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Postfest XIII (Brewfest 2009):Bubbagump Grumblefoot–The Halfling Horror Part 3
Posted on Mon, January 11, 2010 by LordCeb
bubbagump writes "“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” –Psalm 127:4-5a

Postfest XIII (Brewfest 2009): Bubbagump Grumblefoot – The Halfling Horror, Part III
Bubbagump’s Children

“There is nothing more blessed than being a father, for children are the treasure that brings joy to one’s old age and the legacy that makes life worth living. Happy is the man who loves his children and brings them up in the ways of righteousness.” – Bubbagump Grumblefoot, to the paladin Talasek Thraydin, who heartily agreed.

As mentioned in Part I of this series, Bubbagump Grumblefoot has fathered three children by his former wife Verma. Each of these was subjected to horrifying magical and spiritual rituals to the point that none of their former nature remains. In addition to magical aging (since Bubbagump couldn’t be bothered to wait until they grew up naturally), each has been fundamentally altered, twisted and changed into a monster that lives only to serve Bubbagump’s insane will. Though the children outwardly appear to be extremely well-behaved, disciplined, and otherwise normal halfling youths, their true forms are grotesque and misshapen, revealing the terrifying truth of their corruption. Though all three are intelligent and quite powerful, they yet have the minds of toddlers, as no amount of magic can provide the experience that only comes with age.

The oldest child, Milo, outwardly appears to be a handsome, young, dark-haired halfling on the cusp of manhood. He is lithe and strong, though rather shy and quiet. Though he is capable of polite conversation and is very well-mannered, he much prefers to avoid social contact. A certain otherworldly strangeness plays about him, for unless he is looked at directly he seems swathed in shadows that blur his features and obscure his movements. Those who do not know his true nature are often uncomfortable when he is about, feeling they are in the presence of a slavering monster that is about to pounce upon them from the darkness, in spite of the fact that they can see no obvious cause for their discomfiture.
Bubbagump most often uses Milo as a spy, sending him to gather information about those who might someday prove dangerous. Since Milo is the most intelligent of the children, Bubbagump also uses him as a bodyguard when he must travel among Greyhawk’s polite society. When he is not accompanying his father or spying on those in power, Milo spends most of his time playing with his large pile of wooden building blocks. He shows a talent for building, though the castles he constructs are often rather forbidding and many of his blocks have been chewed into disturbing shapes.

