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Current Poll Results

Greyhawk Knight Orders: My favorite is...

Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom23 %23 %23 % 23.48% (31)
Knights of the Hart: Furyondy13 %13 %13 % 13.64% (18)
Knights of the Hart: Veluna6 %6 %6 % 6.06% (8)
Knights of the Hart: High Forest9 %9 %9 % 9.85% (13)
Knights of the Holy Shielding12 %12 %12 % 12.12% (16)
Knights of Luna9 %9 %9 % 9.85% (13)
Knights of the Watch18 %18 %18 % 18.18% (24)
I dislike Knightly Organizations...6 %6 %6 % 6.82% (9)

Total Votes: 132

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"Greyhawk Knight Orders: My favorite is..." | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments
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The Pro Keolander vote (Score: 1)
by Osmund-Davizid on Mon, December 06, 2004
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)

I gave my vote to the Knights of the Watch (I tend to be a biased Pro-Keolander)

I liked the byzantine, complicated system of hierarchy and outrageous titles given to the leadership of the order. he slight departire of the Knights of Dispatch branch shows that this order is willing to adapt to new situations. And most importantly of all, because of their quasi religious, slightly xenophobic attitudes, this organization can be both villians and heros for your campaign (especially if one of your PCs is a member of the order).


Re: Greyhawk Knight Orders: My favorite is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, December 08, 2004
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Being the Great Kingdom junky that I am, my choice was obvious. However, the order does appeal to me most due to their nearly "lost order" type of status.

Valourous League of Blindness (Score: 1)
by TheocratIssak ( on Thu, December 09, 2004
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Hi all-
Do I need to edit this poll and add the truest order?
The Valourous Leage of Blindness from the Marklands and further expanded upon in OJ 15 by ME - where I cover the order itself as well as present a prestiage class for 3e rules (easily updated for 3.5+).
Check out the article, I think that some of the Living Greyhawk people from the Shield Lands and Nyrond triads actually used some of the information presented in the article.
Also need to add, Other Knightly Order - as it is, we either vote for the one's provided or vote I don't like orders.
Be Well, and Buy me a birthday present.

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