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"Best Priestly Villains in Greyhawk:" | Login/Create an Account | 13 comments
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Re: Best Priestly Villains in Greyhawk: (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thu, May 02, 2002


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Re: Best Priestly Villains in Greyhawk: (Score: 1)
by Kahluah on Mon, May 06, 2002
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My vote goes for the Clergy of Erythnul, though Pholtus' priests and paladins could easily be assumed to be enemies, due to their over-zealous attitudes and thinking.

But with the addition of the Ravager's now (am not sure if they were already apart of the old Greyhawk, am a 3rd Ed guy meself), there are lots of ways to use a recurring Erythnul thread throughout a campaign.

Just my two coppers worth.

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