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Almor Gazetteer part 1
Posted on Mon, September 03, 2007 by ratlord
greyseer writes "
Explore Almor with this Gazetteer, originally created for Living Greyhawk in an attempt to weave together all canon sources. While it was approved by the administration of the Living Greyhawk campaign at the time, it never made it to publication because of later changes in the campaign's direction. Extensive effort was taken by the author to make sure the information described is as complete as possible, including all prior sources of canon when possible. Some additions were made afterward, to help flesh out the text where possible.

"Duke Szeffrin's storm was short, but this suffering has a legacy which burns to the core. His hand guided by fiery whisperings, the Duke's armies soared forth. Their dark wings clapped in victory, snuffing the light that was Almor. And now, stepping over the bleached bones of its people I tread this valley, once ripe with vine it smolders from his vile shadow of destruction."

- Excerpt from a letter sent by Otto (Circle of Eight) to Jallarzi Sallivarian


Once a shining and peaceful place known for centuries as a center of good within the darkening Great Kingdom, Almor was drawn over the edge of shadow and despair by the armies of Duke Szeffrin. Only recently is it starting to see the dawn of a new age, as the heavy mantle of evil is slowly lifted. What remains of this proud land is now divided between Ahlissa and Nyrond. Its once great cities lay in ruin. In the north the lion pennants of Nyrond's third legion snap in the wind over Narsel Mendred, but much of the city remains in rubble, and the outer estates still crouch in fire-blackened gloom. To the south Chathold, once a citadel of light, now lies under a dark cloud of evil. Undead lurk in its shadowy remains, and an unknown blight grows out from the city.
Historically, the earliest people to claim the Harp River valley south of the Flinty Hills were the civilized Lathu Ur-Flan tribe. The Lathu held the region for many years, fighting off the incursions of the Suel and Oeridian, but ultimately they lost their lands to the Oeridian Nehron kingdom.
The Nehron lords wrestled with the locals for many years, stopping only when they were conquered by the Oeridian Aerdy kingdom. Afterward the two Oeridian kingdom's became known as the Great Kingdom. The lands of Almor were granted to the Aerdy house Cranden, and named after Prince Almor. Over many years the power of the Cranden's in the Almorian lands slowly bled away, to be held by a Council of Churches. As the Great Kingdom crumbled, the Almorian Cranden's found they were beholden to an independent Council, and held power over their own lands only in name.
This council fostered new heights of political intrigue between religions, primarily Pelorian and Pholtan but with influences from Heironeous, Zilchus and others. At their end, the council fought a defense by sending a deep raid into the Great Kingdom, hoping to wreak havoc and cause chaos by helping other malcontent regions gain sovereignty. After the raid was finally dealt with, Ivid dispatched the undead Animus Duke Szeffrin with the Great Kingdom's armies to take care of the Almorian problem. The armies were very successful, leaving a swath of unbearable destruction in their wake.
From his summoned demonic perch of Bloodcrystal, Duke Szeffrin ruled the conquered lands and seethed in hatred at the Animus Ivid had turned him into. His opportunity for revenge came, and in 587CY he disappeared, presumably to the capital of the Great Kingdom Rauxes, which fell into a magical Limbo.
In the Duke's absence, King Lynwerd of the neighboring Nyrond (the other half of the ancient Nehron kingdom) proclaimed most of the war torn lands a protectorate of his Kingdom. The remaining sliver of Almor to the south of the Harp River was claimed by Overking Xaevener of Ahlissa, one of the remnants of the collapsed Great Kingdom. This southern portion of old Almor is now known as the Marchlands of Chathold, containing the infested ruins of Chathold and its surrounding region.

History In Depth

Very little is known about the Lathu Ur-Flan tribe. Their greatest legacy are the many scattered and intricately stone carved ruins found throughout Almor. Many of the Flan remaining in Almor can trace their ancestors to the original Lathu, and a few have managed to maintain some of their cultural traditions including their unique style of stone carving and the long-distance whistled language of Silberi still used by Flan rangers of the area. The Lathu resisted both the Suel and the Oeridian's for years, but were ultimately vanquished by the Nehron Oeridian Kingdom sometime around -300CY.

The Founding of Almor

During the reign of Grand Prince Almor the II of house Cranden, the forces of the Aerdy Kingdom, led by house Rax, vanquished the Nehron Kingdom. The grand battle occurred in -110 CY and became known as the Battle of a Fortnight's Length. In the end, the Aerdy Kingdom nearly doubled in size, being known from that point forward as the Great Kingdom.
The conquered Nehron kingdom was divided into two portions. The western half was awarded to house Rax, which assimilated the original Nehron ruling class (later taking the name of Rax-Nyrond). This western region became known as Nyrond.
The eastern half was retained by house Cranden. At Grand Prince Almor's request, house Cranden assigned governorship of the eastern Nehron lands to Priestess Rhiandrel of Sol (the Aerdy aspect of Pelor). Priestess Rhiandrel pursued a goal to have a region guided by the clergy of Sol, and built a quasi-theocratic government within the area. These lands eventually came to be known as Almor.
The legacy started by Priestess Rhiandrel developed over the next several decades, with the clergy of Sol guiding the province of Almor with varying degrees of success. The land was arable and farming was prosperous throughout the region as it recovered from the Nehron-Aerdy war.
The small village Chataen at the mouth of the Harp River had been burned to the ground during the Battle of a Fortnight's Length. The village was said to be built on an ancient Lathu Ur-Flan holy ground. A new citadel dedicated to Sol was raised in its place, named Chathold, and it became the seat of power for the province.
The Aerdy Cranden's remained as the ultimate authority in the lands of Almor. The Cranden's in Almor were devout followers of Sol, many of them achieving high ranks in the clergy of Sol. Because of this, they allowed these Solan clerics to govern the lands in their name. Following in the steps of Priestess Rhiandrel, the second governor was High Priest Lysmean, both a Solan cleric as well as a Cranden.
Further from Chathold, there was more resistance to an entirely Solan guided province. Many of the older Nehron deities were commonly worshiped, and some people did not wish to be so focused on Sol (or Pelor as the Nehronese had taken to calling him, using the Flan name).

