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Al 'Temlorn
Posted on Tue, August 09, 2016 by LordCeb
Kraftwerk writes "Throughout history, many are they that have slaved at easel, wheel, and loom -- giving life and breath to vagrant dreams and unfettered imagination in the form of art.  In turn, such is the greatness of some few of these artistic works that they have indelibly shaped the very history of the Oerth itself.  Two such legendary pieces were created by the Baklunish painter al'Temlorn:  Perhaps the greatest artist to have ever put brush and quill to paint and pigment in a relentless endeavor to bring everlasting beauty to the World of Greyhawk.  Come learn more of his life and times, his work and legacy, here!

al' Temlorn

by carlos a.s. lising

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Re: Al 'Temlorn (Score: 1)
by mortellan on Fri, August 12, 2016
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Homages are a lost form in RPGs. For Greyhawk and Canonfire its a tradition. I feel honored to read this article and be included in Krafthawk.

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