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Map of the Great Oerik Flood
Posted on Wed, January 12, 2005 by Farcluun
mortellan writes "Built atop a lonely peak amid the hilly Gnarley Forest and visible from many miles away is a bizarre light house belonging to a crazy female wizard named Zendrelda. She believes without a doubt that the Greyhawk Wars are a sign that leads what she has predicted will be a Great Flood. Her lofty tower will serve as a beacon to those survivors of this future disaster. With the exception of a rare follower or two, everyone in the land thinks Zendrelda is stark raving mad. Now it turns out they could be sorely wrong.

Map of the Great Oerik Flood
By: mortellan
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

Map of the Great Oerik Flood

by mad mortellan
Original Map used by permission of Terrance "Abysslin" Hunt.

This waterproof map was recently found in the sunken wreckage of a salvaged merchant vessel. The piece of controversial cartography claims to be from CY 998 and has the watermark of the Royal University of Rel Mord. Speculation abounds that it is a copy of a map pertaining to one of the latter lost volumes of the Savant-Sage's "Catalogue of the Land of Flanaess, being the Eastern Portion of the Continent Oerik, of Oerth", of which only Volume Three of Seven still survives. It is well known that in 998 CY Pluffet Smedger the Elder of Rel Mord University detailed what archived information he had from this encyclopedia into his famous Glossographies. With this map as evidence it is thus quite possible that the geography of Oerik was quite different by the end of Epoch of Magic than we initially realized. Allegations that the map is a forged hoax is still being debated by scholars and theologians as we speak.


Preview of the Great Oerik Flood Map

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Map of the Great Oerik Flood

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Re: Map of the Great Oerik Flood (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Thu, January 13, 2005
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
This is really interesting. I might of looked to connect Lake Quag and Lake Whyestil, flooding more of the Wolf Nomads lands but that is a minor quibble. This is a very impressive work. Good thoughts! Do you have any plans to follow this up with an article(s)?


Re: Map of the Great Oerik Flood (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Thu, January 13, 2005
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heh, I know you've aleady asked for my input, Mort. But looking more into it, I think GVD is right, and also more of the Amedio should probably fell to the water.

Also, Sterich and Geoff seem to be surrounded and the mountains there would make natural resevoirs much like in Sunndi, or could it be that those 2 countries are a "highland?"

Re: Map of the Great Oerik Flood (Score: 1)
by Duicarthan on Thu, January 13, 2005
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Nicely done, though I would hope if he hasn't perished by then, Iuz better be ready to swim to Molag! hehe

-Rick "Duicathan" Miller

Re: Map of the Great Oerik Flood (Score: 1)
by Tzelios on Fri, January 14, 2005
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Simple and potentially canon contribution, in the spirit of the Gord novels.


Re: Map of the Great Oerik Flood (Score: 1)
by Samh2019 on Mon, February 03, 2020
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This is really great, wish I found this years ago. Drawn out with detail, great work.

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