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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1) by Mystic-Scholar on Fri, June 03, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://mysticscholar.blogspot.com/ | Incabulous is a Flan deity and was undoubtedly venerated by some of them. The Ur-Flan were rather "tribal" in their devotions and the different tribes held a particular "God" to be "above" the others of the pantheon; which particular God depended upon the particular tribe in question.
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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1) by Argon on Sat, June 04, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) | Sir Xaris your right I did not put in the correct bonus for grappling on Westil. I understand your concerns about power level. Westil alone should be a hand full for the party if melee ensues. However diplomacy is to be the path of success in this adventure. Droughtmen stage 3 are more than a hand full for the PC's.
None of the really dangerous stuff occurs unless the PC's force it or lallygag on locating Westil. So the longer the PC's take the more dangerous it will be for them.
The DC 30 for the cure was established to explain why the town itself has not come up with a cure. PC's can aid the head priest and give a bonus to the roll making it easier to find a cure. Nothing prevents the same PC's from enlisting aid from Alduin or others. Lowgar is the main source of information he can help the PC's find a way to combat the infected. See his information list.
Westil is technically at stage 3 however his acceptance of Incabulos prevented him from being infected to the extent of the other infected people. The time frame given to find the cure is represented by the lack of control Westil will have and finally transform into a full on Droughtmen.
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