Lest not forget Pholtus

The Pholtan church had slowly gained strength in the courts of the Great Kingdom, their stringent interest in law and order was of interest to any ruling body. However, towards the end of the reign of Grand Prince Ferrend, a politically strong priest of Pholtus known as Dacar Mendhred was making a nuisance of himself to the Grand Prince. Dacar was disturbed by the increasing power of the Solan clerics in Almor, and wished to have them stopped. Grand Prince Ferrend Cranden was also somewhat disturbed about his family losing its clout in Almor, but was not willing to give into Dacar's insistent requests to hand the governorship over to the Pholtans. Unfortunately for Dacar and despite his political ties, he ended up being banished from the capital in -45 CY. This was not a deterrent, and he simply headed to Almor and established a Pholtan chapel in the small northern village of Narsel on the Harp River. The Nehronese of the area still held to many of their original traditions, and had resisted the push towards the Aerdy Sol.
Much to the chagrin of the clerics of Sol, the Pholtan flock under guidance of Dacar Mendhred began to grow in northern Almor, bolstered by many of the native Nehron Oeridian's who were still unhappy about the Aerdy occupation of their lands. The original town of Narsel came to revere Dacar Mendhred. Much later, after an impressively large cathedral was created in his name, the town was renamed to Narsel Mendred.
Six years into the reign of the first Overking (6 CY), the problems between the Pholtans and Solans had to be dealt with. Zealots from both factions were coming to armed conflicts, and even the resident Cranden's were deeply entrenched in the issues. Farms were no longer being tended, crops were faltering and rotting in place, and bands of armed men from both sides were wandering around being a nuisance in the name of Sol or Pholtus.
The Pholtans had been increasing in power throughout the Great Kingdom. They had just been granted the See of Medegia, and while Overking Nasran Cranden was privately annoyed that they couldn't behave themselves, he also had to deal with the situation in Almor, an area where his family should have been able to take care of matters themselves. Realizing that the Almorian branch of the Crandens had become too deeply entrenched in the religious matters at hand (at this point some were even involved in the Pholtan hierarchy, as well as the Solan/Pelorian), Overking Nasran decreed that the region would be governed by an ecumenical council.
The initial council was composed of members from the local Pelorian and Pholtan religions, with the addition of Heironeans (to help bring order back to the region with their military clout) and Zilchans (to help bring organization to the council). The council was ultimately beholden to the Cranden House, and the head of the Cranden House in Almor (referred to as the Almorian House Regent) is granted a veto power for any action of the council, and can appoint people to seats on the council as they desire.
While neither of the original parties was particularly happy about needing to share power, the realization that they had no choice was easily to seen. Political maneuvering and deal making became important in the new council. As is typical for the Great Kingdom, individual personal agendas and ambitions also came to light, as various players on the council strove for personal power. The Pelorians, as the founders of the Aerdy Almor were allowed to choose the first Prelate of the council. The Prelate was granted governorship of Almor, but was still beholden to the council and ultimately the head of house Cranden. The Prelacy, once decided, was granted for life.

Diminishing of the Crandens

In 252CY the Holy Censoriate of Medegia was revoked from the Pholtans by Overking Toran II and awarded to the priesthood of Zilchus. In outrage the Pholtans of Almor rally and consolidate their power, with claims that the next step will be for the Great Kingdom to take power from the Council of Almor. The council decrees that the courts and military of Almor report directly to the council, and not to house Cranden. The Almorian House Regent attempted to veto the movement, but his actions were ignored. From this point forward no other Almorian House Regent successfully exercised veto power, and eventually the position was no longer filled as the individual Crandens of Almor work on managing their immediate lands.


In 437 CY Ivid of house Naelax in the Great Kingdom has the reigning Overking Nalif of house Rax assassinated. This plunges the Great Kingdom into civil war and turmoil. In 447 CY, following the declaration of independence by Onnwal, the Council of Almor secretly agrees to work towards sovereignty, when the time is right. This time comes in 450 CY, as Ivid works towards stabilizing his rule. He made deals with both Nyrond, who desired a buffer state from the Great Kingdom, and those of the Cranden house who were still sympathetic to Almor. The final agreement was to allow Almor's independence, which was declared following the agreement in Patchwall of that year.

The fall of Almor

After 25 years as Prelate, Kevont of Pholtus was ousted by a vote of no confidence spearheaded primarily by the Heironean's. The Council felt Kevont was drifting out of touch with occurrences in Almor, and was no longer fit to be Prelate. Few knew he was building and managing a large spy network within the Great Kingdom. He feared the direction Ivid was taking, and believed that Almor would soon become a target of the Great Kingdom's troops. Regardless, Prelate Anarkin of Heironeous was elected Prelate in 577 CY. But his time was short, and in 582CY Prelate Anarkin suddenly relinquished the title of Prelate and retired. Rumors flurried throughout Chathold seeking reasons behind his actions; perhaps Anarkin was in disgrace with Heironeous, or the Pholtans maneuvered it to happen, others claim he saw visions of doom in his future. The actual reasons never came to light.
Events caught up with the Council and before Anarkin was replaced Holy Censor Emasstus Carcosa of Pholtus declared Overking Ivid a Heretic. Ivid had Emasstus Carcosa arrested, and then sends his troops and the Hextorians on a rampage - looting Pholtan temples and killing those clergy who stood in their way. Many fled the Great Kingdom, finding refuge in The Pale, Nyrond and Almor. The Pholtans on the council were bolstered in outrage, and Kevont was summoned from retirement and elected as the Prelate to replace Anarkin in their time of need.
Kevont, expecting events to get much worse in the Great Kingdom, pushed for immediate offensive action in an effort to draw attention away from Almor. At the start of 583CY Knight Osson of Chathold was named Commandant and placed over a well-trained army and directed to strike fast and deep into the Great Kingdom. Osson's army quickly worked south through Ahlissa, into Sunndi and northward to Medegia. The Great Kingdom responded slowly, and the bold move seemed to have succeeded. Although ultimately the Great Kingdom's troops finally destroyed the army in Medegia, they also appeared to linger and focus on the rebelling lands left in the wake of Osson's raid.
Unfortunately, Ivid was enraged by Osson s Raid and did not easily forget. In 584 CY Animus Duke Szeffrin, with the secret aid of the demon Lord Pazrael, moved on Almor with an army from all sides. On the 17th of Goodmonth his forces surrounded Chathold. But rather than laying siege, all the priests and mages of the army called down lightning, fire, acid, poison and all other manners of destruction upon the city. This day became known as the Day of Dust, and is when the backbone of the prelacy was shattered. Duke Szeffrin then marched his victorious army northward, this time with the goal being the capitol of Nyrond, Rel Mord.
Three weeks of battle and pillage later the Duke's army is stopped in its tracks at the Nyrond citadel of Blazebane, just outside of Mithat, where they suffered losses in the thousands. The long battle is ended only by the Pact of Greyhawk, which, among other actions, ceased hostilities between the Great Kingdom and Nyrond.
Duke Szeffrin retreated to Bloodcrystal and consolidated his power. For the next two years he seethed over what Ivid had turned him into, only barely ruling the blasted and malcontent lands of Almor. He exercised his secret alliance with Pazrael nearly publicly. Demons maraud unchecked alongside Orcs and other monsters throughout Almor. His situation was shaken in 586 CY when the Crook of Rao banished Pazrael's minions. The Duke's armies were greatly weakened, and in the absence of key demonic officers they fell into disarray and chaos.
Meanwhile, Duke Szeffrin became more and more reclusive, only to disappear later in the same year, presumably having teleported to Rauxes when he learned of an opportunity to exact his vengeance upon Ivid. He is never seen again, as the city of Rauxes fell into a magical Limbo that same day and nobody has ever left the city again.

