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Cave of Ungutu
Posted on Sun, May 13, 2012 by LordCeb
Abysslin writes "Long ago there was a vast empire overseen by Emperor Zotlatlan. He was a tyrannical ruler in every sense, but his people led full and bountiful lives. When Zotlatlan moved his ambitions to the conquest of the surrounding tribes, they rallied together under the leadership of the Lizard Tribe, whose chief slayed Zotlatlan.

When Zotlatlan was killed, his people built a minor burial tomb and laid him to rest. Soon, without any form of solid leadership, the Broken Bat tribe (Telanites) fell into a state of ill repair as a society. Many of their people died of famine and disease.



Long ago there was a vast empire overseen by Emperor Zotlatlan. He was a tyrannical ruler in every sense, but his people led full and bountiful lives. When Zotlatlan moved his ambitions to the conquest of the surrounding tribes, they rallied together under the leadership of the Lizard Tribe, whose chief slayed Zotlatlan.

When Zotlatlan was killed, his people built a minor burial tomb and laid him to rest. Soon, without any form of solid leadership, the broken Bat tribe (Telanites) fell into a state of ill repair as a society. Many of their people died of famine and disease.

Zotlatlan, in his death made a pact with the god of Bats, Camazotz. In return for forcing his people’s worship to that of Camazotz, he raised Zotlatlan as a bat creature referred to as Tlokasazotz. He then raised all the Telanites that had fallen to disease and famine as Ravenous, a form of zombie easily distinguished by their lack of abdomenal area and anotomy.

When Telanites pleased Zotlatlan he “blessed” them by using one of his new found powers to transform them into a form of were-bats. One such member of his people was to receive the blessing, but refused, claiming it would ruin his power to speak with the spirit-folk. At first Zotlatlan was furious and felt disdain for this subject of his, Ungutu. In time Zotlatlan learned he could harness Ungutu’s power for his benefit. He commissioned Ungutu to talk with the spirit people in an effort to divine answers to Zotlatlan’s dilemmas.


Ungutu is a witchdoctor with allegience to the “vampire-ruler”, Zotlatlan. He dwells in a cave about 55 miles south of Zotlatlan’s capital, Telaneteculi. It is here that he has found a powerful spirit presence with which to foretell the future by the casting of his bones, answering quandries and dilemmas of his ruler.

Ungutu is seemingly large for a Telanite (6’ 5”, 240 lbs.) and wears dressings of rags and spirit paint (a paste made from the fatty tissues of the dead.) He adorns bronze, copper, and even some gold jewelry as well as a nosebar made from a bone from a giant boalisk.

Ungutu’s cave also serves as a resting point for the Telanites (Zotlatlan’s Tribe) travelling to and from the villages within Zotlatlan’s empire.

The following additional occupants can be found here at any given time. 2d6 Ravenous, 1d6 Telanite warriors, 1d6 Were-Telanites, and 2d20 Telanite civilians.

Needless to say, Ungutu’s bonecasting will have foretold the adventurer’s coming…

1.      ENTRANCE

The entrance to the cave is at the very bottom of a foothill lined by the jungle environs. A small mouth roughly 10’ wide and just as tall opens in the base of the hill with its corridor leading down into darkness.

This corridor slopes downward about 30 degrees for a ¼ mile stretch before running to a set of crude man-built stairs sloping up 15 degrees. Once the stairs are reached, light can be seen up ahead not far beyond the top of the stairs. (Torchlight from the cavern ahead)


This huge cavern is 40’ in heigth with a hole in the center top used to ventilate the smoke of the fire that is always kept lit in the middle of the room. There are also torches lit every 10’ along the room’s exterior.

Here the Telanites will have an ambush ready for the adventurers by hiding in the shadows of the torch and fire lights. Witchdoctor Ungutu will have hasted all of the Telanites present here, creature or otherwise.

The Warriors will attack first as the Ravenous pour in (hasted) from room #3. The werebats will be hanging from the ceiling of the room and attack immediately (+4 to surprise) along with the warriors.

(10) RAVENOUS (jungle zombies)
AC: 8  HD: 1  HP: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
#AT: 1  TH: 20 
DMG: 1d3+ disease (Con check: lose 1 point of *CON/ regain 1 per day)
MV: 9  INT: 6  ML: 20  SIZE: M (6’)  XP: 65SA: Nil  SD: Immune to Sleep, Charm, & Hold related spells
Notes: *0 CON = dead and rises as a ravenous unless corpse is
blessed  (Hunger!)


