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    Biography of Gustin Longpike
    Posted on Fri, June 26, 2009 by LordCeb
    mortellan writes "This article expands upon my previous campaign article, the Company of the Talon. The information I used if I recall is loosely based on canon sources with the rest filled in liberally from my own ongoing campaign background.

    Biography of Gustin Longpike

    By mortellan

    Born in 543 CY in Schwartzenbruin, Perrenland, Gustin came from a prominent family of mercenaries and canton-leaders. Naturally he got into the family business, trained from youth in all martial weapons and skills. At the age of 18 he inherited his father’s longspear, “Rumshal” a fabled dragon bane weapon forged by the dwarves of the Yatils for a long forgotten Flan hero.

    In 562 CY, after serving in a few military actions in Furyondy and Ket, Gustin was approached by the Company of the Talon for his ferocity in battle with the longspear. During Gustin’s adventuring days he befriended fellow Talons Telvest Lorewin and Kythis Hadren.

    In 567 CY Gustin gained interest in brewing ale during down time. He never started any permanent business, but kept some vats for personal use in Schwartzenbruin.

    In 572 CY, the Talons slew the blue dragon Arcanthalax near Krestible. The townfolk was constantly harassed and many other mercenary bands had fell trying to kill it. The wealth brought to the company from this dragon enabled them all to retire. Each Talon took a piece of the dragon’s corpse for a keepsake and went their way. Gustin returned to Perrenland with aspirations to sponsor his own mercenaries and start brewing his house brand ale, Witch Queens’ Cauldron for sale abroad.

    It wasn’t long though that Gustin was approached by Mordenkainen in 573 CY. The archmage hired Gustin and his archer compatriot Telvest to serve for a 5 year tour at his Obsidian Citadel in the Yatils. This great honor was not lost on any mercenary from Perrenland so Gustin jumped at the chance. During that time, Gustin gained in combat prowess and battled every manner of creature in the mountains. He also came to be familiar with the likes of Rary (still then with the Circle of Eight) and Bigby.

    In 578 CY Gustin still high on the adventurous life requested another two terms with the Obsidian Citadel. His friend Telvest had to leave though for he had family to return to. So for the next 10 years Gustin did the bidding of the Circle and his exploits go largely unheralded.

    In 583 CY Gustin met a new female guard at the Citadel named Mercuria. She was an accomplished Griffon Rider from Greyhawk. The two had an affair much to the ire of Mordenkainen who shunned those activities in his keep. The two were honorably discharged in 585 CY after Mercuria became pregnant with the couples’ daughter Bethina. Gustin and Mercuria settled in Schwartzenbruin and sponsored some mercenary bands, none of which were very successful.

    In 587 CY Mercuria separated with Gustin and took Bethina with her because Gustin was a drunken lout who constantly was found in taverns with younger women.

    In 588 CY Gustin moved to Greyhawk City at the advice of a friend who said there was a large Inn for sale there aptly named the Blue Dragon Inn. Gustin sold his interests in Perrenland and bought the failing inn in Greyhawk City. Immediately in his new environment with much work to do, he sobered up and became a prominent member of the Guild of Ostlers and Brewers. His stuffed dragon head, Perrenese decorations and authentic Perrenland food drew much patronage.

    Gustin soon was elected guildmaster in 591 CY and his Inn is still one of the best in the Foreign Quarter. "
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