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Re: Great Article. (Score: 1)
by geeze on Fri, May 08, 2009
(User Info | Send a Message)
ty so much for making this i will be using it in my epic lvl game. I have a LG pelorian paladin questing to become a saint, so far his list is to find saint benedor, find the orb of sol, destroy the death knights of the old kingdom and bring low the scarlet brotherhood. lol finding this article makes me have to write up one  less thing he was talking about.

 gary might be gone but mine shall be greyhawk to the end!

PS the rest of the party is a NG tiefling gatecrasher <dalt>, a human desertman CG psionic barb (home prestige class) <kord>, and N a master transmog <fharlagan>

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