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    Re: Legacy of the Olman Empire 1: Tamoachan and the Origin of the Olman People (Score: 1)
    by chatdemon on Thu, April 21, 2005
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    A question though, I realise alot of time has passed but given the lifespan of elves and dwarves, not too mention their obsession with history, wouldn't they remember the Olman and the exodus?

    The Elves do remember this, after all, it's well within the memories of the great grandparents. The explanation for why the Elves don't share this knowledge is fairly simple.

    One explanation offered (By Erik Mona, no less) for the inaction of Celene, and Queen Yolande in particular during the Greyhawk wars is that the Elves remember the atrocities commited both against and by them in the Hateful Wars some 100 years ago. Their grief and shame over these heinous acts gives them a reluctance to once more engage in wars that are essentially Human, Halfling and Dwarf affairs. Were Turrosh Mak to engage Celene directly and concertedly, the Elves would surely respond in force, but until they, they seek other options.

    The Elves also remember the Elven-Olman wars of long ago, and for reasons very similar to those deriving from the Hateful Wars, they avoid sending Elves into the Pomarj, which the clerics of Corellon have deemed cursed by the blood spilled by the Elves and their enemies. There was no honor or pride to be found in the actions of either side in that long ago struggle, and while the Elves remember it from their folklore and history, it is not something they speak about with outsiders.

    Also, there is the matter of the curse of the Earth Dragon, which Yolande and her advisors realize (correctly so) is very real. The Elven sages understand that a sleeping god, while only a minor one, is nothing to go meddling with, and this adds to their reluctance to enter the Pomarj in all but the most dire of circumstances. Ironically, the curse doesn't apply to them, since they are not human, but they don't realize that fact.

    Some younger, more radical Elves don't believe the stories of curses and sleeping gods, and don't feel the shame of wars fought centuries or millenia ago, and advocate Elven action against the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj. Melf Brightflame and his Knights of Luna are one such group who are actively aiding Prince Corond of Ulek in fighting Turrosh's orcs, but in ignoring the lessons of the past, they risk unleashing an evil that makes Turrosh's orcs look like a bunch of Girl Scouts.

    And finally, you are correct, the passage should read (and now does, after I edited the typo) "That deity is known to his peers as Luumcoa, the Earth Serpent. Inhabitants of the Pomarj in current days know him as the Earth Dragon" (not serpent, as it orignally read). Thanks for the heads up on the goof.

    And yeah, that was intended to tie the legacy of the Olman people in the Pomarj to the Earth Dragon from Slavers and LGG, so as to further wrap my theory into canon.

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