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Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II
Posted on Fri, June 03, 2011 by LordCeb
Argon writes "Things are dire a Sunn'sebb snowfall prevents travel and a disease seems to be turning the good people of Shandalanar into blood thirsty zombies that cannot be turned. Rumors persist the dead have risen from their graves and a missing farmers son may be the answer to such fell deeds.

Ruin Entrance

1.     Ruin Entrance-Hundreds of pieces of obsidian shards litter the base of this crumbled tower. Behind a fallen column lie’s some steps which lead downwards approximately five to seven feet. This leads to a long tunnel which travels some 40 feet or so. The passage narrows to about a 3 foot wide clearance medium sized characters will have to turn sideways to make it through this 5 foot long passage. Note large characters will get stuck unless they have some way to shrink themselves.

2.     Trapped chamber-This room is old and damaged signs show it was once larger than its current state. The room has a pressure plate which sets off a tripping chain trap see page 71 of the 3.5 DMG. This trap will reset every time someone leaves this room. Unfortunately only one person can enter this room at a time forcing the others to wait while their companions suffer the effects of the trap. The tunnel leading out of this chamber is wide enough to allow the players to transverse normally one at a time.

3.     The Chamber of Drought-This chamber is roughly 10 feet wide and 30 feet long. In the center of the room lies a figure lying upon an altar. The figure appears to be breathing but does not respond to the PC’s in the room. Unless the figure is touched it will not respond. Upon further inspection the figure is a young adult male which appears to have some slight cracked skin scars. If the PC’s prod or touch the figure in any way he will awake surprised a bit. When this occurs read the following.

Reyith where, who are you people? Are you also vessels for the dark rider?

He will wait for the PC’s to answer if they stay silent for too long he will call for Reyith. If the PC’s question as to whom he is read the following.

I am still Westil for now, but Reyith has told me I am to be one with the deliverer soon. I can feel him with me always. A little pain and suffering is good, it only makes you stronger. Reyith says his lord challenged Canon Hazen and he refused to submit to Incabulos will. Now the Canon is chained to the dark rider’s steed and must suffer for eternity. The Canon will see the greatness of Lord Incabulos renounce the false peace of Rao and embrace the dark rider. It was my obedience to our lord Incabulos which saved me. Now I carry some of his essence with me always with me never alone.

Westil holds himself a little before ending his drone like speech. It is easy to determine that this man seems a bit out of sorts to say the least. PC’s who express this should not be made to roll any check to confirm this unless it is quite contrary to the player characters knowledge.

If the PC’s ask Westil who Reyith is he will tell them the following.

He is one of the many who knows a god’s love. The churches preach to us that Rao is ever with us. Where was Rao when I got sick? Why did his priests fail to cure me? Why has one man Reyith offered me release? I will tell you why. Because Rao is never with his followers, never watches, never aids, never cares. Canon Hazen is the perfect example. Devote your life to a cause do everything you’re instructed to do and die anyway. NO not me I will embrace the one who embraces me forever in my grasp and me in his. Reyith is a brother he has shown me the truth. The lies of Rao, of Veluna will be exposed.


If the PC’s ask Westil why he would allow his family to suffer and die, he will reply the following:

I have not harmed them or anyone. I simply await my accession into one whole being. Incabulos entrusted one of his own children to join with me. I will be one again. I will be strong and so will my family.

If the PC’s show Westil the letter requesting Westil safe return read the following.

What this is this is my mother’s writing. Reyith I must see them let them know Incabulos must be embraced. Then they will be fine.

Reyith is hiding in chamber 4 as he heard the PC’s approaching chamber 2. At this point Reyith speaks.

I’m impressed you found us but the dark rider will not be undone. Westil you disappoint me you knew the costs of serving Incabulos. When you where offered a second chance to carry the larva of a godly union and foster it to greatness. None who resist Incabulos shall go unpunished. All must know his love and displeasure.

Very well then my new found friends I will offer you the secret to curing the disease. If Westil dies so too will the infection. It is the only cure. One death for many lives however will you choose?

Reyith has prepared glue traps in the tunnel leading to chamber 4 this tunnel narrows down to where only one person at a time can pass through sideways unless the character is of a small statue or less. The glue extends for 20’feet and one must make a DC 15 strength check to move five feet at a time.