AC: 7  HD: 2  HP: 20, 20, 20, 20 
#AT: 3/2  TH: 18  DMG: 1D6+1 (Spear)
MV: 12  INT: 10  ML: 15  SIZE: M (6’) XP: 125

(6) WERE-TELANITES (Werebats)
AC: 5  HD: 4+2  HP: 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34
#AT: 3  TH: 17 
DMG: 1d4/1d4/1+disease (Con check: lose 1 point of *CON/ regain 1 per day)
MV: 9, Fl 15 (D)  INT: 9  ML: 12  SIZE: M (6’)  XP: 420
SA: Disease (Do not spread lycanthropy) Nil  SD: +1 or better or silver
Notes: *0 CON = dead and rises as a ravenous unless corpse is blessed

There is a 40% chance a Telanite has 1d4 pieces of metallic jewelry worth 2d10 sp.


This room is where Ungutu allows travellers to stay whilst they rest for their journeys ahead. The room is lit by 4 torches set evenly around the pillar in the center of the room.

There are a number of civilian Telanite travellers here, mostly non-combatants that through the fear Zotlatlan has instilled in them, will not defend themselves and will excitedly surrendur before falling to an adventurer’s blade.


AC: 10  HD: 1/2  HP: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
#AT: 1  TH: 20 DMG: 1d3 (Knife)
MV: 12  INT: 9  ML: 9  SIZE: M (6’) XP: 15


The corridor leading to this room is slopes down at 45 degrees and is trapped. A “depression stone” lining the width of the corridor and nearly 4’ in length is easily set off by any pressure applied to it in excess of 80 lbs. The depression is very subtle and only the most alert adventurer has any chance to discern anything of value when stepping on it.

When the stone is depressed, 8 outlets (4 on either side) begin pouring an oily substance onto the corridor floor. Adventurers travelling down the corridor are allowed a dex check at –4 to attempt a grasp at something substantial before falling into the Crocodile Pit below. Adventurers failing checks within the –4 are allowed a second check at –2 to pin themselves inbetween the inner wall of the pit and the pillar rising up from within the water.

No Telanites venture into the corridor, knowing only that occasionaly the wrath of Ungutu causes him to throw one of their count down the corridor, never to return. In effect, questioning the civilians from room #3 will not yield any information of the dangers this corridor presents or what is lying in the water pit, 15’ below the edge of the base room’s floor.

The water in the pit is fueled by a natural creekbed above the chamber and there is an underground outflow on the southwestern side of the pit traveling 100’ before exiting into an outside river in a ravine.

(6) Crocodiles

AC: 5  HD: 3  HP: 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24
#AT: 2  TH: 17 DMG: 2d4/1d12
MV: 6, Sw 12  INT: 1  ML: 9  SIZE: L (10’) XP: 65

5.      SHRINE OF QUETZALCOATL (God of Snakes)

Unbeknownst to Zotlatlan, Ungutu has not allowed himself to be forced in to worship of Camazotz, the bat god, and continues his worship of Quetzalcoatl here.

Within the chamber is a large statue (12’) of a winged snake made of bronze, a symbol of Quetzalcoatl. The statue weighs 2,400 lbs, but could fetch nearly its weight in gold to the right dealer, should the adventurers find a means to travel with it.

This room is also where Ungutu does his bonecasting rituals. The bonecasting Bowl is made of ceramic and is of exceptional craftsmanship.

Bowl of Bonecasting (and bones)
(Bonecasting Proficiency required for use)

Ritual requires 1d4 hours

65% chance to know answer to a single dilemma

Requires a number of hours of rest equal to the amount of ritual hours

6.      UNGUTU’S DEN

Ungutu will lie in wait in his chamber to ambush the intruders. He will have already spent his haste spells on the ambush party that met the infiltrators in room #2 when the adventurers first entered his caverns.

His strategy will be to have Stonekin already cast upon himself as he uses Spider Climbing awaiting on the ceiling Invisible and lay a Stinking Cloud on the adventurers when they enter his lair.
He will then immediately follow up by casting Fireball centered on any warrior in the group followed up by a Hold Monster attempting to hold the most amount of adventurer’s possible (4), following up with a Cone of Cold.

If any intruders are still alive, and the situation seems feasible, Ungutu will try to finish off the battle with Magic Missiles.

If at any time the situation turns grim for Ungutu, he will Dimension Door as close to Telaneteculi, to seek the aid of Zotlatlan.

The Chests

Eastern: Contains proper ingredients and tools to create 3d4 applications of the Feeblemind poison Ungutu uses.

