genesis of the meeting of the Jovan’s parents and the Jovan child is born into the culture of one parent actively opposed to the culture of the other. Few Jovans, then, enjoy peaceful childhoods or a quite adult life. Most see themselves as outcasts and it is common for Jovans to develop deeply vicious personalities.

While any giantish race may produce Jovans by mixing with humanity, Hill giants are by far the most likely to do so. A Hill Jovan will grow to between 8 and 9 feet tall, and reach a weight of 600 to 800 pounds. A lifespan of 150 years can be expected, barring misadventure. A Hill Jovan is a large size creature with the following modifications - +10 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, - 4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma with a +4 bonus to AC. A PC Hill Jovan is ECL 4.

Frost Jovans are more rare than Hill Jovans but are the next most common variety. Within Frost giant communities, the Jovan can expect greater acceptance than any other type of Jovan among his or her respective kin. Why this should be is uncertain but it is believed to be the result of commands from the clerics of Thrym to accept the half-cast. A Frost Jovan is a large size creature with the following modifications - +12 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution and -2 Charisma with a +4 bonus to AC. Frost Jovans are also immune to cold damage but take double damage from fire unless a save is made. A PC Frost Jovan is ECL 6.

Fire Jovans are the most rare of the Jovans found in any number. They are most definitely not welcome in Fire giant communities. If born of a Fire giant mother, both mother and child will be outcast. Many Fire giant mothers will commit infanticide rather than bear this fate, further accounting for the uncommon occurrence of Fire Jovans. A Fire Jovan is a large size creature with the following modifications - +14 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma with a +4 bonus to AC. Fire Jovans are immune to fire and heat damage but take double damage from cold unless a save is made. A PC Fire Jovan is ECL 7.

The clerics of Karontor are avid to recruit Jovans to their alliance and are having some success. Human prejudice and that of their giant kin are driving Jovans to find acceptance in Karontor’s growing number of followers.

Jovians appear in Green Ronin’s Bastards and Bloodlines title from which the Jovans herein are adapted. Bastards and Bloodlines can provide more information on, and variable statistics for, half-giants. Bastards and Bloodlines is an outstanding resource.]

The Goliaths

The Wizards of the Coast title, Races of Stone, presents a new PC race - the Goliath. The following section looks to adapt and modify the Goliath for the World of Greyhawk.

Goliaths are not giants but it may be hard to persuade creatures of lesser stature of that fact. Where giants are somewhat clumsy and plodding, Goliaths are deft and fleet. A Goliath stands between 7 and 8 feet tall and weighs between 300 and 400 pounds. They live to up to 150 years.

A Goliath may be immediately distinguished by its skin, which is marked by patterning, called stigmata, and lithoderms.

The skin of a Goliath is grayish brown with patches or bands of darker coloration that range from gray or brown to a greenish or blueish hue. The patterning is referred to as stigmata and stigmata appear balanced from one side of the body to the other, below the neck. Above the neck, stigmata may be balanced side to side or may be asymmetrical.

Goliath skin is also marked by the appearance of lithoderms – coinsized nodules of bone or hard skin that appear as pebbles. Lithoderms typically appears around the eyes, brows, wrists, ankles, shoulders, forehead, elbows and knees. They are not necessarily uniform when they appear. It is common for a Goliath to decorate his or her lithoderms with small, inset jewels or piercings.

The Goliath culture is nomadic. Goliath tribes are either hunters or herders. Hunting clans are usually found in the high mountains. Herders are usually found in plains surroundings, particularly tall grass prairies. Goliaths in either setting are not forward and may almost entirely avoid notice if human habitation is sparse.

Three principles mark Goliath society. Freedom is a cardinal virtue. Goliath’s despise slavery in any form. Competition marks every activity. A Goliath will always compare his or her performance to that of others. It is a sign of respect to note superior performance in another and it is not bragging to note one’s own superior performance. Needless to say, this later behavior can lead to misunderstandings. When anyone transgresses established law, punishment consists in the first instance of a period of shunning by the group. If the transgression is sufficiently serious or repeated, the transgressor will be exiled from the group. This last often accounts for wandering Goliaths that may be encountered.

