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Current Poll Results

My favorite Aerdy House is...

Garasteth9 %9 %9 % 9.80% (20)
Cranden22 %22 %22 % 22.55% (46)
Rax6 %6 %6 % 6.37% (13)
Nyrond6 %6 %6 % 6.37% (13)
Rax-Nyrond9 %9 %9 % 9.80% (20)
Naelex14 %14 %14 % 14.71% (30)
Darmen4 %4 %4 % 4.41% (9)
Torquann2 %2 %2 % 2.45% (5)
Other (Please Comment)0 %0 %0 % 0.00% (0)
I dislike the Aerdy Houses4 %4 %4 % 4.90% (10)
What is an Aerdy House?18 %18 %18 % 18.63% (38)

Total Votes: 204

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"My favorite Aerdy House is..." | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments
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Re: My favorite Aerdy House is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, December 15, 2004
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I had to roll with Garasteth, fully giving credit to my enjoyment of Lord Drax's persona and my own creation, Garolian, founder of Rel Astra.

Re: My favorite Aerdy House is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Thu, December 16, 2004
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5/30 already vote "What is an Aerdy House?"

If you have voted for that selection please download (WGR7:) Ivid the Undying from the Acaeum, at the bottom of the page.

Re: My favorite Aerdy House is... (Score: 1)
by Crag on Thu, December 16, 2004
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I chose Darmen because this house embodies the LE philosophy that Aerdy follows.

The ruthless evil nature of Darmen is hidden behind civility.

The house consists of brilliant politicians which makes this house scarier in my opinion because of its rationality rather than the sadistic insane Naelax.

Re: My favorite Aerdy House is... (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Thu, December 16, 2004
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I am voting for Rax-Nyrond as something of compromise candidate. I think there are two broad categories of Aerdi Houses. There are those that matter and those that do not to an equal degree.

By this I mean houses without Ivid the Undying and those within. Because those within never saw publication and are only later touched upon, I do not believe they matter as much as those with origins and development outside Ivid the Undying.

Rax-Nyrond touches Houses Rax, Nyrond, Rax-Nyrond, Naelex, Selvor and Naelex-Selvor. These houses all have a very meaningful history and interrelationship within the setting. Some of the Ivid Undying Houses are perhaps more interesting and detailed but they have a limited interest, IMO, because Ivid was never published, and as a result they have never been developed much beyond their initial presentation which was thorough but truncated in any greater connections to the setting.

To focus on the Ivid the Undying Houses would be like looking at English history and ignoring the Lancasters and Yorks in favor of the Chummleys. The Chummleys may be interesting in their own right, but the Lancasters and York are on an altogether different plane. Apples and oranges.

The Big Four (as listed) are more interesting to me because I see them mattering more in the grand scheme of things, allowing that with the new alignments in the former Great Kingdom, if GH ever sees further development, the Ivid the Undying Houses could come into there own.



Re: My favorite Aerdy House is... (Score: 1)
by Blucher on Fri, December 17, 2004
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How much cooler can it get than reading the "demon-seeing House of Naelex" ascends the Malachite Throne? Naelex all the way! :)

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