The Lands return to Nyrond

After several months and still no reappearance of the Duke, in Growfest 587 CY King Lynwerd proclaimed the lands west of the Harp River a protectorate of Nyrond. Three of Nyrond's Legions are dispatched to hunt down the remaining armies of Duke Szeffrin and bring peace to the torn lands of Almor. Much initial success is had, within one season Bloodcrystal, Duke Szeffrin's seat of power, is liberated. The Fourth legion headed south to Onyxgate, only to mysteriously disappear. The Third Legion is posted throughout Northern Almor and down the Harp River, where they are focused on building a long series of outposts to protect from the potential and looming threat of Ahlissa. The First Legion is posted along the coastal areas of Almor and in support of the Navy.
The Council of Almor was destroyed by Duke Szeffrin and has yet to form again. The various political powers of the Council that were fortunate enough to not be in Chathold when Duke Szeffrin arrived had fled to different regions or went into hiding, helping where they could. Many of the Heironeans, including the retired Prelate Anarkin made their way north to the Principality of Innspa. The Pholtans headed west into Nyrond, and have since re-formed as the Church of the Bright Path, returning with a stalwart mission to revive and help the surviving lands and folk of Almor. Some Pelorians stayed in Nyrond, others went with the followers of Zilchus and Rao to Goldbolt in Ahlissa.
Most the folk of Almor have welcomed Nyrond, although there is a subversive tide among the old Nobles known as the Free Almor Movement. The movement exists with declared intentions to return Almor to its sovereign independence (even from the Ecumenical Council of Almor).
In 591CY King Lynwerd declared a homesteading policy in the Duchy of Almor, encouraging Nyrondese citizens to migrate south and re-settle the wasted lands. This has polarized the anti-Nyrond sentiment, although the original Almorian's are finding they are less and less unique over time.

SIDEBAR: Timeline

-300 CY - The Lathu Ur-Flan are conquered by the Nehron Oeridian Kingdom.
-110CY (535 OR) - Rhiandrel of Solan (Pelor) appointed as provincial governor over the Nehronese Almorian Protectorate.
-62CY (583 OR) - Lysmean of Solan (Pelor) assumes role of governor from deceased Rhiandrel.
-45CY (600 OR) - Dacar Mendhred of Pholtus arrives
-11CY (634 OR) - Belah Malsi of Solan (Pelor) assumes role from deceased Lysmean.
6 CY (650 OR) - Ecumenical Council of Almor created and the first Prelate selected is High Priest Dhalal of Pelor.
252 CY - Crandens lose courts, military and veto powers in Almor.
450 CY - Almor gains sovereignty.
577 CY - Prelate Kevont is ousted from the Council. Anarkin of Heironeous replaces him.
582CY - Anarkin retires. Kevont of Pholtus retakes the Prelate seat.
584CY - 17th of Goodmonth, Chathold is destroyed, Kevont's head is spiked at the gates of Chathold; the council is destroyed and has not met again.
587 CY - Nyrond reclaims the lands of Almor declaring it a protectorate of Nyrond.

SIDEBAR: The Council of Almor

The Council of Almor brought ecumenical politics and intrigue to an entirely new level. Even the nuances of how the High Priest of Pelor sipped wine while dining with the Bishop of Heironeous were carefully watched and analyzed for meaning and intent. The composition of the council changed over the years, including and excluding different religions for various reasons. At its end, the council was composed of several churches, each with a varying number of seats. Prelates were selected by the Council, and ruled for life or until such a time as they wished to retire. The intrigues of the council were at their greatest at the times Prelates were selected. At 584CY the seats were distributed as:

Pholtus: 5 seats
Pelor: 5 seats
Heironeous: 4 seats
Zilchus: 3 seats
Rao: 2 seats
Beory: 1 seat
Delleb: 1 seat
Celestian: 1 seat
Zodal: 1 seat

Almor at a Glance

Almor is a land of gently rolling fields, broad meadows and fertile river valleys. Once it was considered to be a beautiful country with well-tended hedgerows and a pleasant patchwork of settlements. The folk of Almor were always considered friendly, their good will and trust were virtues of Good espoused wide and far. The loss which has been suffered since those good times is immense. The Great Kingdom's rage brought this land low. Once flowering and fertile valleys now lay sickened and twisted, moldering from blight. Some work to rebuild and reclaim the land from destruction, but this work is hard, and many still cower in the burned ruins that were their homes.
The great Harp River defines the eastern boundary of Almor. Before it was split by Nyrond and Ahlissa's claims, Almor also included the peninsula south of the Harp River and north of the Bonewood. The western boundary with Nyrond was the Sword Road, but the new Nyrond Duchy of Almor has extended this boundary further to the West, but has also taken the Almorian lands north of the Flessern river and shifted them to the Nyrond Duchy of Womtham.
The northern region around the Flessern River has been well known for its wines. Although most wineries were destroyed, some vines were salvaged and a few are managing to start up again. Farms can be found throughout the entire region, although the area in the northwest is very hilly, a veritable maze of hollows.
One very noticeable feature of Almor is the distinct stonework of the ancient Lathu Ur-Flan of the area. Old ruins can be readily found, with stylized faces and other large carvings cropping out of hillsides here and there. Some of the more unique stonework is well regarded for its artistic style, even by Dwarves, and has periodically found its way out of the region to appreciative aficionados.