Central: Contains 10 asps, of which 1d8+2 will strike upon opening.

(10) Asps AC: 6 HD: 2+1  HP: 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9

#AT: 1  TH: 19 DMG: 1 + Poison (Save vs. Poison at +2 or die in 1d8 rounds)
MV: 15  INT: 1  ML: 8  SIZE: S (5’) XP: 175

Western: Needle Trapped (+5% F/RT) with Asp poison as above.
Contains: 82 gp, 453 sp, and 753 cp.

WitchDoctor Ungutu (M10)

STR: 16 DEX: 18 CON: 16 INT: 15 WIS: 15 CHR: 5 COM: 5
AC: 4 HP: 55
#AT: 1/1 TH: 16 DMG: *1d4+2 (**Poison)

MV: 12 ML: 17 Abilities: +1 save vs. magic, Bonecasting (15), Save vs Poison +4

**Poison: Save vs. Poison or be Feebleminded (Int=3)

Spellbook (written in Amedi/ -30% to learn spells from, even if the proper language is comprehendable)

Spells: 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, +4
1. Magic Missile x4 (5d4+5), Spider Climb, Charm Person
2. Dark 15’, Invis, Mirror Img (1d4+3+og), Stink Cloud (20’ save pois or no act 1d4+1)
3. Dispel Magic, Fireball, Hastex2  (Ravenous, Werebats, & Warriors)
4. Stoneskin (null 1d4+5 attacks), Dimension Door
5. Cone of Cold (10’ dia x 50’ l, 10d4+10), Hold Monster (saves: 1/-3, 2/-1, 3 and 4/0)

Equipment: Bamboo Armor (AC: 8), Minor Dwoemorstone, *Bone of Rites, Chalice of Quetzalcoatl, Ungutu’s Nosebar, Bonecaster’s Bowl

Minor Dweomorstone (Red & White)
1/day: 1d8-4 (37.5% lose, 12.5% equal, 50% gain) (Mage only)
Negative Result- Lose amount of spell levels equal to negative result (1 day); must rest 1 day per negative result.

Equal Result- No effect.

Positive Result- Gain amount of spell levels equal to positive result (1 day).

Bone of Rites (Bone Hilted Dagger)


+2 to Proficiency Checks when adding applications

Applications hold for 24 hrs

Chalice of Quetzalcoatl

Heals 1d4+4 hitpoints

Save vs. Poison at +4 or fall unconscious an equal amount of  hours

Bowl of Bonecasting (and bones)
(Bonecasting Proficiency required for use)

Ritual requires 1d4 hours

65% chance to know answer to a single dilemma

Requires a number of hours of rest equal to the amount of ritual hours

Ungutu’s Nosebar grants +4 save vs. Poison, and –1 to Charisma while worn.

Cave of Ungutu

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Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by SirXaris on Tue, June 05, 2012
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This is an interesting little side trek, Abysslin.  I like the idea and the simplicity of your presentation.  I do have two questions, though:

First, why is Ungutu serving Zotlatlan, a servant of Camozozt, if Ungutu worships Queztalcoutl?

Second, why is Ungutu a Magic User when his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are all higher than his Intelligence?


Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by abysslin on Tue, July 24, 2012
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Hello SirXaris,

Hell if I can remember, this is literally a copy/paste of some old campaign notes from back when windows95 was around!

I appreciate the read and the comment )



Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by Argon on Mon, June 25, 2012
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Nice to see something from you once again. This was a nice side trek the stat on Ungutu do not disturb me at all many people seek out pursuits that may not be built upon their strengths. Yet, in some cases they succeed because of hard work and determination. I like the fact he does not follow the status quo. Thanks for this submission.

P.S> When this was first released the comment section was not available glad it is available now.



Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by abysslin on Tue, July 24, 2012
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As always Argon, I appreciate your comments. Long live CF!


Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by ChoiceGenie772 on Wed, November 07, 2018
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why is Ungutu serving Zotlatlan, a servant of Camozozt, if Ungutu worships Queztalcoutl?

Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by samuelddarden on Mon, December 30, 2020
(User Info | Send a Message)
Where exactly was the Baklunish Empire located and what happened to boom beach pc and its people after the Invoked Devastation?

Re: Cave of Ungutu (Score: 1)
by breanawyatt01 on Wed, July 28, 2021
(User Info | Send a Message)
The cave of ungutu has a lot of dark secrets. This really makes it more exciting to follow its storyline. Fort Mcmurray Snow Removal

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