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    Re: The Bringer of Doom! Its secrets revealed (Score: 1)
    by chatdemon ( on Sat, March 22, 2003
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    That is a commonly accepted theory, and one that was canonized recently, but I reject it. Here's why:

    The suel mages brought about the Rain of Colorless fire, right? I assume that mages had a pretty high social standing in the empire, and most people knew that they were using insane magic (though the details probably werent known to the average 'Joe Suel') to fight the baklunish.

    Then the rain of colorless fire comes, obviously magical (I mean, even in a magic laden society like the Suel empire, it doesnt rain fire every day). One assumes the serfs would then pray in panic to Wee Jas, goddess of magic, to protect them. As history shows, those prayers went unanswered.

    Why then would any Suel commoner pray to Wee jas to protect their dead? That is the foundation of the claim that Wee Jas assumed the death aspect then, that everyone praying to her for the safety of themselves and their loved ones in the hereafter gave her such a surge in power that she was awarded the death aspect.

    I far prefer the idea proposed by me (as well as by Sam Weiss, though the details differ) that Wee Jas earned the death aspect by defeating whoever had it before and absorbing their aspects.

    The canon version, to me, is just lazy design, a crappy explanation for why one goddess has 3 very powerful aspects that have little to do with one another.

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