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Re: It's Got to be Heironeous (Score: 1)
by Abysslin ( on Thu, May 27, 2004
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The Topic chosen to place this article under is Stories and Fiction with the reasoning Kirt has stated, that this article is one tailored for/from his home campaign. fyi...

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Clear on Kristianna Now :) (Score: 1)
by Greyson on Thu, May 27, 2004
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Okay, I am clear on Kristianna now. Thanks. I guess I needed to hear it twice for it to get through my thick head.

I have been in Salt Lake City most of my live, excluding the years I was on Active Duty. We have a healthy group of Living Greyhawk players now. Almost everyone I know that play D&D outside of LG play homebrew.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your campiagn with us. Interesting discussion.

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Re: It's Got to be Heironeous (Score: 1)
by Lefto on Fri, June 18, 2004
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ToEE also implies the Hazan is a cleric of St. Cuthbert. The Viscount of Verbobonc built the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet in honor of Veluna's help in putting down the ToEE.

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