Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) |
Posted on Thu, July 22, 2004 by Farcluun |
donimator writes "The Sea Mage is a wizard kit constructed with 2e rules in mind. These have long existed in my Greyhawk campaigns in an informal way so I decided to write a kit description as much to define them better in my game as to share them with others. If anyone would like to do a 3E conversion, please feel free to do so. The Sea Mage is more than simply a sea-faring wizard. They develop a special connection with their ship that allows them to harness great magical abilities over the seas and weather to ensure their vessel's safe journeys. They are relatively rare in much of the Flanaess, their specialized magic beginning years ago in the Hold of the Sea Princes and spreading along the western shores of the Azure Sea. Their powers and abilities are well-known across the waters of Oerik, though and pirates and navies alike have learned to fear the power of a Sea Mage.
Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) By: donimator Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Sea-Mage of Greyhawk
The sea mage encompasses much more than a school of magic or a profession. It is a way of life. Born and bred to life on the water, these specialty wizards seemingly draw power from the salt air and rolling waves of Oerik’s waters. While as capable as a regular mage on the land, the wizards of the sea are most in their element with creaking planks beneath their soles, full sails overhead and the wind blowing through their hair. Not to be confused with the ‘Sea Mages of Gradsul’, (note 1). The life of a sea mage is not defined by mere membership in an organization. The sea mage knows the sea and is every bit as capable as any sailor. They are skilled in navigation, weather control and shipboard defence. Second only to the captain, the sea mage is a valuable asset who works in concert with the crew to ensure the success of an ocean voyage. History Sea travel in the Flanaess is an inherently risky and dangerous endeavour. Even the sturdiest of craft is at the mercy of the elements, the creatures and monsters of the deep and the dangers posed by magical attack. The rewards however, are many. Sea travel allows areas of the Flanaess to be connected that would be impossible to traverse by land. Large amounts of cargo can be transported quickly and goods can be exchanged in distant lands, eager to sample the wonders of all corners of the Flanaess. While the inland waters of Oerik have long been traversed and are easily monitored and patrolled, the open seas are a domain over which no land-based kingdom can exert any dominion. The Azure Sea in particular is a connecting link between the eastern and western portions of the Flanaess, a link fraught with untold dangers. For the brave ship crew, though, this link is key to limitless wealth for those who are successful. In spite of political and ideological differences, trade will always exist to some extent amongst countries, even those in open conflict. The desire of the populace to acquire goods exotic and wonderful oversteps the bounds of any difference between governments. A ship crew brave enough, or some say foolish enough, to ply the waters must be wily and experienced to survive. However, a ship is merely timber and cloth. Alone, it is at the mercy of not only the elements, but attacks by pirates and denizens of the sea. Sailors turned to wizards to aid them in their journeys. Wizards could help control the winds and elements, ward off foes and point the craft in the proper direction. This combination of sail and magic proved potent and allowed shipping to be undertaken with a good guarantee of success. This success gave rise to a type of specialty mage that could fulfill this role perfectly. Hailing at first from the Hold of the Sea Princes, the Sea Mage as a profession spread north along the western coast of the Azure Sea through Gradsul, Gryrax and all the way to Blue, before the Pomarj fell to humanoid occupation.
Sea-Mage Kit
Description: A sea mage is not made or chosen, one is born. At one with the sea from birth, a sea mage feels a calling and a connection with the marine world that undeniably guides their chosen magical path. Noticeable from an early age, this character has an affinity for all things nautical. They understand the operation and flow of shipboard life and seem more at home under sail than on land. Living the life of a sailor, this character is only marked for a different path by their affinity for magic. Great manipulators of the elements, a sea mage can quell a disastrous storm, providing a pocket of safety for the ship to weather the rage of the seas or help propel a ship caught in a doldrums. They have access to carefully guarded spells passed only from mage to mage that will allow a damaged ship to survive to a safe port or repair damage that can be devastating on the open seas. A sea mage can manipulate the rigging of a ship, aiding or replacing the duties of an exhausted or decimated crew. A sea mage is one with their ship and work in concert with the captain to see it safely through any danger. A sea mage is indistinguishable from a regular sailor. They dress in the loose-fitting garb necessary for work in the rigging and have a deeply tanned and weathered complexion, if fair-skinned. Perhaps only their pouches of spell components and the respectful reverence of the ship’s crew will set them apart. They are more at home with the rough and tumble life of a sailor then they are with other wizards. Traditionally, sea mages do not own a ship, but instead work in the employ of an individual captain, shipping company or government. Many honour this arrangement to this day, but the more unsavoury sort captain their own crews in acts of piracy. As effective in attack as they are in defence, the more chaotic of the sea mages are dangerous adversaries on the open sea. Life on the sea is difficult and those in the profession of sea mage must be hardy souls to weather the requirements of this gruelling life.
