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    Re: Legacy of the Olman Empire 1: Tamoachan and the Origin of the Olman People (Score: 1)
    by chatdemon on Sun, April 24, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    The problem is that canon has, foolishly IMO, stated that the Olman are not from the Amedio. While this in and of itself isn't all that bad, stating that they come from Hepmonaland is, as I tried to demonstrate in the article.

    As far as having the Olman have prolonged contact and conflict with the Flan nations of old, I simply believe that their naval technology was not sufficient enough to accomplish this. The exodus by sea that I mention in the article was a harrowing and dangerous affair given the boats they had available, and not something they would repeat with any frequency. I also surmise that that original exodus was accomplished by navigating their large canoes and pontoon boats along the jeklea coast, past modern day keoland, sea princes and the west coast of the Amedio, eventually island hopping into the Olman Islands and exploring down the east coast of the Amedio. The presence, as Roger Moore provides in the Oerth Journal "Green Nightmare" article, of non-human precursor cultures in the jungle offers a logical explanation of why the west coast of the amedio was ignored.

    As far as the Olman being a Flan offshoot, that is somewhat what I had in mind, with a majr stipulation. We're talking about -5500cy, when the Olman and Flan cultures were both in formative stages, so it's probably better to say that they came from the same human roots, and not call either an offshoot of the other. I have similar opinions about the origins of the Touv.

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