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Re: A Brief History of the Knights of the Hart: Part I (Origin and Founding) (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Tue, June 04, 2002
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That is what I remembered too, until I went back to the actual source. On p. 22 of the 83 folio, it says "In 898 O.R. the heir to Viceroy Stinvri...was crowned in Dyvers as Thrommel I." I am assuming that his heir was his son. Note that I mis-calculated the date when changing from OR to CY, it should be 254 CY, not 256 as I state in the article. FTA just says (p.4 Atlas) "Thrommel I of Furyondy was crowned in Dyvers" and leaves out any mentyion of Stinvri.

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