Throughout Almor there are blighted areas known as the Badlands. These regions were the sites of great evil battles and massacres inflicted by Duke Szeffrin. They are ghastly and appallingly dangerous, with wandering tormented undead, mindless fiends and twisted magical effects still in force. Those who manage to return from the Badlands give tales of bizarre and deadly occurrences such as foliage which decays under the footsteps of living creatures, drifting clouds of corrosive acid, random smoking fissures and acid filled bogs.
Badlands vary in size from 10 to 100 square miles, with the largest being around Chathold, south of Onyxgate, near Bloodcrystal and near the southern bend of the Harp River. Many expected the effects of the Badlands to diminish over time, but unusually enough, this has not been the case, and some claim the badlands are actually growing. This is most noticeable around Onyxgate, which has been consumed by the Badlands.

The Folk of Almor

The people of Almor have many roots, but are primarily Flan and Oeridian human. The distinction of Nehron Oeridian or Aerdy Oeridian has become lost over the years, and they instead just consider themselves to be Almorian. Of these folk, those that remain are some of the most hardy and capable around, having weathered the storm and occupation of Duke Szeffrin followed by renegade humanoids and worse from his collapsing armies, let alone the shifting Badlands and what manages to crawl forth from them. The people tend to be wary of strangers, but once a person proves their trustworthiness they are welcomed, if not immediately given a job in fixing and reclaiming their ravaged but beloved homeland.
While the two occupying Legions from Nyrond are a welcome sight, the land of Almor is vast and the companies are taxed to the extreme. As other refugees flood into Nyrond from the depredations of Iuz in the northwest, they are often sent south to Almor where they are welcomed with sympathetic and open arms. This is also assisted by a current policy of Homesteading in Almor.
The Almorian society is complex, tracing much of its nuances to the original Flan and Ur-Flan of the area. This is most prevalent in the foods of Almor, which are highly spiced using many of the local peppers and other unique herbs of the region.
The noble lines of Almor have become a bit confusing. Originally the lands were given to the Noble Crandens of the Aerdy tribe, dispossessing all of the occupying Nehron lords. Most of the current nobles can trace their lineage into the Cranden line fairly directly, and often also have roots into the Nehron lords. Then, as the Ecumenical council grew in strength, more and more land was granted to the various churches, diffusing the power of the original Nobles. King Lynwerd of Nyrond also has not yet made it clear on his views of the Noble's titles. While some of the old Almorian landholders (both blooded nobility and religious Sees) have tentatively retained their holdings, few titles have been re-affirmed. This has caused a growing unrest among those nobles who remain, causing many to consider an interest in the Free Almor Movement. This movement has found less interest in the common folk, and is primarily a quiet force within the old Noble houses of Almor.
Humans are the most common race in Almor, but others also have a place. Halflings have their usual presence, and there used to be a large community of gnomes in Chathold. Elves are less common, although many Half-Elves have found their acceptance in the region from people needing help wherever it can be found. Half-Orcs are one race that is generally treated with great disdain. Much of Duke Szeffrin's army was composed of Orcs, and their marauding and senseless violence is still a sore wound to many Almorians. However, a Half-Orc who can overcome the cold glares, refusal of service and other bigotry to prove their worth is often finally accepted as well, and there are a handful of Half-Orcs who have managed to make a home for themselves in Almor.
Among the humans there are some who are distinctly Flan, and from these is a culture tracing itself back centuries. These Flan live side by side with Oeridian's, but many still preserve their original cultural heritage. Some pass on their secret skills of stone carving, teaching no outsiders. These Flan also have an interesting language of whistles known as Silberi. This language developed over time as a means of communicating over distances in the northern hollows, and is still commonly used by the Flan rangers residing in the area. Somebody well versed in Silberi can carry out a conversation up to one or two miles away, if the proper conditions exist. Of course, this conversation is not very private, unless nobody else understands the language.


Any distinctly religious festival ended up being altered and generalized over time by the Ecumenical Council's influence, as it would be inappropriate for any single religion to have too much influence. The two remaining and major festivals of the area are the raucous Light Festival held during Growfest, and the grisly Mantiga, which is held on the 18th of Patchwall.
The Light Festivities are held in many areas throughout the entire week of Growfest, culminating in a grand finale celebration throughout the day and night of Freeday. The Light Festival is a time to celebrate and offer thanks for the blessings of all things. It is a time when the last of winter's stocks are opened and feasting is had all around. A common fare of the time is a succulent brined and roasted mutton. Many of the larger towns also have a masked party on Freeday.
Mantiga shares influences from many cultures, but is ultimately a time to celebrate one's ancestors, as well as provide a sense of protection from the dead. During Mantiga, families will have a large feast at the gravesites of their ancestors, with extra servings for the recently deceased. During this time those who may have passed on during the year are discussed and remembered. It is also feared that this is the time when the spirit world is most accessible, and in order to protect themselves as night approaches, the people don grisly costumes of ghouls, zombies and the like. The belief being that if the dead do come forth, they will not be able to tell the difference between those alive or dead.

Life in Almor

Many of the survivors and refugees of Almor still reminisce on the old days, where you could travel alone in safety throughout the prelacy, visiting friendly folk everywhere and passing tracts of verdant fields. Settlements are working on revitalizing the land, but all are tightly assembled with at least a palisade wall (if not a greater fortification), and a nightly curfew.
Trade along the Harp is recovering, supported by recently built or refitted military outposts from both Ahlissa and Nyrond. However, bandits are still a problem, and marauding creatures are an even greater threat, concentrated most strongly along the shores near the ruins of Chathold and around the Badlands.
Several trading companies have taken to banding together in large caravans that cross the lands at regular intervals (absent from this union is the Harp River Trading Company). Most travel is done in great numbers, to avoid problems. Only the most reckless, or confident, travel in small groups.

Power Groups

There are several forces at work within the lands of Almor. Although Otto of the Circle of Eight has a political presence in the City of Greyhawk, and despite Almor having been his homeland, he has remained unaffiliated in the new power groups of the area, although Lael Pirlon has approached him for support in the Almor Freedom Movement.


The Kingdom of Nyrond claims most of the original lands of Almor, and has backed it up with a strong military presence. Nyrond s Legions have made great headway in dealing with the remnants of Duke Szeffrin's occupation. Many feel Nyrond is simply reclaiming lands that were part of the original Oeridian Nehron Kingdom before it was conquered by the Oeridian Aerdy Kingdom. Others do not care about this association, and hold a grudge against anybody occupying the lands of Almor, which they feel should remain independent.
Duke Younard has positioned the First Legion along the Harp River and deeper inland, with the Third Legion covering the coastal regions. A rigorous project has been underway by the First Legion to build a string of outposts along the Harp River, to be ware and able to protect from any further invasion by the Great Kingdom remnants.


