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    Re: The Rhola and the Toli: the Battle for Jeklea Bay (Score: 1)
    by Samwise ( on Tue, September 20, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    As I've mentioned elsewhere, Berghof is a problem.
    First of course is the whole "Grand Duchy" bit.
    Second is the German (not German-sounding, but actual German) names of everything.
    Third is just plain fitting it into the general timeline with everything. It doesn't work as a post-civil war independent state. It doesn't work as an ancient state. It doesn't work in pretty much any time frame.
    At best, I would have tried to make it some random Oeridian (non-Keogh) client state set up by Malv after the Sixth Toli War and before his disappearance, getting some newcomers to the Sheldomar out of the way, and organizing a counter-balance to a Toli that just wasn't all the way destroyed as it should have been. I forget what it was, probably some lingerining theme on Gary's part, that left them as Flan.
    I don't see them working as a rival Firstcomer nation just on general theory.

    In the long run, I suspect they will wind up a racial enclave suited to each individual based on your referenced nefarious ends. Which is likely the overall best solution, short of a total revision of the name, and the development of an "official" divergent history. They aren't that relevant to me to care about developing such, so I'll just leave it as it is, and let others tweak it as they feel the need.

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