In matters of faith, Goliaths worship the giantish deity Hiatea. There are no Goliath clerics, however. That role is strictly filled by druids. Goliaths show a profound respect for all druids of whatever race. Classes available to Goliaths are limited to barbarians, druids and rangers. Goliath prestige classes will be discussed below.

Goliath PCs have the following modifications to attributes: +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity and +2 Constitution. Goliaths are considered large sized creatures only when to do so would be advantageous, such as with weapon use without penalty. In all other instances, they are considered medium sized creatures. High mountain dwelling Goliaths receive the following skill bonuses and bonus feat: +2 climb/jump/balance and Endurance. Plains dwelling Goliaths receive the following skill bonuses and bonus feat: +2 hide/move silently and Run. All Goliaths also receive a +2 bonus to the skills sense motive and appraise. Goliaths create almost no crafts themselves and have developed a keen appreciation for fine craftsmanship, being avid traders to obtain items displaying such superior craftsmanship. Goliaths particularly admire dwarven craftsmanship and are disposed to like dwarves generally. A Goliath PC is ECL 2.

Except for Stone giants, Goliaths do not get along well with giants. Giants are aggressive where Goliaths are not. Giants also tend to enslave Goliaths, which is abhorrent to them. Goliaths will not, however, immediately attack giants. They would prefer to avoid conflict if possible by moving on. This tendency to avoid conflict can also complicate relations with humans and dwarves when trouble arises.

Goliath Prestige Classes

The Wotc title, Races of Stone, presents a number of Goliath prestige classes. The following alternations to these prestige classes are recommended.

Cragtop Archer

Add +1 to hit with a bow at 1st, 3rd and 5th Levels (bonuses stack).
Add +1 to damage with a bow at 2nd and 4th Levels (bonuses stack).

Dawn Caller

Substitute the following progression of level benefits:

1_______+1______0___2___0_____Bardic Music, Inspire Courage
2_______+2______0___3___0_____Inspire Stamina
3_______+3______1___3___1_____Song of Warding
4_______+4______1___4___1_____Inspire Fury
5_______+5______2___5___2_____Song of the Mountain

Goliath Liberator

Modify - Avoid Thrown Weapons applies to all types of missile weapons

Substitute the following progression of level benefits:

1________+1_____2___0___0_____Favored Enemy (Giants +2), Track Feat
2________+2_____3___0___0_____Avoid Thrown Weapons
3________+3_____3___1___1_____Improved Trip, Favored Enemy (Giants +4)
4________+4_____4___1___1_____Avoid Reach
5________+5_____4___1___1_____Favored Enemy (Giants +6)

Peregrine Runner

Reduce Skirmish movement requirement from 10ft to 5ft.

Modify Eyes of Falcon ability with concentration (no other action possible) can see and hear through Peregrine’s senses. Range is 1 mile per level.

Add at 10th Level: Wildshape (Falcon) 1xday, as per Druid ability.

Stone Speaker Guardian

Modify: Stone Slam attack grants Stone Form feat use
Add at 1st Level Stone Tell 1xday; 3rd Level Stone Tell 2xday; 5th Level Stone Tell 3xday.
Add at 2nd Level Earth Spell feat.

Using Giants in a Campaign

Giants are an integral part of the history of the Flanaess and of the World of Greyhawk. They should have a place in almost any campaign. In the Sheldomar Valley and its dependencies, this is not an issue. A campaign in the Sheldomar Valley that never makes mention or use of giants is not really trying. Throughout the rest of the Flanaess, one must work somewhat harder. This article serves as a suggestion that giants are there to be used as interesting adversaries and provides some help in doing so. As a further assist, a Quick Reference to Giants in 3rd Edition follows.

Giants Quick Reference

Type_______Aln___Height___Weight___ Max Age___HD______Str___Int___CR


Monsters of Faerun
Fog Giant__NE/G__24ft______14,000lbs_500yrs____14d8+70__29____13____8

Mt Giant___C____40ft________50,000lbs_100yrs___30d8+390__43____6_____26


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Re: Giants of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
by Argon on Sat, January 29, 2005
(User Info | Send a Message)
Pretty good piece of work you got here. Giants the often forgotten race. Most people focus on the dragon races and giants are an after thought. I for one did away with a pantheon for giants but that's because of the way I utilize them in my game. This is definitely a good article and even though most of the references are 3.5 the backround story and history are well thought out.