Milo Grumblefoot CR 21
Male unique creature
CE Small outsider
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Common, Halfling; family link
AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 23; (+5 natural, +5 Dex) Dodge, Mobility, improved uncanny dodge
hp 112 (16 HD); fast healing 7; DR 10/+3
Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, evil spells, and negative energy effects
Resist electricity resistance 15 SR 23
Fort +11, Ref +25, Will +12 (cloak of resistance +4); evasion
Spd 30 ft., fly – 60 ft. (cloak of the bat)
Melee backstabber +21/+16 (1d4+11/x3) and backstabber +21 (1d4+11/x3) or bite +16 (1d6+18/x2; disruptive attack)
Ranged +4 dread sling +21 (1d3+10/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +11; Grp +12
Atk Options Spring Attack, sneak attack +5d6 (backstabber), true strike
Special Actions disruptive attack, open portal, summon spell dampening
Combat Gear backstabber (Epic Level Handbook, p. 133)
Abilities Str 21, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 6, Cha 4
SQ hide in plain sight, trapfinding, trap sense +2, thrall to Bubbagump, family link
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Balance +17, Bluff +11, Climb +17, Escape Artist +17, Gather Information +10, Hide +24 (cloak of the bat), Listen +15, Move Silently +19, Open Locks +18, Search +18 (+14 to find magic traps), Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +17, Spot +18, Tumble +19, Use Magic Device +18
Possessions +3 mithral shirt, +4 good outsider dread sling (Epic Level Handbook, p. 130), backstabber x2 (Epic Level Handbook, p. 133), cloak of resistance +4, ring of mind shielding, winged boots
Alternate Form (Su): As a standard action Milo can take the form of a gaunt, grotesque, black-skinned humanoid somewhat resembling an emaciated bipedal frog with clawed hands and feet. In this form his head is topped by a greasy shock of wiry black hair and his oversized, fang-filled jaws hang slack and drooling. His abilities remain unchanged in this form, while foes receive a -1 morale penalty on their attack rolls.
Death Knell (Su): Five times per day Milo can draw forth the ebbing life force of a nearby dying creature to fuel his own power. This functions as a death knell spell (CL 15th).
Disruptive Attack (Su): Milo deals an additional 7 points of vile damage any time he touches or bites uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a Milo’s bite attack gain one negative level. For each negative level bestowed, Milo gains 5 temporary hit points. He can use this ability no more than once per round.
Family Link (Su): Each of Bubbagump’s children is telepathically linked to Bubbagump and the other children. This link allows telepathic communication with a range of up to 1 mile. Bubbagump can use the link to see, hear, smell, and feel through his children, though for them the link only provides mental communication.
Greater Death Knell (Su): Once per year Milo musters enough negative energy to perform a greater death knell. This ability functions as a death knell spell (CL 15th), except the hit points and Strength gained are permanent. If the target succeeds on a DC 15 Will save Milo actually loses 1d8 hit points permanently and takes 2 points of Strength drain.
Open Portal (Su): Milo can use Open Lock checks to force magic portals to open without the correct device, spell, or key. When he makes this special Open Lock check, he applies his Intelligence modifier to the roll, not his Dexterity modifier. A typical portal is a DC 30 check to open. This requires a full-round action, and once opened, a portal remains open for 1d4+1 rounds.
Summon Spell Dampening (Su): Three times per day Milo can create a dampening field that extends 100 feet in every direction. Summoning and calling spells and spell-like abilities are suppressed within this radius. The dampening field lasts for 10 rounds.
Thrall to Bubbagump: Milo responds to the commands of his father, whether issued mentally through the family link (see above) or spoken directly, as if dominated, with no save allowed.
True Strike (Su): Once per day Milo can gain a +20 insight bonus on a single attack roll. In addition, he suffers no miss chance against a target that has concealment or total concealment when making this attack.

Eldon Grumblefoot, in spite of the fact that he is only three years old, appears to be a strapping, somewhat stocky halfling lad in his mid-adolescence. He has a friendly face and is usually smiling. Eldon is the most conversational of the three children, though the topic of his conversation usually revolves around his many stuffed animals, which he refers to as his “babies”. Eldon is not often allowed outside, as when he becomes excited or nervous his true nature begins to show itself. At such times his skin begins to drip with black-mauve slime, which predictably causes some consternation among those who do not know what he is.
Eldon has been trained as the primary guardian of his father’s lair. He spends the majority of his time patrolling the hallways, usually with one or two of his “babies” in tow. He is also quite fond of his mother, whom he continually annoys with his presence, getting underfoot and leaving a trail of slime on whatever she has just finished cleaning. If he encounters an intruder in Bubbagump’s lair, Eldon becomes a cunning and determined foe, tracking the intruder relentlessly. At times Bubbagump has used this tracking ability to his advantage, sending Eldon to find and destroy those who threaten his plans.