If the PC’s rebut Reyith’s teachings to Westil in the slightest way he will consider leaving with them peacefully. Read the following.

Your speech seems sincere states Westil in an emotionless response. I shall follow you and see things for myself.

If the PC’s agree Westil will display random jerks but follow them as he stated. Once Westil sees the affects of his union with the worm he will ask the PC’s to take him to the church of Rao. Should the PCs escort him to the church he will ask them to stay and end him if need be. The church is dead set against killing Westil even if told it will cure the town. However if more than a week goes by Westil will turn into a Drought men see appendix for stats. At this point Westil will attack he can be subdued and locked up though this will be difficult. The PC’s should not receive a negative reward if forced to kill Westil. Though the church will have them vacated from their residence and make them go on a mission to cleanse their souls. See concluding the adventure.       

4.      The narrow glue filled passage leads to a wider passage 30’long, the room is filled with a mossy mold that gives of a slight shimmer when it is touched or moved. The spore exposure would be minimal however the glue keeps the spores and even some of the mold with the PC’s. Fortitude save DC 10 would be normal but because the spores now have places to adhere to the PC’s the save is now DC 15. The mold will cause affected PC’s to cough incessantly causes 1d2 points of choking damage for 1d6 rounds then another save DC 15 can be made or suffers choking damage for another 1d6 rounds.

5.     The passage is nearly voided of the mold present in the other tunnel it veers on a 45 degree angle upwards for about 40’ feet. It appears the slope has been greased making it difficult to traverse this passage a reflex save DC 15 must be made for every 10’ feet traversed DC 7 if they chose to move at 5’foot intervals. If a PC’s has a grappling hook and rope the save is DC 10 per 10’feet and no save if they chose to move at 5’ foot intervals.

The passage is darker with shades of moss still present it slopes upward significantly. The footing is slick and slippery, appearing to give with each step.

6.     This ten foot long passage comes to an abrupt end there is only enough room for two human sized figures to stand here comfortable. Read the following.

The short flat passage comes to an abrupt end with just enough room for two man-sized figures to occupy. Upon the floor rubble lies strewn about in an uneven pattern.

If the PC’s look around they need to make a DC 16 search check this will reveal a secret door. It appears Reyith was in a bit of a rush and did not lock the secret door. Should the PC’s make their search check read the following.

There are two indentations which appear to be key holes located on the upper left and right sides of the end of the passage. Pushing on either side reveals a false wall which swings left or right to reveal a hidden room.

7.     The secret door reveals a small chamber nearly 10’x 15’. Four braziers sit in each corner of the room. A mid-sized moon shaped dais lies in front of the secret door. Upon the dais sits a large stone urn. You can read the following to the PC’s.

Behind a secret wall lies a chamber 10’ long and 15’ wide. In each corner lies a brazier with an illuminating light blue flame. The illumination reveals a half moon dais, upon which lies a large stone urn. The front of the dais is decorated with ancient hieroglyphic symbols. A small draft can be felt from above. Leaning at the end of the center of the passage is a long ladder which seems to be a recent addition to this chamber.

It should be determined that Reyith must have taken the ladder to the surface. However if the PC’s decide to search the chamber and decipher the hieroglyphics which are in ancient flan script they will need a decipher script with a DC 18. If the character happens to have ancient flan as a language then decreases the DC to 10. A successful check reveals the following.

The symbols on the dais tell the story of a man who stood alone against many. Besides using bow and sickle it appears he used magic or poisons to defeat his enemies. He was killed by the army yet they soon fell to the effects which lingered on. The large stone urn clearly shows his name in ancient flan Arithyl. Each brazier displays four symbols which represent gods of the old faith. A fifth symbol is absent though the flame in each brazier could represent the fifth.

There is nothing else of value here if the PC’s take anything from this room they will get a negative reputation and life in Veluna will be difficult for them. Besides the punishment they would be due for grave robbing. When the PC’s decide to take the ladder read the following.

The ladder go’s up about ten feet and rests upon an old sets of stairs which travels about another 20’. Small pinpricks of light can be seen above your head with a stone half circle that bears fresh finger marks in the dust on its surface.

If the PC’s push on the stone it will slide to the left and lead to the surface. Read the following.

