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    Re: It's Got to be Heironeous (Score: 1)
    by Kirt on Thu, May 27, 2004
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    First off, I'm not trying to sell anything. This is not a regular article, it is a recount of what actually happened in my campaign. As I mentioned in the footnotes, my campaign started in 1987,
    before a lot of source material was available. I made a lot of choices that I would do differently now. That is, if I were starting from scratch, I would not make Thrommel a paladin of Pholtus. But he is, in my campaign. I'm just reporting it, not trying to convince anyone.

    That being said, I think a better case can be made for EGG's original intent being Thrommel is a paladin of Cuthbert, not Heironeous. Sure, Heironeous is more "paladin-like", and sure Thrommel's
    father is a paladin of Heironeous. But consider this:

    In ToEE, the vampire-Thrommel is hidden behind a fake alter to Pholtus. The module text tells ut that this is a cruel joke at Thrommel's expense. Pholtus and Cuthbert are reported to have rivalry bordering on enemnity, whereas there is not such a strong relationship with Heironeous. If you are making fun of Thrommel with a Pholtus alter, it is more effective if Thrommel worships Cuthbert.

    Also, consider the nature of the deal Thrommel had with Hazan. First, Thrommel was provost of Veluna, so he had to be someone Hazan trusted. Second, he agreed that when he became King, Furyondy and Veluna would unify, Thrommel would become King of both and Hazan would become Archcleric of both, effectively making Hazan's faih the official religion of Furyondy. That means Thrommel had to be comfortable accepting Hazan as his spiritual lord.

    If Hazan follows Rao, it makes much more sense for Thrommel to be a paladin of Cuthbert than of Heironeous. I don't see a Heironeous paladin as willing to turn over spiritual control of Furyondy to the Raoin church.

    This idea of Thrommel being an outsider in Furyondy, being more receptive to Veluna than to his own father's religion, is in the EGG texts. In my own campaign I have embellished this by making Thrommel a bastard child raised in Veluna, not of his father's religion, and only being named Crown Prince when Belvor's legitimate heirs were exiled for their mother's treason.

    As far as Kristianna's sex, she is female.
    Read footnote [9]. The PC started life
    as a male human (called Lorgan) but was killed and reincarnaed as a female drow elf (called Kristianna).

    Finally, Greyson, how long have you been Salt Lake? I studied at the U of U from 1994 to 2000, but never ran into any Greyhawk players. I also like Star Wars, but the old CCG, not the new one.


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