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Re: Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans (Score: 1) by chatdemon on Sun, July 10, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | Thanks for the comments, I'll reply to each point separately.
1 - XP/Class format As you guessed, this was done mainly to preserve a standard format across all the races. The only exception is the demi-human classes, the Elf class is only listed for Elves and HalfElves, for example. Once the series is complete, Im considering compiling all the articles into a little pdf or something, possibly with a master table included for easy DM reference, and keeping all the "yes (no modifier)" placeholders in will make formatting that easier.
Cha Modifiers First a general comment. If your style of campaign doesn't focus on Cha much, you may want to adjust the ability scores to a balance better suited to your game. In my game, reactions and retainer morale are pretty important, so those Cha scores come into play often, making the penalties or bonuses mean something. As with any new rules though, each DM should adjust things to fit his game.
Now, as Cha bonuses apply among racial groups. I didn't focus as much on the idea that a character is disliked just because he's suel and suel are considered jerks. I'm being a bit more stereotypical and saying that suel, in general, are jerks. Exceptions will occur, of course, since a cha of 16+ is still possible.
Also, in Keoland, I picture most folk falling into the "generic human" grouping, since the suel and oeridians there have intermixed extensively, and even the flan there aren't likely pure anymore, except in remote areas of Geoff and such. Even in a place like the Scarlet Brotherhood realms though, even though everyone is suel, suel are still a less social and gregarious bunch than other humans tend to be, so the penalty remains. Of course, if you want a different view of any particular race in your campaign, feel free to tweak the adjustments given. You could also add a mechanic that allows racial Cha penalty or bonus to be ignored when dealing with others of the same race, but to me that seems like a lot of extra bookkeeping. |
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Re: Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans (Score: 1) by chatdemon on Sun, July 10, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | Are you considering a similar article for the humanoid classes made allowable by Orcs of Thar?
I toyed with that idea a bit, and decided to stick to the basic Cyclopedia classes, for now. There is an article coming in the series that allows a handful of the advanced humanoid races (orcs, goblins, kobolds and hobgoblins) to become PCs, using the core group of classes seen here.
Perhaps I'll add a shaman type class and some manner of bard class to the mix as bonus material when I compile these articles together though and add in each races allowances for those classes. Shamans are less attractive really, since it could be considered, loosely, as simply a cleric with barbarian flavor, but the Bard and Ranger classes are critical to a Greyhawk campaign, IMO, so that one certainly needs to be added. I have no intention of adding a barbarian though, since IMO, that is just a fighter with flavor. The bonus abilities given to Barbarians in AD&D1e and D&D3e can be easily added to a fighter or ranger (or the dwarf class, doesn't really fit the stereotypical GH elves or halflings though) by creating a cyclopedia style skill that allows battle rage.
So I'll try and create, or dig up and secure permission to use, a Bard, Ranger and perhaps Shaman, and see about adding them to the "Races of the Flanaess" compilation once the series is complete.
Any other classes folks think are integral to a Greyhawk game? Monk, maybe, if it isn't heavily oriental.
I'm not much of an oriental fan, so ninjas and samurais arent likely to appear, though I welcome anyone to add them to my system. |
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