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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1) by Mystic-Scholar on Sat, June 04, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://mysticscholar.blogspot.com/ | No apology necessary, both views are "sort of" correct.
The Ur-Flan were the rulers of the Flannae; they were the Priest and Wizard classes, as well as high ranking Flan Nobles. But the Flan tribes and cities warred with each other, just as they did with "outsiders." The Ur-Flan were not "united" in their worship of any one deity.
For instance, the Ur-Flan of Caerdiralor worshiped and served Tiamat, though Vecna and his Empire did not, even though Vecna was himself an Ur-Flan by definition. If Vecna "venerated" anyone, or even sponsored such veneration, it would have been The Serpent, known as Mok'slyk to the Ur-Flan. Mok'slyk is one of the Ancient Brethren, a race of godlike beings. Mok'slyk is Vecna's only ally and was once Vecna's "mentor" in magical studies.
So, some Ur-Flan (notoriously evil) and "lesser" Flan obviously worshiped Incabulos. Even "today," the "common man" offers sacrifice to Incabulous, if only to appease him and "escape" His notice.
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