A few pushes on the stone reveals a rush of air and the light from the surface. While exiting the stairs the stone is attached to a statue resembling the figure displayed on the dais below. You are now atop a peak which gives you a perfect view of Shandalanar.

If the PC’s inquire whether they see a figure in flight it’s recommended they don’t. However he can be tracked down which can lead to a whole other continuation of this story. It could lead to a lair which can pose serious problems for the PC’s. The main concern should be saving Westil or killing him to save Shandalanar. Note if the PC’s enter through the back entrance area 7 only the trap in area two will be in effect areas 4 and 5 will be glue and grease free. Reyith will not be around as he will have left once the PC’s hit area 4. So there will be no banter with him. Westil will leave with the PC’s once they show him the letter given to them. The letter states the family is ill and if they are to die, their one last wish is to see their missing son Westil again. 

Concluding the adventure

 That decision is up to the PC’s. If the PC’s return Westil home they will receive their reward and 500 adhoc experience points for saving Westil. If the PC’s kill Westil the infection does subside in about a week. However adhoc experience is reduced to 100. If the PC’s help Eldried Sarneth come up with a cure for Westil removing the worm reward them another 500 experience points. If the worm is removed the infection subsides in three days and is all but absent in a week. Removing the worm at this stage kills it however the church will pay 50 crooks to the PC’s for its carcass. On a side note mages or priests of Incabulos would pay double.

Finding the Cure

There are three ways to end the infection. One the hardest track Reyith to his hidden lair faces trials and tribulations far beyond the PC’s capabilities. Not really an option. Two kill Westil not as easy as it may seem as he is strengthen by his union with the worm. Even if Westil is willing to die the worm will force him to attack see the stat blocks in the appendix. Lastly cure Westil a healing DC 30 check will reveal that by placing a pound of salt over the infected body and casting a cure disease spell the infection will be cured. This will also remove the worm which is exhumed from the body through the rectum or mouth. The infected will often vomit or defecate during this process causing 1-2 points of damage and expelling the worm from the victim. The damage is 1d6 if stage 3 has begun.

Rumor mill


Random Rumor Result


Westil is not sick he just has a drinking problem (False)


The Canon death has made Veluna very sick (True)


Ketish rebels have infected the drinking water (False)


The Nobiz are immune to the disease (False)


Nobiz know something and are not telling us (True &False)


Westil once accompanied some young women to the ruins (True)


Rao is too sad to aid us he misses Canon Hazen (False)


Lord Elimier left Shandalanar as soon as Westil became sick (False)


Sheriff Bucklebrook is a very knowledgeable Nobiz (True)


The infected rise from their graves (True)


Dealing with Bucklebrook

A DC 15 diplomacy check coupled with positive feedback reduces cost. If the PC’s blame the Nobiz or Lowgar for any wrong doing prices are not negotiable. The DM may double prices if PC’s are overly judgmental of the Nobiz. Nobiz characters get a +5 to their diplomacy checks with Lowgar.





1 sp

5 cp

The Basil family is not kind to its workers.

1 sp

5 cp

Goat butter does wonders for illnesses.

1 sp

5 cp

A cowl figure goes through the town at night.

1 sp

5 cp

My scouts prevent him from entering this quarter.

1 sp

5 cp

The cowl seems to hide him well.

5 sp

1 sp

Westil was last seen in the ruins.

5 sp

1 sp

I think the figure might know where Westil is.

5 sp

1 sp

Only four people can grant you access to the ruins.

5 sp

1 sp

An obsidian tower in the ruins could help you.

5 sp

1 sp

I could get you approved for a fee. 5sp each.

10 sp

5 sp

Don’t harm the infected unless you have too.

10 sp

5 sp

Hervis is keeping an infected in his house.

10 sp

5 sp

The infected are not undead their alive.

10 sp

5 sp

Infected crave water it could be used to distract them

1 gp

10 sp

Infected seem to avoid salted meats.

1 gp

10 sp

Hervis and Alduin do not get along.

1 gp

10 sp

Alduin is the adopted son of Lord Elimier.

5 gp

1 gp

Arithyl used Urflan methods to defeat his foes.

5 gp

1 gp

Sarneth was sent here in punishment for a crime.