Overking Xaevener has reluctantly accepted Nyrond's claim to the northern lands of Almor, and only then after a long period of denial. Unfortunately his inability to place troops in Almor forced him to cede the lands to Nyrond. However, he has insisted Prince Carwend support Marquis Karn Serrand in holding what remains of the Almorian Lands, now known as the Marchland of Chathold.

Almorian Council Remnants

The Almorian Council was destroyed by Duke Szeffrin, but some of the members (or their second in command) managed to flee the devastation. Since Duke Szeffrin disappeared these factions have resurfaced. The Pelorian and Raoan members have mostly appeared in Goldbolt. The Pholtans are massing in Narsel Mendred. Some of the old Almorian Council have been talking of a new Almor (although it is unclear if it would be independent, or if it would owe fealty to Ahlissa or Nyrond). Rumors have been started of a holy campaign to reclaim Chathold, but as of yet nothing has been formally announced.

Almor Freedom Movement

The Almor Freedom Movement is politically pushing for a new independent Almor ruled by house Cranden, as it should be. The movement has gained interest among the old nobility of Almor, and has also found some sympathetic ears in both Nyrond and Ahlissa. Whatever the motivation, the cause is even appreciated by some patriotic peasants. There is also a small following among the Flan rangers in the northern hills.
The leader of the movement is known only as the Sable Phlox, obviously a covert identity for his own safety. Very few know that he is actually Lael Pirlon, who is a true-blood Almorian Cranden.

The Harp River Trading Company

The Harp River Trading Company is one of the older merchant houses of Almor. It is one of the only trading houses which managed to survive the ravages of Duke Szeffrin's occupation, and in fact thrived during that time with several contracts from the Duke for transporting good. Many people are unhappy with the trading company, they always maintain a lawful presence, are economically and politically strong, and are careful to never associate their name with shadowy activity.
The truth of the matter is the company is a carefully orchestrated smuggling and slaving organization working under a large and prosperous public mercantile front. The occupation of Szeffrin's troops was a huge boon on the slave trade, as a missing refugee here and there is hard to notice. The lands of Almor have become a great hunting ground for these activities, with the 'cargo' mostly being sent north and east into the Bone March and the North Kingdom as well as northwest up to the Empire of Iuz.
The Half-Elf Zyrrian Thrylanos is the Managing Director of the Harp River Trading Company. She has been the Managing Director since before the fall of Almor, and has no intention of quitting any time soon. One of her most valued advisors is Geal Niholda, who is an Almorian merchant she has known for several years. What she does not know is that Geal Niholda is Lael Pirlon, who uses his quiet position within the trading company as a source of knowledge and an easy way to send private communications throughout Almor.

Places of Interest


Once a castle for the revered paladin Shrekend, it was destroyed by the forces of Duke Szeffrin. The depths under its ruins were secretly the home to a band of resistance against Szeffrin, who survived for a period of time only through the use of a magical cornucopia. It is not known what happened to this group, nor the magic items and books they rescued from the keep before it was destroyed, as they disappeared sometime during the occupation of Duke Szeffrin. Since Nyrond's Legions moved into Almor, the ruins have been left unoccupied.


This fortress is anchored by four towers; each capped with crystalline cupolas stained the deeper color of arterial blood. The fortress was summoned by Duke Szeffrin on the grounds of the final clash of armies, which ended the Battle of a Fortnights Length. Many believe the bleached bones and restless spirits left from the ancient battle were infused into Bloodcrystal. The Duke certainly had abyssal help in the creation of Bloodcrystal, and it strongly radiates magic of several kinds.
With the double blow of his demonic allies being banished by the Crook of Rao, then later Duke Szeffrin himself disappearing, most of the forces in Bloodcrystal fell into disarray. While some stayed behind, many left and still wander the deeper wilds of Almor.
After the King Lynwerd claimed the lands of Almor, he sent his Legions to bring peace. General Basmajenn was given Consular reign over the First, Third and his own Fourth Legion in order to complete this task. Because of his prior lack of success and less than stellar military finesse, many were surprised by the Legion's initial success. Within months the Fourth Legion had pressed all the way to Bloodcrystal, Szeffrin's old capital. After liberating Bloodcrystal, the fourth Legion left an occupying Division to hold the fortress and moved southward to Onyxgate.
However, the declaration of victory may have been premature, as after several weeks the troops moved to an external camp, citing varying problems inside the castle. Periodic patrols are made of the seemingly vacant castle, which result in no problems. However, nobody wishes to stay in Bloodcrystal for long periods of time. Those that have believe something is still there or perhaps that the castle itself is alive.


Nestled on the banks of the Harp River and Relmor Bay, Chathold was once the greatest city of Almor. It was the seat of power for the Prelacy, reknown as a pleasant place to visit. The council of Almor worked hard to present an uplifting and clean city, at least on the surface. Fountains were common, streets were kept clean and the arts--as approved by the Council--were practiced and displayed. Built across several hills, all of the roads led to the Basilica of the Council of Almor. Originally built over ancient Lathu Ur-Flan holy grounds as a citadel of light for Pelor, the sprawling complex had become both a governmental seat as well as a multi-denominational shrine.
Less than one year after the raids of Osson, the Overking Ivid's troops lead by Duke Szeffrin descended on all of Almor in one mighty wave of retribution. Few had an opportunity to flee the city before it was surrounded by the Duke's forces, and many expected a long siege. However, the Duke instead directed an army of mages and priests to invoke and call down all forms of devastation on the city, incinerating and destroying all of its citizens and structures. The Duke left only after spiking the head of Prelate Kevont on the opal gates of Chathold.
Since that time the unusual blight known as the Badlands has grown strongest around Chathold. Some speculate the blight is a form of fallout from the massive amount of destruction and magic unleashed in these areas, others believe something more sinister is at work. The puzzle has intrigued even the mage Otto, who has spent much of the last few years researching the Badlands.
The ruins of Chathold along with the surrounding lands south of the Harp River compose the Marchlands of Chathold, under the rule of Marquis Karn Serrand of Ahlissa. These lands, both blighted and not, are governed from Goldbolt, just over the old Almorian border in Ahlissa. Hierranea, a storm giant priestess residing at Goldbolt, has prophesied that the Marchlands of Chathold will fall into Relmor bay. These events have not yet occurred, and some question if they ever will.
Because of the effects of the Badlands, few stay long. The ruins of Chathold are inhabited primarily by magically based and extra-dimensional creatures, most common are twisted forms of undead derived from the original citizens of the city. Priests of Nerull have been sighted on occasion, and some believe they consider it a new holy ground to their dark God. These things only strengthen the resolve of those Almorian Council remnants, to reclaim their lost city.
Many valuable items and artifacts were left in the vaults of the Council as well as the various temples in Chathold. The Church of Pelor had been guarding a great secret for many centuries in their vaults, and it was widely rumored that this was a great artifact not meant for mortal hands. Before he disappeared, Duke Szeffrin sent several missions to try to find the correct vault, without success.


