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Re: Xuxe’s Chicha (Score: 1)
by Wolfsire on Fri, February 24, 2006
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Scottenkainen "Seriously, if the Olmans were able to brew potables that duplicated the effects of magic potions, without the use of magic, what kept them from conquering the world?"

If you take this article for true, the Olman were not brewing potables that duplicate the effects of magic potions without magic, and the potable itself and the difficulty of acquiring them would prevent conquering the world. 


The corn that was used for the brew was magiced-up for the preservation.  I did not specify the method, and although there are simple spells that could be used, you could make it have been quite difficult, including use of the enchant and item spell.  (Sorry, I do not know 3rd Ed.)  Note that only ancient caches are used, so the method may now be lost. 


The difficulty of finding the old caches of corn and putting them before Xuxe would be no easy task.  There would be a good chance that it would be unsuccessful and/or that you would die in the effort. 


But even if everything went well the benefit of the potion would soon be gone while its lingering infections violent irrationalism would prevent any coordinated military activity.


Indeed, aside from simply expounding upon obnoxious idea of “Xuxe’s Chicha”, using it to explain why the warlike Olman and Amedi could not get along, and consequently provide a way to rectify the situation, was the purpose of this article.


Let the conquer the world.  Viva la Fronds!  We forward in this generation, triumphantly!

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