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"Which game products do you feel hold the most potential for future Greyhawk development?" | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments
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Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Mon, July 04, 2005
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Although I voted for C&C because it IS very important for Greyhawk, the long-term success of the campaign setting will require divorcing itself from any game system and embracing the limitless potential of mechanics-less articles, essays, and other products.

~Scott C.

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Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by Delglath on Tue, July 12, 2005
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Rubbish. It didn't work for Team Greyhawk, or the Council of Greyhawk, why would it work now?

The future for professionally published material, lies in Erik Mona's hands, and therefore in Dungeon magazine. Fans may create all the material they like, and some of it may even be better than the published stuff, but it all doesn't mean a damn officially.

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