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Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II
Posted on Wed, April 06, 2011 by LordCeb
gvdammerung writes "Herein continues the roll call of notable gems and jewels of the Flanaess, including crown jewels of Furyondy, Nyrond, Keoland, the elves of Celene, the dwarves of the Principality of Ulek and others.

Note - This article continues from Part I

Clerical Gems -

Clerical gems are those stones most closely associated with various religious states or figures.  Unlikely to come again onto the market, they may yet be the target of thieves or those looking to embarrass the religious. 


Canary Diamond (110 carats)

Crown Jewel

Last known to be held by the Arch-Cleric of Rauxes, Emastuss Caracosa.  Now believed Lost.

Mined in mines of Spinecastle, cut in Atirr

Historical Note - The Chrysanthemum was the centerpiece in the collar of estate of the Arch-Cleric of Rauxes.  When Emastuss Caracosa was seized by the Overking, it is believed the Chrysanthemum diamond was seized at the same time.

Divine Radiance

Canary Diamond (50 carats)

Crown Jewel

Last known to be held by the Censor of Medegia., Spidasa.  Now, believed Lost

Mined in the Glorioles Mountains, cut in Pontylver

Historical Note - The Divine Radiance was not among the valuables inventoried when Spidasa was seized by the Overking.  Accordingly, it is believed to have been secreted within Pontylver, now a ruin.


Gleaming Light

White Diamond (60 carats)

Crown Jewel

Held by the Theocrat of the Pale, set  in the crozier of State. 

Mined from the kimberlite pipes that rim the Rift Canyon, the Gleaming Light was cut in Stoink and passed through the jewel houses of Radigast City.

Historical Note - Among the great gems and jewels of the Flanaess, the Gleaming Light is one of the most often displayed for the crozier is a symbol of the office of the Theocrat, the shepherd of the faithful of Pholtus.  When the Theocrat appears in an official capacity, he is invariably carrying or holding the crozier.



White Diamond (56 carats)

Crown Jewel

Held by the Arch-Cleric of Veluna

A gift to the Arch-Cleric, the Starlight diamond was discovered by adventure seekers exploring the Caverns of Tsojcanth.  Rumors of a curse have proven unfounded.

Historical Note  - A state symbol of Veluna, the Starlight diamond adorns the mitre of the Arch-Cleric, which is worn infrequently, usually being reserved for state receptions or councils.  It is otherwise kept within the state treasury.


Gems of the Successor Kingdoms -

Furyondy and Nyrond succeeded the Great Kingdom of Aerdi, coming to dominate the central Flanaess, while the Great Kingdom became marginalized, split by factionalism and riven by madness.  Neither state has ever possessed within its crown jewels particularly noteworthy individual stones, finding better uses or greater demands for state resources.  The exception to this rule are the so-called Alliance Stones, exchanged as gifts between the monarchs of Furyondy and Nyrond, just prior to the beginning of the Greyhawk Wars.  Intended to symbolize an alliance of purpose and dedication to weal, they are now a footnote to the tragedy that left all of the Flanaess reeling.


The Flame of the East

Jacinth (45 carats)

Crown Jewel

Lost.  Believed pawned (quietly) in the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.

Match to the Flame of the West, this stone was a gift to the King of Nyrond from the King of Furyondy.  Both stones are believed to be of Baklunish origin.

Historical Note - Reputed to be enchanted in some unique manner, the Flame of the East was purchased from Dorshak Krane of Greyhawk by Tenser the Arch-Mage, who brokered the ill-fated attempt at alliance between Furyondy and Nyrond.  The exchange was intended to take place in person but had to be conducted diplomatically as the storm clouds of war gathered.  The "surprise" of matched stones failed to impress in such an exchange.


The Flame of the West

Jacinth (45 carats)

Crown Jewel

Lost.  Believed stolen in the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.

Match to the Flame of the East, this stone was a gift to the King of Furyondy from the King of Nyrond.  Both stones are believed to be of Baklunish origin.

Historical Note - Reputed to be enchanted in some singular manner, the Flame of the West was purchased from Dorshak Krane of Greyhawk by Tenser the Arch-Mage, who brokered the ill-fated attempt at alliance between Furyondy and Nyrond.  The exchange was intended to take place in person but had to be conducted diplomatically as the storm clouds of war gathered.  The "surprise" of matched stones failed to impress in such an exchange.

The Stones of Celene -


Celene is believed to possess an unsurpassed wealth of fine gems in unbelievably opulent regalia. Few have been able to report accurately on the elven crown jewels, however.  Any information must be considered suspect.


The Elven Stone

Emerald (150 carats)

Crown Jewel

Held by the crown of Celene.

Mined in the Lortmils and cut in Enstad.

Historical Note - The Elven Stone is mounted atop the Orb of Elvenkind that is part of the royal regalia.  While the degree of wealth and finery on display when dignitaries are greeted will vary, the Orb of Elvenkind is always in the royal grasp and is thus well-known.  It is speculated that the Orb or the Elven Stone may grant the possessor the ability to detect lies, to discern alignment, True Seeing, all of this, or perhaps something more. 


