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    Re: Tusman Hills Map (Score: 1)
    by donimator on Thu, February 12, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    ...actually the topographical part wasn't too hard. I used AutoCAD Land Desktop - I just had to set elevations for points on the features suchs as the roads and rivers, add a few spot elevations in between, and everything was automated. The program makes a true 3d model of the entire surface that can be updated at anytime. The only freehand drawing I had to do was to draft in the roads, rivers and political boundaries

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    Good Job (Score: 1)
    by Greyson on Sun, February 15, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Not too bad, donimator. topographical maps are always useful. The cool thing about your is the location. The Tusman hills are interesting tome because of tensions in the area with countries near them and the Bramblewood forest.

    Thanks for the effort.

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