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Re: Legacy of the Olman Empire 1: Tamoachan and the Origin of the Olman People (Score: 1)
by Samwise ( on Sun, April 24, 2005
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Sure it can grow there.
Once someone breeds it from its predecessor grass. But that grass doesn't come from there originally. If you make corn from some other plant then it isn't corn. It is mega-sunflowers or something.

So stick with the Pomarj if you like, but by your own standards in the article, it can't be the lost homeland of the Olman.

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Re: Legacy of the Olman Empire 1: Tamoachan and the Origin of the Olman People (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Mon, April 25, 2005
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You don't have to assume that corn originated on Oerth. It could have been a gift from the Olman gods.

At what point do you see the Olman becoming involved with the gods of Earth? Was this tied to their origin or did it come later?

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