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Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Taras on Tue, August 21, 2001
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I'm not masochistic. I prefer to avoid pain. :P

And here's some relevant quotes from the Greyhawk Wars booklet:

"Ivid III immediately followed his grandfather's example, exterminating his blood kin so none could challenge him for the crown. With the blood of his father still beneath his fingernails, Ivid III imprisoned his children in richly appointed cages...when he reached advanced age, however, Ivid III declared that his surviving child would succeed him. The announcement unleashed a bloodbath of fratricide in his children's velvet prison. The sole survivor became Ivid IV."

"While Ivid IV dallied, his someday successor, Ivid V, set to work. Second among the Overking's sons, Ivid V thought to simplify the appointment of an heir by exterminating his siblings."

"Ivid IV had been a prolific sire. Before his ascension could be assured, Ivid V had to dispose of 123 brothers and sisters. Though suckling babes proved easy prey, Ivid V's older brother easily matched him. For many years the pair waged a war of assassination and intrigue in their prison-palace before Ivid V prevailed."

Overall, the Greyhawk Wars booklet provides a rather gruesome look into Naelaxian family relations and politics. It's a must read for any student of Aerdi lore.

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