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Current Poll Results

Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer?

E. Gary Gygax41 %41 %41 % 41.03% (240)
Rob Kuntz3 %3 %3 % 3.59% (21)
Len Lakofka3 %3 %3 % 3.08% (18)
James Ward0 %0 %0 % 0.51% (3)
Dave Cook1 %1 %1 % 1.88% (11)
Carl Sargent28 %28 %28 % 28.89% (169)
Roger E. Moore5 %5 %5 % 5.81% (34)
Sean Reynolds5 %5 %5 % 5.64% (33)
Erik "Iquander" Mona7 %7 %7 % 7.35% (43)
My Triad is Kewl!1 %1 %1 % 1.37% (8)
Other (please explain why!)0 %0 %0 % 0.85% (5)

Total Votes: 585

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"Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer?" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments
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Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 2, Insighful)
by xodast ( on Sat, August 11, 2001
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And EGG takes the lead!
Not surprising really. I am taken a bit aback by the support for Sargent. General opinions of his work have been mixed over the years, but it looks like people are finally accepting the post wars timeline and recognizing Carl for his efforts.

Me thinks a triad member is out there voting for himself though, hehehe

Only kidding.

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by MTG on Sun, August 12, 2001
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How could Gary not outstrip every one else. The man's words are the original reason we're all here!

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by arioch on Mon, August 13, 2001
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Of course gary is winning, and I know why carl is doing well to, while every one may not liek the direction he took things, he does have a good style too, just sorry I could only vote for one as I liked several on the list

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by Zaebos on Mon, August 13, 2001
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Where is Monte Cook???

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by cwslyclgh on Tue, February 03, 2004
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where is Holian on that list ;)

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by adhevan on Thu, May 20, 2004
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Since I can only vote for one category, I voted "other." A definite nod has to go to Gygax for coming up with the world. But other people, like Carl Sargent, have added some very good quality work to it over the years.

Re: Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Score: 1)
by Duicarthan on Tue, March 15, 2005
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well besides me? I mean uh yeah me...
probly the all teh devoted fans that have kept GH alive, honorable mention, Gary Holian.

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