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Re: Using Fighter as the preferred class (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Thu, June 12, 2003
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You'd have to ask Sean Reynolds about that one. I modelled the Xarghera PC options after my Xvarts article, since they are, in essence, demonic shapeshifter Xvarts. My Xvarts article, which can be found here on CF! by searching for Xvart, used SKR's Xvart entry in LGJ for a foundation, and I didn't see a need to alter SKR's choice. I'm guessing that his reasoning was that Xvarts are not savage, powerful combatants, and thus the rage and damage reduction stuff barbarians get doesn't fit them very well. Sure, I pointed out that Xargheras are less cowardly and more fercious in combat, but I think the special qualities I gave them reflects this well, and didn't want to overload the creature's power by giving them unfettered access to such a combat heavy class.

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