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Re: The Abduction of Thrommel - Part I Prelude to Circus (Score: 1) by Kirt on Sun, May 23, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | I would hesitate to call Heironeous a "state" religion, in the sense that everyone is Furyondy is expected to worship. More likely Heironeous is followed by most of the nobility and royalty. But it makes little sense for peasants or merchants to render more than respect to Heironeous as "the one who guides our lord". Their concerns are different from the god, and his from theirs.
In my campaign, Heironeous has been the patron god of Furyondian royalty since the country won its independence from the Great Kingdom (see my article on CF "A Brief History of the Knights of he Hart, Part I"). Belvor's father was a convert to Cuthbert. While that has significance in my campaign, I wouldn't suggest it in general.
As this story suggests, in my campaign Thrommel was a bastard child of Belvor, raised away from his father in Veluna. In such a situation, it is more likely that he would be of the dominant faith of Veluna, than that of his father, whatever they are. |
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It's Got to be Heironeous (Score: 1) by Greyson on Wed, May 26, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.donkbrown.com | It is odd that Thrommel is a paladin of Pholtus. I think it is a hard sell to the Greyhawk community in general to suggest that he is not a Paladin of Heironeous. It just does not really seem like Prince Thrommel if he's not a hard-charging paladin of the Invincible one.
Also, is Kristianna a male or female? I thought he/she was a female until I read the footnote that indacites he is a male. |
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