(small town): Conventional; AL LG; Population 1821; Mixed Human (OFs) 87, Halfelf 7, Dwarf 3, Other 3.
Authority Figures: Marquis Karn Serrand, male human Pal13 (Rao).
Important Characters: Hierranea, female storm giant Clr 8 (Stronmaus).

Goldbolt is a magnificent structure with sweeping towers, and tiered courtyards. This citadel was not an Almorian installation, but rather one from the Great Kingdom. It is the governing seat for the Marchlands of Chathold, but only resides near its borders. The Marchlands and Goldbolt are ruled by Marquis Karn Serrand, a staunch Cranden Lord and paladin of Rao. The role of Goldbolt has become bolstered with the fall of Almor, as it is vitally important in keeping the deranged evils from Chathold at bay. The force stationed in the keep is composed of those who are most trustworthy (LG, NG, LN), and has also been a home to exiles from the Council of Almor (primarily priests of Rao and Pelor).


(village): Nonstandard; AL NG/CE; Population 823; Mixed Human (OF) 91, Halfling (lightfoot) 2, Gnome 2, Dwarf 2, Other 3.

This inconspicuous village near the Flessern River is notable only in its prosperity and lack of devastation. While much of Almor lies in ruins, Harskern has survived the marauding forces of Duke Szeffrin. This is due to a secret cult of Iuz living among the village. They provided protection to the unknowing residents during the occupation of the Duke, and have covertly remained since then as a key power behind the village council.


(hamlet): Conventional: AL NG; Population 432; Human.

This black stone castle towers over a rocky cliff top at the village of Seawolf Point. It was built in 107CY by Overking Manshen, and named for his belief in how long the Great Kingdom would reign. It was also one of the last stands of the Almorian military. A portion of Duke Szeffrin's forces lay siege to the keep for three months, ceasing only with the Pact of Greyhawk. The surviving Almorians were allowed safe passage to Nyrond, where they were eventually assimilated into Nyrond's Legions.
The dark forces of Duke Szeffrin's army gleefully took ownership of the keep (having already razed the local town). One of the many unmentionable acts inflicted by Duke Szeffrin's forces involved the priests, who used unholy rites to create various undead of the bodies of those slain in defending the keep. So many undead were created, they overflowed the extensive catacomb complex, and were periodically floated up the coast to Mithat in hopes of infecting the people of Nyrond.
Since Nyrond returned, the First Legion has reclaimed ownership of the Keep and the surrounding town has begun to rebuilt, but the catacombs have been sealed until such a time as they can be dealt with. The keep is manned by a small force, who prefer to stay in the remains of the town, away from the moans and periodic pounding that sometimes escape the depths of the catacombs.


(metropolis): Conventional; AL LG; Population 37,700.
Authority Figures: Duke Younard, male human Ftr13, Mayor Vayan Darol Exp3 (merchant).
Important Characters: Royal Admiral Ramol Hugarnd, male human Ftr13.

This city of nearly 38,000 people has become known as a place of honest and trustworthy folk, surprisingly in contrast to being a large military base, headquarters to both the Third Fleet and the First Legion. Its shining towers have a tendency to catch the morning and evening light, twinkling from miles away. This has given it the reputation as the Shining Jewel of Nyrond or as it is referred to by the locals, Nyrond's Finest City. It also has a strong religious presence of many deities, its shipyards are renowned, and it is home to many of Nyrond's most trustworthy trading houses.
Although Duke Younard is lord of the city, management of Mithat has been granted to Mayor Vayan Darol, who was elected by the local merchants, and confirmed by the Duke. The Mayor is a new role for the city, and many consider it a sign of Mithat's return to prosperity.
Originally a General in the Legions, Younard was recently granted the title of Duke by King Lynwerd. He also has assumed the temporary rank of Consul of the Almorian Campaign from Royal General Basmajenn, who disappeared at Onyxgate. As Consul he is in command of the First and Third Legions, deployed in Almor, as well as the Third Fleet. Royal Admiral Ramol Hugarnd, head of all three of Nyrond's fleets, also calls Mithat home. Despite being from traditionally antagonistic branches of a military structure, the Duke and Royal Admiral have developed a level of respect and trust for each other.
Mithat has a large complex of military fortifications and used to be the southern boundary with the Great Kingdom. These structures include a solid curtain wall around the city and the keep Blazebane half a days ride to the south. The Sword Road leads from Blazebane north to Kurast's Keep, and was the actual border of the two lands. Blazebane was the site of the climactic battle between the forces of Nyrond and the Great Kingdom, led by Duke Szeffrin. The wizard Ghisellin supplemented the Nyrond forces holding the tower and together they held off the Great Kingdom for nearly a month. The battle ended only with the signing of the Greyhawk pact. Since the Duchy of Almor was created as a part of Nyrond, the keep has been maintained, but is little more than an outpost.
Despite the military strength of the city, Mithat has recently been attacked by Pirates funded by Prince Sewarndt, the King's traitorous brother. After a pitched battle involving many of the residents of the city, the forces of the black Prince were cast out, but it served to put the city on Alert. In addition, it is believed that thieves guilds are making inroads into the city, which has always managed to avoid such overtly organized crime.

Narsel Mendred

(small city): Conventional; AL NG; Population 7,500.
Authority Figures: Baron Dano Beltien, male human Ari3/Ftr2, Royal General Dairo Hanshal, male human Ftr10.
Important Characters: Otto, male human Wiz15/Clr3 (Boccob), Garius Anerolli, male human Clr7/CoH3/Con2 (Arch-Bishop of Pholtus), Zyrrian Thrylanos, female human Rog3/Ftr2/Thief-Acrobat5, Lael Pirlon/Geal Niholda, male human Brd8/Spy3.