Eldon Grumblefoot CR 22
Male unique creature
CE Small outsider
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, penetrating sight; Listen +9, Spot +17
Languages Common, Halfling; family link
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural, +4 Dex); split
hp 182 (18 HD); fast healing 9; DR 10/+3
Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, evil spells, negative energy effects; ooze traits
Resist electricity resistance 15 SR 23
Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +9 (+11 vs. all mind-affecting spells and effects)
Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 6 tendrils +25 (1d6+5 plus paralyzation + disruptive attack)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. tendrils)
Base Atk +15; Grp +16
Atk Options true strike, Power Attack, Cleave
Special Actions mortification, disruptive attack
Abilities Str 20, Dex 18, Con 26, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1
SQ hide in plain sight, thrall to Bubbagump, family link
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Stealthy, Track
Skills Climb +23, Hide +18, Listen +18, Move Silently +22, Search +18, Spot +18, Survival +18, Use Magic Device +8
All-Around Vision (Ex): In his ooze form Eldon’s entire body functions as an eye, granting him the ability to see in all directions at once. This makes him impossible to flank.
Alternate Form (Su): As a standard action Eldon can take the form of a horrible black-and-mauve ooze somewhat resembling a black pudding. So frightening is his appearance in this form that other creatures receive a –1 morale penalty on their attack rolls.
Death Knell (Su): Six times per day Eldon can draw forth the ebbing life force of any nearby dying creature to fuel his own power. This functions as a death knell spell (CL 18th).
Mortification (Ex): As a full-round action Eldon can flow over a helpless living creature’s body to cause a form of rapid putrefaction. This inflicts 2d8 points of damage each round and ravages the victim’s body, causing him to become fatigued. Plants and plant creatures take double damage from this effect. Damage caused by mortification bypasses damage reduction and energy resistance, and even works against corporeal undead. Incorporeal creatures are unaffected, of course.
Disruptive Attack (Su): Eldon deals an additional 9 points of vile damage any time he touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by one of Eldon’s tendrils or coming into contact with his body gain one negative level. For each negative level bestowed Eldon gains 5 temporary hit points. Eldon can only use this ability on one target per round, though he can choose to have it effect any target with whom he comes into physical contact during the round.
Family Link (Su): Each of Bubbagump’s children is telepathically linked to Bubbagump and the other children. This link allows telepathic communication with a range of up to 1 mile. Bubbagump can use the link to see, hear, smell, and feel through his children, though for them the link only provides mental communication.
Greater Death Knell (Su): Once each year Eldon musters enough negative energy to perform a greater death knell. This ability functions as a death knell spell (CL 18th), except the hit points and Strength gained are permanent. If the target succeeds on a DC 12 Will save Eldon actually loses 1d8 hit points permanently and takes 2 points of Strength drain.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Eldon can control the shape and pigmentation of his ooze form such that he can use the Hide skill even when being observed.
Paralyzation (Ex): Any creature struck by Eldon must make a DC 21 Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 1d6 minutes. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Penetrating Sight (Su): Eldon can see through up to 2 feet of wood, 6 inches of stone or metal, and 1 inch of lead as if it were only a ghostly image. He is immune to visual figments (such as major image) and glamers (such as invisibility).
Split (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons deal no damage to Eldon when he is in his ooze form. Instead he splits into two pieces that rejoin once the offending blade or object has passed through.
Thrall to Bubbagump: Eldon responds to the commands of his father, whether issued mentally through the family link (see above) or spoken directly, as if dominated, with no save allowed.
True Strike (Su): Once per day Eldon can gain a +20 insight bonus on a single attack roll. In addition, he suffers no miss chance against a target that has concealment or total concealment when making this attack.

Bubbagump has met a number of Oerth’s most powerful and influential beings since he first surrendered to the call of Tharizdun, but of all those he has met perhaps the only one he truly fears is his young daughter, Seraphina. In her “normal” form she appears as an unremarkable halfling pre-adolescent girl. Though not particularly attractive, she possesses the cuteness typical of all halfling children. Her real nature is apparent to those who look closely, however, for whether she is smiling or frowning, her eyes seem dead, cold, and empty. Seraphina rarely speaks or shows emotion, though she is capable of doing so and has been ordered to react appropriately when in public.
Because she is an undeniably effective combatant, Bubbagump most often uses Seraphina as his personal bodyguard. She usually accompanies him when he must go out in public. To explain her reluctance to speak, Bubbagump has made it known that she suffered a head injury as an infant. This lie has proven to be of benefit, since those who have heard of it tend to see Bubbagump as an admirable, doting father who seeks only to care for his “poor, simple-minded little girl”. He keeps a close watch on Seraphina in public, however, for he is painfully aware that her madness dwarfs his own and that she could cause tremendous harm if she decides to throw a tantrum. It is this madness that causes him to fear her, for when it is upon her he has no control over her actions. Were she to throw a tantrum directed at him, he would be hard pressed to defend himself.
At home Seraphina spends most of her time locked in her room playing quietly by herself. She has quite a collection of dolls, which she delights in torturing and dismembering for hours on end. She is also quite fond of her brothers and sometimes follows them about, quietly engaging in whatever foul and depraved games they may invent. Bubbagump has given strict orders that she is to be locked away anytime he is at home, since on three former occasions he found her standing behind him or over his bed, in each case eyeing him hungrily with drool dripping from her fangs.

