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Re: The Legend of the Lost Seagreen Elves (Score: 1)
by Wolfsire on Fri, June 02, 2006
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Thanks GVD.

An article incorporating pieces?  Maybe.  Actually, I have already written something like that for my own purposes, but it called for the relocation of the Dungeon adventure “To Walk Beneath the Waves” to get it into the Saltmarsh area and relied upon a map based upon mapwork which was developed by others, for which I do not have permission to post.  So, I decided not to post it.

The premise was that if you can take it as a given that the players in U2, Danger at Dunwater, will destroy the alliance, and in U3, the Final Enemy, will not limit themselves to a recon mission, (both accounting for the roll over role that is so often bemoaned) then you can go farther utilizing Oceanus for some undersea action to forge a new alliance. 

For the two article, it might be enough to say that the old Dungeon adventures “The Ghostship Gambit” and “Intrigue in the Depths” (I forget the issues) can be plopped down right there in the Javan/Monmurg Bay.  Both involve sea elves and U?  locates their lair only 15 miles from Saltmarsh.  “Intrigue” adds a lot of action and intrigue with the ultimate villain easily be turned into a puppet for a Scarlet Brotherhood/Sahuagin alliance.  As much as I think SB is over used, I like them plotting in the background rather than out in the open and have to thank Osmund-Davizid for the SB/S idea presented in The Sahuagin of the Azure Sea,

Right now I am just jumping around and had no intent of doing more on the sea elves, but maybe.  Maybe Savage Tide will call for some more.  “Intrigue” is pretty bare bones on the lair and so there is plenty that could be added to the Manaan liar.

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