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    Re: The Rhola and the Toli: the Battle for Jeklea Bay (Score: 1)
    by Woesinger on Wed, September 21, 2005
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    Actually - if the Toli were occupying the settlements on the other side of Adlerweg, a Keoish client state set up to counterviel the Toli would work - and explain the construction of Adlerweg. Of course, the state could have already have been there and weighed in with Malv against what must have been a common enemy.

    The problem with the Sentinel and the Gauntlet for me has always been - why create two artifacts (not magic items - artifacts!) to guard/destroy a seemingly innocuous keep in a seemingly unimportant hayseed backwater?

    And where do these hayseeds get the juju to whip up a couple of artifacts just like that?

    It makes me think that there's more to Berghof than meets the eye. That's why I pitch it towards having some Firstcomers or post-Rain refugees fetching up there, perhaps with some lore salvaged from the fall of the Imperium.

    I have less of an issue with the Germanic names as being Suel. Just look at Duke Karll of Urnst. :)

    Equally, Flan natives mixing (one way or another) with a hodge podge of Oerids and Suel incomers doesn't trouble me overly. Berghof is a perfect  quiet corner to back yourself into - so it's likely that a mix of folk fetched up there looking for refuge.

    As for the "Grand Duchy" - well, any man can call himself an emperor, a king or a grand duke. The trick having the strength to back up the title.

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