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Re: The Rainbow Company - The Home Guard of Barony Hethiye (Score: 1)
by Anced_Math ( on Wed, July 20, 2005
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Thanks! That is exactly what I was hoping to do. I was sitting around last Christmas thinking about why GM would stay out of the Hateful Wars with so much potential benefit. This is a nation surrounded on all sides by trouble, and the Hateful war proposed to eliminate one. And they are a nation of people who train diligently. Not just citizen soldiers but five to seven years of service!

But horses don't do well as cavalry in the mountains. So, who would they send? I would think they would make sure the Dwarves were well supplied, send a few troops, and smile! Then I read a book published about John Shanks unit and spent the week talking with Don Wilson.

Thus, this article.

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