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Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map
Posted on Tue, August 06, 2013 by Ullmaster
wolfsire writes "
Putting the Rock and the Marsh on Rockburg-on-the-Marsh with shaded relief.

The Greyhawk Adventures module "Gargoyle," WG9, is considered by many, including this author, to be one of the few production letdowns for Greyhawk.  Goofy is not an inaccurate description.  Some have said it is suitable for very young children.  But I have found that once one takes out the objectionable parts, there is a fairly solid structure to module, though retconning requires a fair amount of work.  Although technically set in the Yeomanry, geographically it is part of the Hold of the Sea Princes, an area little developed in canon.  For these reasons, it is worth rehabilitating.  Toward that end, I present a modified version of the module map for the town central to that adventure, Rockburg-on-the-Marsh.  Now you can see how I like to think it got its name.

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Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by Mystic-Scholar on Thu, August 29, 2013
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Well done, Wolfsire! Very nice. I've been wondering what you were up to these days . . . mapping!

Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by Argon on Sun, September 22, 2013
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Nice map. It looks like it was done in a paint program. If so thats makes it even more impressive.



Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by Braggi ( on Sun, September 22, 2013
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Thank you for the map. Always nice to add something new to the collection. Cheers!

Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by coach008 on Fri, October 10, 2014
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Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by owiqweuw on Tue, December 02, 2014
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Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by choiceelctrinic on Thu, November 08, 2018
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Now you can see how I like to think it got its name.

Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by Rainy09 on Tue, October 25, 2022
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Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
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Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map (Score: 1)
by priscilavan06 on Mon, June 26, 2023
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