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Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess-Part I
Posted on Sun, March 06, 2011 by LordCeb
gvdammerung writes "
by GVDammerung

This article will look at notable gems and jewels in the Flanaess. Part of the romance of history are the accouterments of power and prestige, that while playing no great part in the pageant of events themselves, yet become associated with historic times, places and persons.  King Edward's sapphire.  The Black Prince's ruby.  Mazarin's diamonds.  The Crown Jewels of England and of France.  Precious and semi-precious gems have frequently been symbols of power and prestige.  The destruction of the English Crown Jewels by Cromwell during the English Commonwealth and Protectorate periods and the theft of the French Crown Jewels during the Revolution, these were minor but deeply symbolic events.  The loss of these symbols of monarchy resonated beyond the mere value of the jewels themselves.  Of course, the value of gems and jewelry has been not inconsiderable at times and the hocking or pawning of ancestral jewels or of crown jewels has financed more than one army.  Presented for your use -the glittering stones of the Flanaess.

Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess

by Glenn Vincent Dammerung



Part of the romance of history are the accouterments of power and prestige, that while playing no great part in the pageant of events themselves, yet become associated with historic times, places and persons.  King Edward's sapphire.  The Black Prince's ruby.  Mazarin's diamonds.  The Crown Jewels of England and of France.  Precious and semi-precious gems have frequently been symbols of power and prestige.  The destruction of the English Crown Jewels by Cromwell during the English Commonwealth and Protectorate periods and the theft of the French Crown Jewels during the Revolution, these were minor but deeply symbolic events.  The loss of these symbols of monarchy resonated beyond the mere value of the jewels themselves.  Of course, the value of gems and jewelry has been not inconsiderable at times.  The hocking or pawning of ancestral jewels or of crown jewels has financed more than one army.


This article will look at notable gems and jewels in the Flanaess.  The vast majority of these pieces will be deemed "lost" under the circumstances described.  This is intended to allow a DM to most easily place these stones where they may be discovered in a treasure horde, recovered by an enterprising party or stolen in the first place, if the DM would wish to have the jewels begin play in the hands of the Crown or particular wealthy individuals.  The descriptions, of course, serve to distinguish the noted gems from the usual Type I-IV classification that while good enough for general purposes, fails to account for unusual stones made so by their unique size or quality or by their historic associations.  This article, then, provides a means to distinguish gems as treasure as other than a quick gold piece calculation, with the additional possibility that a gem's history may constitute an adventure hook in its own right.

Note on Presentation

All gems and jewels are presented in the following format:


Type of Gem and Size



Historical Note

A "Crown Jewel" designation indicates that the gem was part of the regalia of a nation-state.  A set or collection designation indicates that more than one stone is being described and that, taken together, the stones form part of a recognized set, often matched, or a particular collection.  A stone described as "lost" indicates that the whereabouts of the gem are exactly unknown.  Gems not so identified are presumed to be within the possession of the noted owner.

Origin or lode indicates where the stone was mined or purchased or crafted or simply discovered.  Not all gems will have an available or exact provenance, however.

Note on Value or Price

No value or gold piece prices are listed for any of the gems discussed.  Because of their unique qualities and histories, they are essentially priceless or, put another way, their price is variable with what someone would pay and risk to own one of these pieces.

The OverKing's Gems

Doubtless among the most famous or infamous jewels are those gems that have come to be closely associated with the decadent rulers of the once Great Kingdom.

The Blood Ruby

Pigeon Blood Ruby (20 carats)

Crown Jewel

Last known to be held by the OverKing.  Now believed Lost.

The origin of the Blood Ruby is lost to history.

Historical Note - Among the most documented of stones, the Blood Ruby is set in the OverKing's signet ring and has been worn by every OverKing as part of the official regalia and as a personal symbol of power and the right to rule.  A preeminent symbol of Aerdi, the lost stone is now eagerly sought by those with designs on the Malachite Throne of a reunited Great Kingdom of the Aerdi.

The Eye of the Mystic

Star Sapphire (40 carats)

Crown Jewel

Last known to be held by the OverKing.  Now believed Lost.

The Eye of the Mystic was a gift to the OverKing from the priestesses of Istus upon first taking up residence in Rauxes; it is believed to have been mined and cut (cabochon) in the far West.

Historical Note - The Eye of the Mystic was set as the centerpiece of a sapphire necklace that became part of the imperial regalia.  Traditionally worn by the Queen-consort, the future was said to be visible within the asterism of the stone.  The Ivids perhaps found this an uncomfortable thought for the Eye disappeared from public displays of the regalia during the later reign of House Naelax.

The Great Green

Green Diamond (62 carats)

Crown Jewel

Last known to be held by the OverKing.  Now believed Lost.

The Great Green was presented to the OverKing of Aerdi by the first Arch-Baron of Blackmoor and is said to have been recovered from the Egg of Coot.

Historical Note - The Great Green was set in the OverKing's circlet as something of a statement of the reach of the then expansive Great Kingdom.  Even after the outer dependencies were lost to the Malachite Throne, the Great Green remained prominently displayed in the circlet, either as a homage to the past or a defiant declaration of lingering imperial greatness or aspirations.

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· News by LordCeb

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Re: Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess-Part I (Score: 1)
by Cebrion on Sun, March 06, 2011
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
Here's a nice little article, and with more to come!  There are plenty of notable gems and jewels around the Flanaess to be sure.  Just enough information is provided to act  as a springboard to creating new magic items, or just serve as the target of some rogues "dram job".  Either way, magic and intrigue could be a huge factor for anyone getting involved with these gems and jewels. Nice presentation too.

Re: Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess-Part I (Score: 1)
by Cebrion on Sun, March 06, 2011
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
Here's a nice little article, and with more to come!  There are plenty of notable gems and jewels around the Flanaess to be sure.  Just enough information is provided to act  as a springboard to creating new magic items, or just serve as the target of some rogue's "dream job".  Either way, magic and intrigue could be a huge factor for anyone getting involved with these gems and jewels. Nice presentation too.

Re: Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess-Part I (Score: 1)
by Mystic-Scholar on Sun, March 06, 2011
(User Info | Send a Message)
Nice, GVD. You do some very nice work, my friend. Looking forward to seeing more in the near future.

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