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Current Poll Results

Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk

Mordenkainen27 %27 %27 % 27.64% (55)
Tenser the Archmage18 %18 %18 % 18.59% (37)
Prince Thrommel of Furyondy6 %6 %6 % 6.03% (12)
Lady Katarina of Walworth1 %1 %1 % 1.51% (3)
Canon Hazen of Veluna3 %3 %3 % 3.02% (6)
Cobb Darg of Irongate2 %2 %2 % 2.51% (5)
Bigby the Archmage8 %8 %8 % 8.54% (17)
Philidor the Blue4 %4 %4 % 4.02% (8)
Turin Deathstalker15 %15 %15 % 15.58% (31)
Prince Melf Brightflame11 %11 %11 % 11.06% (22)
Prince Olinstaad Corond of Ulek1 %1 %1 % 1.51% (3)
Other (Please Comment below)9 %9 %9 % 9.05% (18)

Total Votes: 199

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"Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk" | Login/Create an Account | 24 comments
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Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by Wykthor on Sat, April 23, 2005
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As much as I like Tenser and admire Hazen, my vote go to commander Osson of Chathold, who delayed as much as he can the ransacking of almor and even invaded Medegia.

Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by Jabberwocky888 on Sat, April 23, 2005
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All of them are really marvelling people but I like Jaro, the druid of Hommlet the most. Maybe because he is my character's husband :-)

Canon Hazen (Score: 1)
by Greyson on Sat, April 23, 2005
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I voted for Canon Hazen because of three simple words: Flight of Fiends. I am glad Roger Moore was able to clean the Flanaess up with the Flight of Fiends, and I think Canon Hazen was the right personality do it. Too bad Living Greyhawk killed the old cleric.

-------- Don (Greyson) --------

Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by chatdemon on Mon, April 25, 2005
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My vote went to Jallarzi, for no specific reason, I just like her as a character (ignoring her post traumatic stress crap introduced by Roger and perpetuated in the LGG). She's cool, and her familiar, Edwina, is a lot of fun to DM.

I do take issue with two of the choices, Mordenkainen and Turin Deathstalker, being called heroic. Noteworthy or infamous, yes, powerful and influential, yes, [i]heroic[/i], no. YMMV.

Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by Ivid ( on Fri, April 29, 2005
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My favourite heroes of Greyhawk are definitely the members of the Glooming Party, my home group. They Have travelled from the Adri Forest to the highest north and raided a certain evil temple south of Verbobonc.
Lately, the members have spread all along the Flanaess to follow their own goals... Although they're very likely to regroup, since there are rumours about a new thread from the princes of the elemental planes...

Q_Q Apart from that, I think Mordenkainen is the real true hero of the Flanaess; I'd name Lord Robilar too, but calling him a hero seems a bit... inappropriate...

Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by Woesinger on Mon, May 09, 2005
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Mordenkainen is a hero?

That guy's got the best publicists. :)


Re: Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by Varthalon on Thu, February 02, 2006
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Karll, Duke of Urnst.  "Whaddya mean I've got to rule the country?  But I'm havin fun fightn giants right now!"

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