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Current Poll Results

Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book:

Elves20 %20 %20 % 20.00% (90)
Dwarves15 %15 %15 % 15.78% (71)
Gnomes4 %4 %4 % 4.44% (20)
Halflings4 %4 %4 % 4.89% (22)
Orcs8 %8 %8 % 8.22% (37)
Hobgoblins19 %19 %19 % 19.78% (89)
Giants7 %7 %7 % 7.33% (33)
Lizardmen6 %6 %6 % 6.00% (27)
Drow10 %10 %10 % 10.22% (46)
Other3 %3 %3 % 3.33% (15)

Total Votes: 450

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"Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book:" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments
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Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by basiliv on Tue, November 22, 2005
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I voted for gnomes, because I'm tired of everything referencing the annoying practical joking gnomes of other settings.  Something which really captured the gnomes of the Flanaess would be wonderful -- their indistriousness, their fantastic illusions, their military strength, and their mercantile nature.

Enough with the pranksters.  Possibly the worst thing to come out of 2nd Edition was making gnomes annoying.  They're not kender.

Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by Argon on Wed, November 30, 2005
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 What a surprise most people chose Elves. Why would we need more info on Elves I could see Gnomes,halflings, but I chose Hobgoblins. We can see enough is enough with the Elves. While I like Dwarves we have alot of info on them as well. So I chose something besides a player handbook race. Though if you chose Gnome or Halfling I can understand that. However I'd like to know how Kobolds because distant relatives to dragons when every other edition of D&D lead them closer to gnolls or goblins.



Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Sun, December 04, 2005
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My first considered Gnomes as my vote.
Then Hobgoblins and Giant types.
It now is a toss up between Bugbears and Gnolls as my other vote.

Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Sun, December 04, 2005
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I first considered Gnomes as my vote.
Then Hobgoblins and Giant types.
It now is a toss up between Bugbears and Gnolls as my other vote.

Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by Lord_Kjeran on Mon, December 19, 2005
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I voted for Orcs...mostly because I like them, but also because they need some recognition!  they are as prevalent as humans, but nowhere ever sees much about them...


Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by Anced_Math ( on Tue, December 20, 2005
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I think gnomes need additional treatment.  However, the practical joker/illusionist role is something I like, I just think it needs to be more developed.  Do they like song, storytelling, apples? Something other than "they like jokes and illusions."  It is a great start, but nothing like a real detailed description.

Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by Varthalon on Thu, February 02, 2006
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Not Elves or Dwarves, there is plenty of material out there on them to work with.

Any of the others sound good though.  Gnomes are misunderstood so they would be good, but I voted for Giants.  There is a couple of good things out there, the Against the Giants series, the Stone Giant city in the Lortmils.  But I would like to see something updating what has happened to them since and some stuff on the other giant tribes around oerth.

Re: Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Score: 1)
by Argon on Wed, April 05, 2006
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People who voted for Elves are insane how much more do we need on elves. I voted Gnomes but hey everthing but Elves and Dwarves would be ok. I like Dwarves but as far as the list goes Elves and Dwarves should not even be on it.  

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