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The Return of Thrommel: Lost Memories and Forgotten Hopes
Posted on Fri, May 02, 2008 by Dongul
CruelSummerLord writes "'Is this our curse for making enemies of the Horned Ones? Joy and peace given with one hand, and taken away with the other?' - Belvor IV, King of Furyondy, on Prince Thrommel's return to the kingdom of Furyondy and his rejection at the hands of Jolene of Veluna, after six years of absence.

The Return of Thrommel: Lost Memories and Forgotten Hopes
By: CruelSummerLord

Why did you abandon me, Jolene?
Why did you do those things?
Why did you say those things?
Is all our love now in vain?

I am so confused, so lost…
I cannot remember clearly what happened.
Abducted by a sign of scarlet, I fought for deliverance.
Fragarach delivered me, so did I become free?

I wandered the wilds, searching to find the road home.
Images flash in my mind…meenlocks, yellow flowers and musk…
The love of the forest-maid, flights down the river…
Clashing swords, the kiss of the river-queen, her twisted lies…

What happened in those days? Why do I recall you, Jolene?
I saw you there, that night in the hills…but were you just a dream?
Fog in my mind, I hear voices so near and far, torn between two worlds.
The crown called me home, my heart led me to you…

Why did you abandon me? You were all that I loved…
Were we not unto our realms, destined to be united?
But to Chendl I walked, alone and broken,
Fragarach my only companion.

I battled the Wars, my kingdom was saved.
The Horned Ones were bested, my father’s burden lifted.
Some day soon, I shall take his throne for myself.
But what about us, Jolene? Furyondy and Veluna?

Our union is broken, two can now never become one.
But why did it happen? What broke us apart?
Were you really there that night in the hills, Jolene?
Or was it all just a lie?
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