This ruined city is desperately trying to rebuild itself. Once a wealthy, well-built and pleasing place with estates for miles around, it was also the second largest city in Almor. However, Duke Szeffrin's troops lay siege to the city and reduced most of it to rubble. The remaining citizens lived in pitiable conditions throughout the occupation of Duke Szeffrin, and gladly welcomed the troops of Nyrond. The city was named as the headquarters for the Third Legion, which has been building outposts along the entire Harp River. Although originally part of the Prelacy of Almor, after Nyrond's occupation, borders were rearranged and it is now within the Duchy of Womtham.
Since Nyrond's occupation, the city has entered a massive era of reconstruction, directed by its newly appointed governor Baron Dano Beltien, an Almorian Cranden who has sworn fealty to King Lynwerd. Since Szeffrin's absence, the notorious mage Otto has also returned to Almor. However, with his residence in Chathold destroyed, he has occupied a townhouse in Narsel Mendred, and has taken a distinct interest in resolving the Badlands puzzle. In his spare time, he visits the college of Culinary Arts he has founded and is sponsoring, in an effort to revitalize the arts in Narsel Mendred.
Much of the rubble not being used in new construction for the city has been pushed over the outer walls, forming a unique sort of boundary. All construction is within the city, and few have attempted to occupy and rebuild the outlying estates. Although nowhere near its pre-war numbers of 35,000, the current population of Narsel Mendred is believed to be nearly 7,500 people.
Despite the seemingly positive air brought on by renewed construction and revitalization, the city is reft with corruption, thievery, black markets, price gouging and layers of political bureaucracy. The First legion provides what policing it can, but is stretched extremely thin throughout Almor with the loss of the Fourth Legion at Onyxgate. The city watch is a dangerous job, with the Pholtans constantly interrogating for corruption and the dangers of the criminal underground, most avoid this occupation. The city center is well patrolled, but outside of its immediate environs lawlessness quickly arises. On the fringes of the city in hidden basements and the remaining structures of ruined buildings exists a dark underworld. Smugglers and thieves abound, and there is even a slaving exchange secretly run by the Harp River Trading Company and fronted by clerics of Nerull. Priests of Iuz and Erythnul also have covert followings in the city.
The Pholtan cathedral which the city was named after was destroyed during the siege, but many dedicated priests managed to save much of the holy relics and treasures. Since then the city has also become a home for the remaining Pholtans from the Council of Almor. These Pholtans have taken on a project of rebuilding all of Almor from the decimation that has occurred. Banding together in their cause they have become known as the Church of the Bright Path.
Furthermore, the Church of the Bright path has also found and accepted some ancient Nehron Oeridian texts of Pholtus, which other sects of Pholtus consider blasphemous. Because of this, they tend to avoid these other sects, specifically the Church of the One True Path in the Pale and the Valorous League of Blindness. The influence extends throughout much of old Almor and even parts of southern Nyrond.
Bolstered by an influx of donations for their good cause in rebuilding Almor, the Church of the Bright Path is also reconstructing a greater cathedral temple complex in Narsel Mendred. Native Flan stone crafters have been commissioned to assist in the project, like those who worked on the original cathedral.


This square keep of elaborate Lathu Ur-Flan design has an immense underground complex delving nearly a mile into Dark Oerth. It was constructed around -900 CY over the lair of the Gold Dragon Anonbirthach, at his request. The Lathu builders designed it to the specifications of the Dragon, and despite being rebuilt by priests of the Great Kingdom; it still retains the unique entrance shaft for the dragon through its top.
Anonbirthach disappeared sometime around -600 CY, believed to have fallen prey to an evil plot. Since that time the keep has had many owners. The Cranden's claimed the keep, but its remote location and lack of strategic value caused it to be largely disregarded. The renowned mage Schandor claimed it for a period, and is said to have had a lab in its depths, possibly based on the original library of Anonbirthach. Those who know Mordenkainen's lineage believe he may also still use the facility, and that it is warded and sealed so only those of true Cranden blood can enter.
Since sometime in 575 CY the keep came upon its new name; originally it was known as Glamerwing. The name change came about because of the newly created gate to the Abyss hidden somewhere in the deep complex. Duke Szeffrin later made use of this Abyssal gate during his campaign in Almor as a means of access for his demonic allies sent by Pazrael. It is believed that since the Crook of Rao was used the gate has been disabled or broken, but could be engaged once again.
Onyxgate is more recently renowned for the loss of Nyrond's Fourth Legion. King Lynwerd, after reorganizing his military, placed General Basmajenn in charge of the Fourth Legion. There was a fair amount of intrigue surrounding the assignment, as the General used to command all the military forces of Nyrond before the reorganization. However, to many people's surprise, the General and his Legion had a successful military season, arriving at Onyxgate at the end of a campaign that included the liberation of much of Almor as well as Bloodcrystal, the seat of Duke Szeffrin's reign.
Upon arriving at the keep the Legion found it empty; and inhabited the edifice, hoping to wait out the winter in relative comfort. The Fourth Legion by this point had been worn thin throughout their drive to Onyxgate, and roughly 3,500 men decamped at the keep and grounds. When the snows melted, however, all had vanished. Searches of the place revealed no evidence of foul play. It was as if the army had never come.


A new keep being built by the Legions, the location is on the mound of an ancient Suel keep, dating to the times of the great migration. The grounds were believed to be cursed, but such a simple thing will not stand in the way of the Legions of Nyrond. To settle fears, the military commissioned some adventurers to investigate the area, but despite their findings many of the locals still believe a great evil exists on the location. The new keep being built is forging forward at the direction of Duke Younard, who wants to use it as a central anchor to the long line of outposts being built along the river border with Ahlissa. Younard's concerns of invasion and the good location outweigh any reports of unusual behavior on the site.
The Legions hope the new keep will be as valuable and strong as Blazebane was in the past. It is named in kind with the other corners of Nyrond; namely Mistwatch, Crystalwatch and Seawatch.


Believed by many to be more of a myth than fact, this unusual mansion moves around and appears seemingly at random throughout Almor. Travelers tell tales of finding the mansion after a storm breaks, and its appearance is usually preceded by a dense bank of fog. The stories have an enigmatic ancient Elven host who will provide shelter to travelers, but that things are not as they may seem within Shroudgate. One storyteller would tell of a man who left the solace of the mansion, only to find that two hundred years had passed since he entered. Whatever the case, no recent stories have surfaced of Shroudgate, which could mean it doesn't exist, or perhaps that another traveler is currently visiting.