Seraphina Grumblefoot CR 19
Female unique creature
CE Small outsider
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Spot +13, Listen +4
Languages Common, Halfling; family link
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+5 natural, +2 Dex)
hp 185 (18 HD); fast healing 9; DR 10/+3
Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, electricity, fire, evil spells, and negative energy effects
Resist –; SR 30
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +8
Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 4 tentacle claws +24 (2d6+9, disruptive attack)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. tentacle claw)
Base Atk +12; Grp +17
Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rend (4d6+18), slowing gaze (DC26), true strike, disruptive attack, tantrum
Abilities Str 29, Dex 12, Con 25, Int 8, Wis 1, Cha 9
SQ penetrating gaze, thrall to Bubbagump, family link
Feats Ability Focus (gaze), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (+1 feat)
Skills Climb +21, Listen +4, Spot +13
Alternate Form (Su): As a standard action Seraphina can become a grotesque parody of normal appearance, taking on a tragic, corpse-like countenance with sunken eyes, drawn features, and taught, sallow skin that may cause some to think she is undead. In this form her arms are replaced by four long, elastic tentacles, each of which is tipped by a clawed hand. Her mouth also enlarges, becoming filled with slavering fangs. Other creatures receive a –1 morale penalty on their attack rolls against Seraphina when she is in this form.
Death Knell (Su): Six times per day Seraphina can draw forth the ebbing life force of any nearby dying creature to fuel her own power. This functions as a death knell spell (CL 18th).
Disruptive Attack (Su): Seraphina deals an additional 9 points of vile damage any time he touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by one of Seraphina’s tentacle claws gain one negative level. For each negative level bestowed Seraphina gains 5 temporary hit points.
Family Link (Su): Each of Bubbagump’s children is telepathically linked to Bubbagump and the other children. This link allows telepathic communication with a range of up to 1 mile. Bubbagump can use the link to see, hear, smell, and feel through his children, though for them the link only provides mental communication.
Greater Death Knell (Su): Once each year Seraphina musters enough negative energy to perform a greater death knell. This ability functions as a death knell spell (CL 18th), except the hit points and Strength gained are permanent. If the target succeeds on a DC 11 Will save Seraphina actually loses 1d8 hit points permanently and takes 2 points of Strength drain.
Madness (Ex): Seraphina is incurably insane. In combat she has a 5% chance each round to behave erratically, acting as though affected by a confusion spell for that round only. Even when having one of her “spells” she will not attack Bubbagump.
Penetrating Sight (Su): Seraphina can see through up to 2 feet of wood, 6 inches of stone or metal, and 1 inch of lead as if it were only a ghostly image. She is immune to visual figments (such as major image) and glamers (such as invisibility). It still requires line of effect to a target in order to utilize her slowing gaze.
Rend (Ex): If Seraphina hits the same target with at least two tentacle claw attacks she latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+18 points of damage.
Slowing Gaze (Su): Targets who meet Seraphina’s dead, hollow eyes are slowed for 1d6 rounds. This effect has a 30 ft. range and a successful Will save (DC 22) negates. This save DC is Charisma-based.
Tantrum (Ex): In any round in which Seraphina takes at least 20 points of damage, there is a 10% chance she will throw a tantrum. The effects of this tantrum are similar to a barbarian’s mighty rage ability, granting a +8 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +4 bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. A tantrum lasts until the last available foe is slain, and afterward Seraphina returns to her normal state. During a tantrum Seraphina cannot be dominated or otherwise mentally controlled, even by her father.
Thrall to Bubbagump: Eldon responds to the commands of his father, whether issued mentally through the family link (see above) or spoken directly as if dominated, with no save allowed. Seraphina is only able to ignore Bubbagump’s commands when her madness (see above) is upon her.
True Strike (Su): Once per day Seraphina can gain a +20 insight bonus on a single attack roll. In addition, she suffers no miss chance against a target that has concealment or total concealment when making this attack.
Unkillable (Ex): Seraphina can only be permanently killed if her body is placed in a location that has been consecrated or hallowed and is then completely destroyed (by total immersion in acid, for example, or by a disintegrate spell).
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