Postfest IV:The Bringer of Doom |
Posted on Mon, April 04, 2005 by Dongul |
Duicarthan writes "Long whispered of in stories and tales of the Twin Cataclysms, the bringer of doom was an artifact that utilized the energies required to change a millennia and two ancient races forever. Here is the object that created a legend for the time, the Invoked Devastation.
The Bringer of Doom By: Duicarthan Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
This wondrous artifact predates the destruction of the Suel Imperium. In fact, this very same artifact was used in the Invoked Devastation against the Baklunish Empire. The bringer of doom created by Xodast Xuel-Crix around -618 CY was crafted with the aid of another ancient artifact known as the codex of infinite planes. Utilizing the arcane knowledge within the codex, Xodast breached the planar boundaries, allowing for a temporary planar transposition, and from hence the bringer of doom was first utilized.
The bringer of doom, when activated, allows its user to enhance the effects of any spell that involves extraplanar activity. If used with the proper rituals, large areas of one plane can temporarily transpose over another, effectively producing a major planar bleed. During this “bleed”, properties of the transposing plane would effect the entire area. Xodast’s early experiments were tested within the confines of his various laboratories, with varying, though staggering results. During these conjunctions, denizens of the transposed plane could cross the barrier without gates or portals, effectively existing on both planes at once. Though once the spell expires the outsider must choose which plane to stay on (such as in the case of Incabulos and the hordlings released during the Invoked Devastation). Though, it was not until he had tapped the Gray Wastes, that he discovered the destructive power of such a planar conjunction. At which time, Xodast realized that the device must be secreted away for fear of it being used for foul means.
Three centuries later, after Xodast’s untimely demise during a major planar bleed, the artifact was removed from the vaults of the Royal Academy of Magic and used in a rare ritual developed by Xodast himself, called the Invoked Devastation. Which ironically, begat the name for the actual event as well.
Bringer of Doom: While using this artifact, any spells cast that utilize conjuration or evocation are Intensified, Extended, Enlarged, and Widened. The spell’s range extends to Unlimited, as long as the caster can see the target (via scrying) and as long as the target is on the same plane. The spells duration is extended by 2 ranks, (instantaneous becomes 1 round/ level). The spell’s area of effect also can span up to a 900 mile radius.
Spells cast in this fashion require the aid of eleven other spellcasters to empower the artifact. Each spellcaster must submit an epic level spell and burn 1,000 XP. Casting spells in this fashion from the artifact adds a +445 Spellcraft DC, which is reduced to +9 if all conditions are met. Strong evocation and conjuration; CL 20+; Weight 5 lbs.
References: 1st Ed. Monster Manual II, The Star Cairns, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, and Secrets of the Twin Cataclysms by Denis “Maldin” Tetreault.
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Average Score: 4.36 Votes: 11

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Re: The Bringer of Doom (Score: 1) by GVDammerung on Wed, April 06, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | I like this alot. There is a "revisionist" school that would write Hordlings out of Greyhawk's history but I think they fit very well in light of the GH Wars that also used extraplanar forces, to say nothing of their clear presence in canon. Good use of sources. |
Re: The Bringer of Doom (Score: 1) by cwslyclgh on Wed, April 06, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message) | not bad, not bad at all...While I do not nesseciraly agree with Maldins "incabulos first showed up during he twin cataclysms" idea... I prefer to think of him as an ancient god from west of the flanaes who has been expanding his powerbase... your write of the bringer of doom is very good. |
Re: The Bringer of Doom (Score: 1) by Duicarthan on Wed, April 06, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.greyhawkonline.com/duicarthan | I kinda consider this one a supplement to the Invoked Devastation post which I also did here
Take a look there for more. =)
Re: The Bringer of Doom (Score: 1) by Scottenkainen on Fri, April 08, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message) | Well researched, but...what IS the Bringer of Doom? For all I know still, it could be a teacup or a jock strap...
~Scott C. |