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Total Votes: 29

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 Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them: (464 votes)

 I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (479 votes)

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"This Poll is now closed. Thank you for your input." | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments
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Re: The future of This Week in Greyhawk Fandom; Your input n (Score: 1)
by grodog on Sun, September 22, 2002
(User Info | Send a Message)


I like the format of the newsletter a lot. I'd rather not see it become a burden, so going .pdf seems like more work (with the added effort of producing a nice layout, etc.).

One suggestion I do have is to include a window into the Greyhawk message board activities on ENWorld,, the WotC boards, etc.: give links to the cool article discussion threads.
That would make the newsletter even more useful to me, since it could point me specifically to a discussion that would really appeal to me.

That said, if getting that specific would require the newsletter to be every other week, I'd be OK with that, since the extra content would be worth the extra wait.

Just my 2 drabs....


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