The Misty Jewel

White Opal (90 carats)


Mined in the southern Lortmils, cut (cabochon) in Enstad.

Historical Note - Belonging to a Prince of Celene, this stone was lost in the Suss Forest during the course of the Hateful Wars. Elves speak of the loss of the Misty Jewel reluctantly, even after the years have dulled memories of the Hateful Wars.  In fact, those Wars figure almost not at all in stories of this lost gem.  Elves use an odd euphemism when discussing the Misty Jewel, saying that it has "gone home" or "returned home."  No other explanation is forthcoming, although dwarves hearing the expression nod knowingly, but then say nothing.


Dwarf Stones of Ulek -


The Principality of Ulek is blessed with extraordinary access to mineral wealth, including gems.  However, much like the elves of Celene, little of this wealth of fine stones is displayed with any regularity.  The Prince is known, however, to be an avaricious collector and purchaser of gems, particularly blue diamonds,  and the stories of great treasure hordes would seem undoubtedly true.


The Blue Mountain

Blue Diamond (30 carats)

Crown Jewel

Held by the Prince of Ulek

Mined in the Drachengrabs, cut in Gyrax.

Historical Note - The Blue Mountain is prominently displayed in the Crown of State.  It is virtually perfect and of great antiquity.  Rumors, however, have the stone now seen in the crown to be a replacement for the original, said to have been lost when an earlier Prince was fatally ambushed during fighting in the Pomarj, just shortly after the Hateful Wars.  If true, something of the prestige of the Principality would be at stake.


The Gems of Keoland -


Keoland has been an empire and it remains the preeminent power of the Sheldomar Valley and all of the southwestern Flanaess.  It has and has had access to great stores of gems and outstanding jewels.  Many such are displayed by the royal houses, as well as the noble houses.  Ceremony and ceremonial display are part of the rich history of Keoland.  The most valued stones and pieces of jewelry, however, are those that can be traced back to the old Suel Imperium.  Such pre-cataclysmic jewels are exceedingly rare and thus all the more valuable.


The Great Beacon

Suel Cut White Diamond (200 carats)

Crown Jewel

Held by the Lion Throne

The Great Beacon was brought through Slerotin's Passage and is associated with the Neheli.

Historical Note - The Great Beacon is mounted atop the royal scepter of Keoland and it is the greatest of the jewels of the regalia.  The Great Beacon is said to be magical and to make the scepter a potent weapon, although this has not been reliably known to have been put to the test.  Most notable, however, is the cut of the stone.  The ancient Suel possessed a unique, non-magical method of cutting precious stones, now known as the Suel cut, that has been lost.  Suel cut gems have a special brilliance and a deep fire that is unmistakable.  With knowledge of the Suel cut lost, stones cut in this manner are priceless.  The size and quality of the Great Beacon, in addition to the unique Suel cut, all but assure that the Great Beacon is the single most precious gem in all the Flanaess.


The Great Pearl

White Pearl (376 carats (approximate weight))

Crown Jewel

Held by the Lion Throne

The Great Pearl was brought through Slerotin's Passage and is associated with the Rhola.

Historical Note - The Great Pearl is a natural pearl, not the product of a giant oyster or culturation.  It serves as the Royal Orb in the Keosh regalia of the crown.  A freak of nature, the Great Pearl is flawless with a milky translucence, not unlike that of opal or the finest moonstone.  Legend has it that Keoland will survive and prosper as long as the Great Pearl survives.   While the truth of the matter is unknown, the Great Pearl is protectively banded in gold and silver and is said to have had some of the strongest protection magics known cast upon it and made permanent, to the point where transporting the Great Pearl can be difficult if not, at times, impossible.  

To be con't

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Re: Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II (Score: 1)
by SirXaris on Fri, April 08, 2011
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Very interesting, GVD.  The information you provide here would make it quite easy and fun to center an adventure or more around the reclaimation of one of these famous jewels. :)


Re: Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II (Score: 1)
by Mystic-Scholar on Mon, April 25, 2011
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The time and effort put into these articles is much appreciated, GVD. The gems listed here could easily paly an important part in any campaign.

You're a credit to Canonfire!

Re: Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II (Score: 1)
by choiceelctrinic on Tue, November 20, 2018
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Clerical gems are those stones most closely associated with various religious states or figures.

Re: Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II (Score: 1)
by JellyMin on Wed, December 15, 2021
(User Info | Send a Message)
 It is speculated that the Orb or the Elven Stone may grant the possessor the ability to detect lies, to discern alignment, True Seeing, all of this, or perhaps something more. Fence Contractor

Re: Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II (Score: 1)
by JellyMin on Mon, December 27, 2021
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I am energetic to find your perceived technique for forming the post. By and by you make it straightforward for me to fathom and execute the thought. Thankful to you for the post. [] )

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