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    Re: Dragons and society (Score: 1)
    by Wolfsire on Fri, September 16, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    When I was a kid, I gamed (1e) with a guy who added a zero after he rolled up dragon hp because the game was called Dungeons and Dragons.  Of course, the idea of alliteration would have been too much like English homework so we did not discuss that.
    The way experience points are done in 1e, IMO, the game is dominated by mid-lvl play.  Dragons, the way they are written in the MMI, are a perfect encounter for that.  That is to say their strength is just right. 
    I still play 1e now with very little 2e creeping in, but the 3e changes, which I know little to nothing about, have always worried me because of the potential for impacts as you describe here.  So many hp!  So many high levels!  Why is everything flatfooted?!?  (Don’t answer that.)  With the different rules, 1e GH would have to be different than 3e GH.  Conversion cannot account for everything because there are substantive rather than just procedural changes. 

    What I particularly liked about this article is the discussion of being nourished by owning treasure.  I am not 100% sure I would accept it, as overpopulation relative to food is an issue that applies to all monster, and the issue of hibernation could be explored more, but you have provided a very good take on the issue.  Why do any monsters have coins they cannot spend?  On occasion I have spent too much time just tying to justify to myself why there would be a given hoard, dragon or no.

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