Notable Personalities

Younard, Duke of Almor (Nyrond)

Duke Younard of Almor, Male Human Ftr 13 (Heironean): CR 13; HD 13d8+39; hp 107; Init +1; Spd 20 ft/x4; AC 28 (touch 15, flat-footed 27); Base Atk +13; Grap +18; Atk +23/+18/+13 (1d8+1d6+13, +4 warhammer of shock); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LG; SV Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +12; Str 17 (21), Dex 13, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Balance -2, Climb +7, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist -2, Handle Animal +4, Jump +2, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +5, Move Silently -2, Profession Soldier +6, Ride +16, Spot +5, Swim -1. Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Leadership, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon Specialization (warhammer).
Languages: Nyrondese, Common, Elven.
Possessions: Amulet of natural armor +2, belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +4, locking gauntlet, mithral full plate of protection from evil +3, potion of bears' endurance (x2), potion of cure serious wounds (x2), potion of cure critical wounds, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +4, warhammer of shock +4.

Lael Pirlon (aka Sable Phlox)

Lord Lael Pirlon (Cranden), Male Human Brd8/Spy3: CR 11; HD 8d6+3d8+11; hp 60; Init +1; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 19; Atk +10/+5 (1d6+2,18-20/x2, Rapier +2) or +9/+4 (1d4/19-20/x2, Masterwork dagger); SR 13; SV Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +9; AL LE; Str 10(+0), Dex 12(+1), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 10(+0), Cha 22(+6);
Skills and Feats: Bluff +21, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +22, Disguise +22, Forgery +9, Gather Information +12, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (nobilty) +7, Knowledge (Bardic) +8, Listen +4, Perform (Oratory) +13, Ride +3, Search +6, Sense Motive +15, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +6, Spot +4, Use Magic Device +11. Common, Draconic, Elven, Old Oeridian. Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus(Bluff)
Possessions: Cloak of Charisma +4, Mithral Chain Shirt +3 (Glamered, SR 13), +2 Adamantine Rapier, Masterwork dagger, Hat of Disguise, Ring of Protection +1, Scroll: Dimension Door, Scroll: Stone Skin.
Spells Known (3/5/5/2, base DC = 16 + spell level): 0 - detect magic, flare, lullaby, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st - charm person, cure light, expedition retreat, tasha's hideous laughter; 2nd - cure moderate, invisibility, eagle's splendor, enthrall; 3rd - crushing despair, dispel magic, glibness.
He prefers to work behind the scenes rather than take on direct confrontations. If a situation is turning against him, he will take any opportunity to flee or will simply surrender, and will never fight to the death.

Always the consummate gentleman, Lord Pirlon is careful to offend none and always follows proper etiquette and form. Considered handsome by many, his chiseled features are classic Cranden, down to the classic arched nose. Approaching 42 years, he is still capable of charming even the most hardened spinster with his skill of lyric and verse.
Lael Pirlon found himself in a bit of a bind when the Almorian Council fell to the forces of Duke Szeffrin. With some quick negotiations he managed to assuage the Duke by swearing fealty to both him and Overking Ivid the V. He was allowed to keep his holdings, but not his military forces. His lands were ravaged equally along with the others in Almor. This dishonorable act poisoned Pirlon towards the Great Kingdom, and although he can often be found visiting others of house Cranden in Rel Deven, he distrusts the new Great Kingdom and Overking Xaevener. If asked about his position for a Free Almor, he expresses a mild non-committal sentiment. He has found this to be the best way to learn more about other people's true feelings in the matter.
Ultimately Lael Pirlon is motivated by one thing: to return Almor to the Crandens and its sovereign rule. He will put this goal before all other things. To add further pain to the mix, were the Almorian House Regent still a position held in old Almor, he would have been in line to receive it. This has caused him no end of strife, and he secretly pines for the day he will rule a free Almor.
Lord Pirlon is always manipulating events in Almor, scheming to return power to the Cranden Lords. Many of his maneuvers are innocuous and inconspicuous, but others have been ruthless and cutthroat. He uses many guises, and only uses the name Sable Phlox with those things that appear positive for Almor. Because of this, the Sable Phlox persona has become somewhat of a folk hero.
Another persona he frequently uses is Geal Niholda, a merchant and adviser to the Managing director of the Harp River Trading Company. Lael is aware of the activities of the trading company (smuggling and slavery), and as long as they do not hurt his chances to reclaim Almor, is content to let them do business as they will.

Zyrrian Thrylanos

CR 10; Medium Humanoid; 5'/5'; HD 8d6+2d10+10; hp 56; Init +4; Spd 40 ft/x4; AC 17; Atk +12/+7 (*,0-20/, Masterwork net) or +12/+7 (1d8+1/20/x3, Mighty longbow +1 (+1 Str bonus)) or +9/+4 (1d8+2/19-20/x2, Longsword +2) or +8/+3 (1d4/20/x2, Masterwork bolas) or +8/+3 (1d6+1/19-20/x2, Short Sword +1); SV Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +5; AL CE; Str 10(+0), Dex 18(+4), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 10(+0), Cha 12(+1).
Skills and Feats: Balance +16, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +18, Forgery +4, Gather Information +7, Hide +8, Intimidate +9, Jump +16, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobilty) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Move Silently +8, Spot +7, Tumble +16. Common, Elven, Flan, Rhopan. Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Net), Leadership
Possessions: Bracers +3 to AC, Cloak of Resistance +3, Boots of Striding and Springing, +2 Longsword, +1 Short Sword, +1 Mighty Longbow, Masterwork Net, Masterwork Bolas, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Binding.
Tactics: She is not a nice fighter, being known to use terrain to her advantage, and fond of any dirty trick that will give her an edge.

Zyrrian is a bitter half-elf with long jet-black hair worn in a spiral cut (longer on the left side than the right). She has dark eyes and nicely pale skin; and usually dresses in full body skin-tight brown leathers, which raise up also covering her kneck, leaving only her head and right hand exposed. She has a nasty scar around her neck from a failed hanging attempt, and she's given to unconciously rubbing the area whenever she is distracted, nervous or preoccupied.
While she originally joined as a lark, Zyrrian quickly worked her way up the chain of command in the Harp River Trading Company. The strategic disposal of her rivals let her advance, while her charms convinced all of her innocence. She now rules the company with an iron fist and carefully considers anyone she brings into confidence. Zyrrian uses the trading company as a useful and legitimate front to cover her far more profitable and entertaining (to her) slave trade. She suspects that Geal Niholda's loyalties are not as strong as she would prefer, but his usefulness currently outweighs this potential problem.

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