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    Re: Peasant Classes in the Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by Crag on Wed, February 16, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Actually GVD Fostering is an Oeridian practise and still goes on in the Great Kingdom and its successor states atleast until some nobles went insane.

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    Re: Peasant Classes in the Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by Samwise ( on Wed, February 16, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I think the patron/client relationship is central to my image of the Sheldomar and the paternalistic attitude of the Rhola and Neheli. They expect people to accept their rule, but they take their obligations as rulers just as seriously.

    And yes, the links between the Royal Houses of the Rhola and Neheli and their clients is extremely strong. It brings the "kingmaker" aspect of the "Oeridian" Houses into stark contrast, as they are not obligated to either one.

    As with Crag, I see fostering as more of an Oeridian tradition. Still, in the Sheldomar, it plays directly into the Suel system of marrying surplus kids off to secure alliances. The children would very likely be fostered at certain times to increase their loyalty to the central family lines. And it would serve to instill a proper perspective for would be rulers having them spend time among the people they will be expected to rule in the future.

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