I probably won't add this to my campaign simply because it involves changing something I've developed over fifteen years ago. But I think anyone who doesn't have a history for giants should give this article serious consideration.

Re: Giants of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Sun, January 30, 2005
(User Info | Send a Message)
The concept of giants as a first race, it seems to me, takes giants of wildly different forms and origins and superimposes the Biblical concept of the nephilum over them.

Half-giants I would rather see kept in Dark Sun.

Despite the length of the article, I found little I could use. The game stats for the current edition of D&D, of course, are completely useless to me. I'm also unsure how much of the article is original material and how much is summary of published sources. I recommend endnotes.

~Scott C.

Re: Giants of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Mon, January 31, 2005
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
I want to thank Argon and Scott for their comments.

This article is something of an experiment. It is a "survey style" article, where a fairly broad topic is surveyed in some, but not great detail. I expected some mixed reactions.

Scott raises some issues that are easily addressed.

Giants as an elder race can draw from biblical roots, but then much can. In the context of Oerth, there is nothing inherently unseemly about this. Oerth/Yarth/Aerth etc. are "shadow" Earths with not inconsiderable connections be it in the Dungeonland/Mirror modules, the details of Odd Alley, the personage of Murylynd or the Introduction to the 83 boxed set. Transliterating from Earth to Oerth is commonplace.

My inspiration for giants as an elder race actually arose from the Kane short story, Two Suns Setting, by Karl Edward Wagner and Monte Cooke's treatment of giants in Arcana Unearthed. That the MM descriptions of Eldritch and Death Giants both fit sealed the deal.

As far as what is a "summary" and what is not, the deities and their portfolios are summarized from the 2E Monster Mythology and A Complete Gamer's Pantheon (Ragnarok Press) (demigods of the Formorians). The rest is mine, particularly the interrelationships between giant types, how they fit and work together and how their religion factors in; recognizing, of course, that Fire Giants liking heat while Frost Giants like cold etc. is in the nature of the beast being discussed.

Of course, while the composition is original, the inspiration came from a variety of sources.

Of "canon," I only referred to Against the Giants - The Liberation of Geoff, chiefly for the name of the dividing range that seperates The Celestial Empire, Orcreich etc. from the Near West Baklunish Lands and the bad reputation of some Cloud Giants.

Of course, direct reference is made to, as well as inspiration had from, Monster Manuals I-III and the MoF for 3rd Edition.

Farther afield my take on Storm Giants is inspired by an episode of Lost in Space called "The Space Vikings," wherein appear storm giants.

Karontors Alliance is inspired by Michael Moor*****'s Oak & the Ram, Bull & the Spear, Sword and the Stallion Corum trilogy.

Jovians, as indicted, are adapted from Green Ronin's Bastards & Bloodlines. The Goliath material is adapted from Wotc's Races of Stone. In both cases, as indicated, I have modified existing material to better suit Greyhawk as I see it.

What we have then is a survey of the topic of giants, as I indicated in my introduction to the piece, sort of a DM reminder that giants are out there and that they have some interesting potential uses.

Is there a "summary" character to a "survey?" Absolutely. Is a survey then just a summary? No. A survey encompasses some summary, some original exposition and some adaptation as it looks briefly over a wide topical area.

For Argon, a survey style article seemed to work. Scott did not care for it. As an experiment, the jury is still out.

I would love to hear from anyone with an opinion on this "survey style" article - Did it work for you? If it did not, is it because the "survey style" is just not to your taste or was something "missing" that might be added?

Thanks to everyone for their comments!


Re: Giants of the Flanaess (Score: 1)
by dedekind on Tue, February 01, 2005
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I thought the article was excellent. I great resource for people who may need a little inspiration or just want to add giants to their campaign.

In fact, I wish I had something like this when I ran "Against the Giants".

I thought the format was fine. I would have left the specifics on the Goliaths out of it, but the rest was great.

If I were to add anything, it would have been a listing of giant NPCs in Greyhawk. Some could be ones that already exist (like Snurr) or perhaps new ones (e. g. a stone giant paladin, a hill giant "king", etc.).

Regardless, great work!


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