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Furyondian Spreadsheets
Posted on Tue, March 05, 2002 by Tizoc
Longetalos writes "Here are two files to help DMs generate villages for and regulate fiefs in their Greyhawk campaigns.

Author: Longetalos

Furyondian Spreadsheets
By: Richard Di Ioia (
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.)

The village generator file allows a DM randomly to generate villages, towns and cities for use in the Greyhawk setting. It will generate the number of villagers, the craftsmen, the buildings/shops and the temples (with associated deity).
Download it!

The fiefdom finances spreadsheet allows a DM to calculate the revenue and costs associated with running a fief. It will also allow the DM to calculate how much construction of a castle/keep would cost as well as the time needed for the construction based on the accessories chosen.
Download it!"

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Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Aluvial on Wed, March 06, 2002
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Maybe it's me, but I can't get the village generator to work. I am using office 2000 though, but I didn't think that might be a problem.


Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Longetalos on Wed, March 06, 2002
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I created these spreadsheets in office 97. I didn't use any macros, but I did use a Control Box (pull down). Maybe that is what is causing the problems.

Richard D.


Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Longetalos on Fri, January 11, 2013
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I have new versions of these two spreadsheets. I just don't know how to Edit/Upload the article to add them.

If anyone wants the new version, send me an email at

Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by ClayAnderson on Wed, June 20, 2018
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Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by nicolesmith on Thu, April 23, 2020
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Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by nicolesmith on Thu, April 23, 2020
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Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Chris889 on Fri, June 12, 2020
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Sad because this wont work in my end as well. Do you know of any fix?

Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Longetalos on Tue, July 07, 2020
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You may want to look in the Downloads section. I modified the sheet to be more generic and not just Furyondy,. It is under Download / Software / "Fiefdom and Settlement generator".


Re: Furyondian Spreadsheets (Score: 1)
by Longetalos on Tue, July 07, 2020
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
You may want to look in the Downloads section. I modified the sheet to be more generic and not just Furyondy,. It is under Download / Software / "Fiefdom and Settlement generator".

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