In addition to normal Intelligence requirements, the sea mage must have a Strength of at least 9, a Dexterity of 12 or higher and a Constitution of 14 or more.
Preferred Schools: A sea mage is a not a specialty wizard, but they share some characteristics. If they had to be classified as a specialist, they would be a Transmuter, a master of alteration, but are not bound by some of the limitations of this specialty. A sea mage is by all intents a standard mage, but cannot work the magic of some spells inherently tied to the land.
Barred Schools: The only school of magic the sea mage is outright barred from accessing is the quasi-school of Elemental Earth magic. The sea mage has lost connection with the land and cannot manipulate the power of this school. While all other magic is open to them, they will generally choose those spells most capable in a maritime setting.
Role: The sea mage is a master of shipboard magic. They are tasked with the protection of the ship and its crew as well as the survival and safety of the ship. All of their actions are concentrated on performing these tasks, whether it is the defeat of a foe or the quelling of a storm. They are inherently bound to a ship and crew and will abandon this duty only as a last resort.
Secondary Skill: If used, only secondary skills of a nautical nature would be appropriate for a sea mage to reflect their life-long upbringing near the sea. Fisher, navigator, sailor or shipwright would be fitting examples.
Weapon Proficiencies: A sea mage cannot use a two-handed weapon or one that would hinder their ability to climb rigging or fight in close quarters. Daggers, darts and slings are commonly carried.
Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus- Seamanship. Required- Navigation and Weather Sense. Recommended- Fishing, Rope Use, Swimming, Boating (Small craft).
Special Benefits:
1. Living around sailors their entire lives has familiarized the sea mage with the use of traditional shipboard weapons. While unable to become proficient in them, the sea mage can nevertheless use the following weapons with a -3 non-proficiency penalty as opposed to -5: belaying pin, club, grapple, net, sap and cutlass.
2. Attune to ship- the sea mage must develop a deep connection with their ship in order to access the special magic they have available. They can be attuned to only one ship at a time and the process of doing so takes a full six turns. This ability not only allows the mage to cast special spells, but allows him to unerringly sense the state of the ship structure. They immediately know when and where leaks occur, can sense imminent failure to masts or rigging, can determine when and where a crew member has fallen overboard and can sense imminent collisions with a 25% base accuracy + 5% per level 1d6 rounds before the collision occurs. This applies to collisions with invisible or magically hidden objects as well.
Special Hindrances:
1. The sea mage is uncomfortable on land and not as attuned to their magical ability. When they are further than 1 nautical mile from a body of water, they cast spells as one level lower than their current level. If this would prevent them from casting a particular level of spell, they are unable to do so until they return to their nautical environment. None of the specialized sea mage spells can be cast when off their ship.
Races: Sea faring humans are most commonly sea mages, but elves and half-elves have also been known to ply the seas.
Specialized Spells: Sea mage spells have been developed for shipboard use. As such, the only material component for the spells is the ship itself, these spells will not function on land. Only the sea-mage has the ability to attune himself to a ship to allow the ship to function as a focus for this specialized magic. Without this connection, the magic of the sea mage spells will not work. The mage is able to garner great control over the winds and the weather, but again, this control may only be exercised in the immediate vicinity of their ship. These spells are traditionally past down from sea mage to sea mage and it is rare to find the spell in a land-locked location.
First Level Spells
Buoyancy (Alteration) Range: 10 yds/level, 100 yds. Maximum Duration: 2 rds/level Area of Effect: one man-sized creature Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 Saving Throw: none
By means of this spell, the sea mage is able to make one man-sized creature in the water float without fail. It does not matter whether the creature can swim or not, the spell allows the creature to stay afloat without effort. The creature can only be supporting or carrying weight equal to one-half of its body weight or else the spell will not function.
