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    Re: addendum (Score: 1)
    by chatdemon ( on Wed, June 26, 2002
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    That's true. But Keoland has doen much to downplay religion, and by extension, pantheonism. It's my guess that the average serf in Keoland, who might venerate Beory to bring luck to his crop, St Cuthbert for general religious needs, Bralm to keep the roaches and ants out of his fields and home, and Ehlonna to bring bounty to his sons' hunting would have little knowledge of, or respect for, the racial pantheons as they are presented. Therefore a soldier would look at all the militant gods as either good (Tomaari, Mayaheine, Herioneous) or bad (Hextor, Gruumsh) and would have little care for the racial affiliations of the gods. Remember that this says little or nothing about the actual relationships between the gods, though Heironeous and Tomaari are on good terms, this is merely a reflection of how the churches interact and how the layman worships them.

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