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    Postfest V: New Order of the Hart
    Posted on Tue, July 12, 2005 by Dongul
    starbreaker writes "When the Order of the Hart was whole, a young priest entered Oerth through a magical bronzewood tree. The fairy creatures within the tree and around the banks of the Veng and Crystal Rivers immediately understood that this being had a special purpose and power. They abandoned their home to this now awaking human. From his dreams he remembered only the closing of the casket, his faith, and the name Cuthbert.

    New Order of the Hart
    By: starbreaker
    Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

    When the Order of the Hart was whole, a young priest entered Oerth through a magical bronzewood tree. The fairy creatures within the tree and around the banks of the Veng and Crystal rivers immediately understood that this being had a special purpose and power. They abandoned their home to this now awaking human. From his dreams he remembered only the closing of the casket, his faith, and the name Cuthbert. He now pulsates with life again. He remained by the tree that reminded him of home, interacting with the common people. Stories of his skills in healing, combat, protection, and charm allowed people to revere his teachings of Truth, Forthrightness, and Common sense. In 349 CY he approached and provided the King and Knights of Furyondy with enough gold pieces and clout to construct a great walled Castle to surround the bronzewood tree. For years the Order debated the fate of the tree. Eventually, some Knights within the order, namely the people closest to the Fairies, left because of this. This political schism created the Knights of Veluna and the Knights of the High Forests. These Knights left the order under the condition that a ranger assists in tending the Great Bronzewood tree.

    Construction of the castle started in 358 CY, and as the castle grew so did the tree. For sixty years the area prospered and knew much peace. In 412 CY the castle expanded creating a New Order of the Hart specifically for the Castle. The Order consisted of nine Lawful Choirs each associated with individual and group status. Every person had their place within the New Order of the Hart. A person’s rank and social status determined their placement in a certain Choir. Each choir has one democratically elected leader. Their responsibility is to advocate for their specific choir during public debates and public policy decisions. Elections are held every three years.

    1) The Charging Stag -The Calvary and support units of the Knights of Furyondy.
    2) The War Dogs - Field Troops and Men at arms.
    3) The Bright Spears -Engineers, Trainers, & Sharpshooters
    4) The Arm of Cuthbert - Jailers, Law Enforcement, & Court system
    5) The Chapeaux - Converters & faithful masses of Cuthbert
    6) The Stars - Retainers of Doctrine Purity of Cuthbert.
    7) The Billets - The Ministry& Protectors of Cuthbert
    8) The Guardians of the Tree - Rangers & Tenders of the Garden.
    9) The Shinning Throne - Merchant Guilds, Trade Unions, & Government Officials

    Feeling content, a need to spread the good word abroad quested Cuthbert, he left the castle and its inhabitances a year later. As the years passed, attacks from the Horned Lands increased without the direct aid of Cuthbert. In 479 CY the Land of Iuz formed and a greater threat appeared. In the winter of 502 CY the castle was under a major attack by the Horned Lands armies. Iuz the Evil secretly flew into the gardens of Castle Hart and spat upon the highest branch of the bronzewood tree. His frozen spittle paralyzed the tree thus creating a great enmity between Cuthbert and Iuz. This enmity peaked with Iuz being imprisoned under Castle Greyhawk around 505 CY and then released many years later.

    After the horrific event of 502 and the twenty year war that followed, the people of the Castle agreed to focus their belief in the teachings of the now St. Cuthbert in hopes of his return and protection. Castle Hart was rebuilt with a vengeance in 522 CY. The nine choirs of the Hart, developed further into three Lawful Divisions correlated to the followings of St. Cuthbert. Each division has one leader once again elected democratically according to the totals of their division’s choirs every three years. These representatives speak and hold high-level meetings at Castle Hart. They also have the ear of the King of Furyondy, the Count of Castle Hart, and other top-level individuals.

    The divisions are combined as follows:
    A) The Knights of Truth - Choirs one, two, three and four
    B) The Priests of Forthrightness - Choirs five, six and seven
    C) The Holders of Commonsense - Choirs eight and nine

    To this day the New Order of the Hart continues to battle the forces of evil from the Horned Lands and Iuz in hopes of freeing the bronzwood tree. The New Order of the Hart even has a pact against Iuz with the now displaced Knights of the Shield.Only. Only Istus knows why St. Cuthbert is unable to find his way home. Each division is attempting to achieve their goals for Lawfulness and the Good of the Order. Currently the Knights of Truth patrol the borders and wage war against the enemy. The Priests of Forthrightness search for ways to summon St. Cuthbert back to the castle and support the flock. Lastly the Holders of Commonsense seek the restoration of the bronzewood tree and the betterment of the common folk.. The names, levels, & stats for the current and past PC/NPC leaders for the Choirs and Divisions have been left out for individualized game play. A dungeon master, however, can further elaborate on this if he or she owns the Castle Hart game supplement

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    Re: New Order of the Hart (Score: 1)
    by mortellan on Sat, July 16, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Good work starbreaker, I like the organizational titles and the legend incorporating the bronzewood tree. Short and sweet article that gets the info across.

    Re: New Order of the Hart (Score: 1)
    by Argon on Sun, July 17, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I would have to agree with the previous poster very good article short sweet and gets it's story accross.

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