Second Level Spells
Extinguish (Alteration) Range: ship only Duration: instantaneous Area of Effect: 10 sq. feet per caster level Components: V,S Casting Time: 2 Saving Throw: none
This spell will allow the caster to extinguish any non-magical fire on his ship within the area of effect. Note this will not affect a magical fire, such as wall of fire, but will put out any residual or lingering fires caused by such a spell. Wood damaged by fire is not repaired.
Phantom Bilge (Conjuration) Range: ship only Duration: 1 turn/level Area of effect: ship hold Components: V,S Casting Time: 2 Saving Throw: none
This spell displaces a volume of water from the ship’s hold equal to that entering from one disabling blow to the ship. If damage from a single attack would have caused the ship to sink, this spell will displace the water entering the ship from that attack and keep it afloat. A second disabling blow cannot be stopped in this way as the hull is too damaged for the spell to have effect.
Third Level Spells
Lifeline (Conjuration) Range: 50 yds Duration: Permanent Area of effect: 1 creature Components: V,S Casting Time: 3 Saving Throw: special
This spell is used to cast a lifeline from the ship to a creature in the water. The creature must be conscious and aware for the spell to work. Initially the spell appears as a transparent, wisp of rope that springs from the caster’s hand and shoots unerringly to the intended target out to the maximum range. The target must then make a Dexterity check with a +6 bonus to grab the rope. If successful, the wisp turns into a real rope and automatically safely ties itself around the target. The mage can then order his end to secure to the ship and the target can be pulled to the ship as normal.
Patch Hull (Alteration) Range: ship only Duration: 1 day/level Area of effect: 2sq. feet / level Components: V,S Casting Time: 3 Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the sea mage is able to affix a temporary repair to his ship hull up to the maximum area allowed by the spell. This repair can be done above or below the water line. The patch can be applied to any irregular hole within the spell limits and takes on the properties of the surrounding material, making the vessel as strong as if no damage existed.
Phantom Crew (Summoning) Range: Ship only Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: ship only Components: V,S Casting time: 1 round Saving Throw: none
This spells allow the sea mage to conjure phantom sailors that can work the rigging and steer the ship under direction of the wizard or any other person he appoints. They can perform the tasks of a regular crew, replacing or supplementing them as necessary. The crew can only perform normal sailing operations and cannot be ordered to fight or do any other activity not related to sailing or the loading and unloading of cargo. The number of phantom crewmen conjured is equal to 4d4 + 1/caster level.
Fourth Level Spells
Control Wind (Alteration) Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn/level Area of effect: 10 yard/level radius Components: V,S Casting Time: 4 Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the sea mage can alter the wind force and direction in the area of effect. For every three levels of experience, the caster can increase or decrease wind force by one level of strength. Wind strengths are as follows:
Wind Force Light Breeze 2-7 mph Moderate Breeze 8-18 mph Strong Breeze 19-31 mph(drives eagle-sized creatures from air, missiles lose long range) Gale 32-54 mph(drives man-sized creatures from air, missiles lose medium range) Storm 55-72 mph(drives large creatures from air, no missile fire) Hurricane 73-176 mph(only magical creatures may fly)
The caster is able to vary the area of effect such that the ship is at the eye of the wind and enjoys calm waters while the winds howl around out to the maximum radius. The area of effect can also be manipulated such that the spell affects only the ship directly and all areas outside of the ship remain normal.
Float Hull (Alteration) Range: ship only) Duration: 1 round/level Area of Effect: ship only Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 round Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to temporarily reduce the draft (amount of ship below waterline) to one-half of its normal depth. This will allow the ship to pass through shallow waters or attempt to free itself from running aground.
Iron Mast (Alteration) Range: ship only Duration: 3 rounds / level Area of Effect: one ship mast Components: V,S Casting Time: 4 Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster the ability to impart the strength and properties of iron onto one of the ship’s masts. The mast will have the strength and resistance to attacks of iron, but will maintain the weight of a wooden mast. The mast will not be susceptible to fire (unless hot enough to melt it) and will repel physical attacks as if it was solid iron.
Phantom Sail (Conjuration) Range: ship only Duration: 1 turn / level Area of Effect: Ship only Components: V,S Casting Time 1 round Saving Throw: None
This spells allows the caster to create a transparent sail that conforms itself to the shape and function of the sail it replaces. It can be manipulated as normal by the standard rigging of the ship. The phantom sail is impervious to physical attack and can only be destroyed by a dispel magic spell.
