Postfest I: Nea Tramul's Tower |
Posted on Thu, August 30, 2001 by Legate |
An Ogre awaits his chance to avenge the honor of his family against the Lord of White Plume Mountain. Will the curious adventurers end up screwing up his plans?
Author: Justin Hilyard
Nea Tramul's Tower
By: Justin Hilyard (rpg@EONI.COM)
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission
from the author. )
Nea Tramul, a distant relative of Qesnef (from S2, White Plume Mountain)
heard of the fate of his kin about 30 years ago. Wishing to remove
the dishonor of having one of his family in the enforced service of another,
he is slowly building his power in a tower about 100 miles southwest of
White Plume Mountain, in the midst of the Shield Lands. He is slowly
building his power to eventually take on the one that tricked Qesnef into
serving him: Keraptis. (Tramul doesn't know the actual terms of Qesnef's
servitude, and thinks it was due to some form of magical influence.)
He has heard the rumors, which he believes whole-heartedly, that Keraptis
is still alive within the Mountain, and he is waiting for the day when
he can kill Keraptis. However, he is extremely paranoid, and believes
that if he is not ready when he strikes, he will be killed before he can
even get to the Mountain. However, this does not make him a full
recluse. In human form, he does adventure around the area, since
he realizes he cannot improve without testing his abilities in battle.
This tower was not built by him. A mage, built this place about
40 years ago. He died while adventuring about 9 years later, and
Nea Tramul came across it 6 months afterward. It looked abandoned,
and was perfect for his needs.
The current time for this adventure is set about 5 years before Return
to White Plume Mountain. He will not think himself to be powerful
enough to confront Keraptis by the time of the adventure, and the eruption
of the volcano and subsequent inaccessibility of the dungeon beneath will
discourage him, causing him to leave the tower and return home.
1. Foyer
This room is used to greet the few people that come. He does get
regular bi-annual visits from a merchant caravan for food, and the occasional
group of adventurers wondering who lives here. Nea Tramul keeps a
low profile, and usually takes the form of a human when others come near.
There is a trap door in the western wall that leads to the lower chamber,
where Tramul stores his 6 months worth of food. The chamber is dug
out of solid rock, but there is an underground lake just a few inches below
the floor. This helps to keep this area cool.
2. Stairway Down
3. Bedroom
There is a shuttered box in the northeast corner of the room, with a
Continual Light rock inside.
4. Laboratory
This area has a small library in a bookcase on the east wall, and a
worktable on the south wall. There is another Light box in the northern
corner. There is a small concealed chamber within the bookcase, where
he plans to store his creations. Unfortunately, he does not realize
that such knowledge will always be beyond the comprehension of him.
He has not yet branched out into spell research, as he has put all his
efforts into trying to make magical items.
5. Battle practice area
Tramul practices his spell-casting and melee abilities here. He
fights illusions created by himself, mainly to try out new techniques in
If a group comes to the tower, there is a 99% chance that he will be
home. If he is, he will greet them in the foyer in human form.
Otherwise, he is out adventuring.
Nea Tramul, 8th level Ogre Mage Illusionist; AC 4; MV 9, Fl 15(B);
hp 20; THAC0 15(14 with weapon); #AT 1; Dmg 1d12 or 1d8+1 (Scimitar +1);
SA Spell-like Abilities, Mage spells; SZ L(10 1/2'); ML Elite (13-14);
AL LE; XP 2000
Spell-like Abilities:Fly (12 turns); Darkness, 10' Radius; Polymorph
to any human or humanoid creature, 4 to 12 feet tall; Regenerate one hit
point per round; Charm Person (1/day); Sleep (1/day); Gaseous Form (1/day);
Cone of Cold 60' long, 20' wide at end, Dmg 8d8 (1/day)
Spells:(4/3/3/2, +1 Illusionist spell/level) 1st Level-Audible Glamer*,
Burning Hands*, Cantrip, Detect Magic, Identify, Magic Missile*, Message,
Phantasmal Force*, Protection from Good*, Read Magic, Spook; 2nd Level-Blur*,
Continual Light, Detect Good, Detect Invisibility*, Flaming Sphere*, Glitterdust,
Improved Phantasmal Force*, Invisibility; 3rd Level-Delude*, Fireball*,
Infravision, Non-Detection*, Spectral Force*, Suggestion; 4th Level-Detect
Scrying*, Evard's Black Tentacles, Fear*, Improved Invisibility*, Polymorph
Other, Vacancy *:Normally memorized
Click Here to See a Map of the Tower.
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Average Score: 3 Votes: 4

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Re: Postfest 1: Nea Tramul's Tower (Score: 1) by Scottenkainen on Fri, June 21, 2002 (User Info | Send a Message) | Linking this mini-scenario to White Plume Mountain does succeed in grounding it in the Greyhawk setting, but the scenario itself is all shell without any meat. What does Nea do when he encounters the PCs? What does an ogre mage have in its laboratory? What glimpses into ogre mage pyschology could have been included amongst his personal affects?
Perhaps I'm feeling over-analytical today. That, or the fact that, as of 6/21/2002, the link to the map doesn't work and I was irked by that. |
Re: Postfest I: Nea Tramul's Tower (Score: 1) by SirXaris on Fri, April 08, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://https://www.facebook.com/SirXaris?ref=hl | 4/8/2011 and the link to the map still doesn't work... :(
This really is a good shell of a sidetrek adventure for a DM to expand upon. It would require some work, but that would allow any DM to fit it perfectly into his or her own campaign.
Cool idea, Justin! :)
SirXaris |
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