Fifth Level Spells
Sphere of Tranquility (Alteration) Range: ship only Duration: 1 turn / level Area of effect: Ship only Components: V,S Casting Time 5 Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a pocket of calm water and moderate breezes in the direction of the caster’s choosing for the duration of the spell. The ship inside the pocket will be unaffected by outside weather either natural or magically created. Waves will split around the ship, allowing it to pass unhindered and damaging winds will not be felt. Solid items that might be carried by the force of storm will penetrate the sphere, however.
Weather Summoning
(Conjuration) Range: 0 Duration: Special Area of effect: Special (1 nautical mile maximum radius) Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 turn Saving Throw: none
By means of this spell, the caster can affect localized changes to the weather appropriate to the season and climate. Anytime of weather condition prevalent in the existing conditions can be summoned (hurricane, tornado, fog, hail, doldrums). It will last for a duration appropriate to the type of weather up to a maximum of 1 turn / level. Once cast, the weather appears within 1 turn and remains centered on the area where it was summoned. The caster has no control over the weather once the spell is cast, but is free to cast other spells (e.g. Sphere of Tranquility) to avoid its effects.
Sixth Level Spells
Control Weather (Alteration) Range: 0 Duration: 3d4 hours Area of Effect: 1 square mile Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 turn Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the caster the ability to alter the local weather in the vicinity of his ship. Weather can only be changed to that expected in the current season or climate, but can be extreme. The type of weather remains centered on the ship and the caster can modify its effects during the duration of the spell or can end it at any time. The caster’s ship will be affected by the generated weather unless under the protection of some other spell. If the spell’s area of effect encounter another area of conjured weather, treat the collision as if a dispel magic spell was cast with the successful caster’s weather remaining. By means of this spell, the caster is able to produce favourable or dangerous weather affecting a large area that remains under his control.
Hide Ship (Illusion) Range: ship only Duration: 1 turn/level or special Area of Effect: ship only Components: V,S Casting Time: 6 Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to render his ship invisible, including any wake it may produce for the duration of the spell or until the ship attacks or comes in contact with a solid object. The sea mage can end this spell upon command.
Notes: 1. “Sorcerous Societies of the Flanaess”, Oerth Journal Issue 3, Gary Holian "
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Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by Abysslin (abyss@canonfire.com) on Thu, July 22, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.canonfire.com | Whew! Those spells were an HTML editing nightmare Donimator, but I think well worth it for the 2nd Ed. content which us old schoolers don't get too much of any more. Easy 5/5, well thought out and thourough submission. Thanks! |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by Tedra (tedra@cableone.net) on Thu, July 22, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://myweb.cableone.net/tedra | Awesome kit Dominator! I am also most grateful for the 2e format. Usually things are kept non-edition-specific or 3.x. Just a thank you for making things easy for those of us still using 2e. :) |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by donimator on Fri, July 23, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks for the comments, I tried to submit it in the best format I could, but my HTML is a little rusty.
I have played only 1e/2e for a little over 20 years and don't anticipate the group I play with switching to 3e. This class could probably be expanded with the possibilities of 3e, but it fits in my campaign as a quirky little 2e kit. |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by Kirt on Wed, August 11, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | This is a great idea and well-executed.
My only quibble would be that 6 turns seems too short a time to develop a mystic connection with a ship. That is just a hour!
I think something like six days would be more appropriate.
Kirt |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by donimator on Thu, September 30, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | You're probably right Kirt, now that I think about it. This kit has always been an NPC kit for me, so the question of time was never an issue.
Even 6 days might be short. Why not 6 weeks...take that baby out on the open seas and really get to know every creak and groan.
Thanks for pointing out this oversight. I whole-heartedly support bumping this time requirement to something more realistic. |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by breanawyatt01 on Wed, July 28, 2021 (User Info | Send a Message) | The planet itself was full of adventures and good terrains to travel into. It is a very exciting terrain. credit repair austin |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by casseverhart13 on Tue, September 07, 2021 (User Info | Send a Message) | Oerth planet was amazing i'm really grateful to visit here.Wish you had more like this! houston french drain |
Re: Sea Mages of Greyhawk (Wizard Kit) (Score: 1) by richardsikes18 on Mon, February 07, 2022 (User Info | Send a Message) | Brilliant! I've been reading more about the Greyhawk lore and I love this. roofing solon |