1 pp

5 gp

Lord Elimier is very sick, Alduin is protecting him.




Many of the NPC’s where created by members of the Veluna triad for the Living Greyhawk campaign. Some diversions from that campaign have been made to this side trek. For more info on Living Greyhawk Veluna triad visit their website at

Currency in Veluna is defined as follows. The Hand is a copper coin. The Staff is a silver coin. The Crook is a gold coin. Lastly the Brilliant is a platinum coin.

Infected Commoners-CR 1/2 Human commoner 1 before infection LG, now N Medium humanoid Init +0; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2, +5 for water or moisture; DR 3 while infected; Languages Common; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10-HP 3 (1 HD) Fort +0,Ref +0,Will +0; Spd 30 ft. Melee +2 hands (1d2) Base Atk +0 Grp + 2: Abilities Str 10 (currently 14),Dex 11,Con 12 (currently 10), Int 10 (currently 5), Wis 10 (currently 5), Cha 10 (currently 5) ; Feats Alertness, (varies), currently while infected Endurance; Skills Handle Animal +4, Listen +2, Profession (varies) +4, Ride +4, Spot +2; Possessions none.

Infected Commoners stage 2-CR 1 Human commoner 1, before infection LG, now N Medium humanoid Init +0; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2, +8 for water or moisture; DR 5 while infected; Languages Common; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10-HP 5 (1 HD) Fort +0,Ref +0,Will +0; Spd 30 ft. Melee +3 hands (1d3) Base Atk +0 Grp + 3: Abilities Str 10 (currently 16),Dex 11,Con 12 (currently 10), Int 10 (currently 3), Wis 10 (currently 3), Cha 10 (currently 3) ; Feats Alertness, (varies), currently while infected Endurance; Skills Handle Animal +4, Listen +2, Profession (varies) +4, Ride +4, Spot +2; Possessions none. Stage 2 will attack any non-infected

Infected Commoners stage 3-CR 2 Human commoner 1 before infection LG, now N Medium humanoid Init +0; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2, +10 for water or moisture; DR 8 while infected; Languages Common; AC 8, touch 10, flat-footed 8-HP 8 (2 HD) Fort +0,Ref +0,Will +0; Spd 30 ft. Melee +4 hands (1d4) Base Atk +0 Grp + 4: Abilities Str 10 (currently 18),Dex 11,Con 12 (currently 12), Int 10 (currently 1), Wis 10 (currently 1), Cha 10 (currently 1) ; Feats Alertness, (varies), currently while infected Endurance; Skills Handle Animal +4, Listen +2, Profession (varies) +4, Ride +4, Spot +2; Possessions none. Stage 3 will attack anything even other infected blood will also be craved as much as water.

Town Guards-CR ½ Human warrior 1 LG Medium humanoid Init +0; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2; Languages Common; AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 12-HP 5 (1 HD) Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; Spd 30 ft. Melee small club +2 (1d4/ 20) half damage when subduing Ranged sling bullets +1 (1d4/20) Base Atk +1 Grp +2: Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Feats Alertness, Subdual Focus (bludgeoning); Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +4, Listen +2, Ride +4, Spot +2; Possessions leather armor, light wooden shield, small wooden club (St. Cuthbert’s symbol stamped on both sides), sling w/ 20 bullets.


Subdual Focus- Grants the wielder the ability to use bludgeoning weapons to cause subdual damage. The weapon deals half normal damage all of which is subdual.

Infected rabbit stage 2-CR 1/2 Tiny animal, N Init +2; DR 5 while infected; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12-HP 2 (1/2 d8 HD) Fort +2,Ref +4,Will +1; Spd 30 ft. Melee +0 bite +4 (1d4) Base Atk +0 Grp -8: Abilities Str 3 (currently 9),Dex 15,Con 10, Int 2, , Wis 12 (currently 5), Cha 7 (currently 3) ; Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Balance +10, Climb +4,Hide +10, Jump+14 (currently +16),Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +2,+6 for water Possessions none. Will attack any non-infected.

 Infected rabbit stage 3-CR 1 Tiny animal, N Init +2; DR 8 while infected; AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12-HP 4 (1 HD) Fort +2,Ref +4,Will +1; Spd 30 ft. Melee +0 bite +4 (1d6) Base Atk +0 Grp -6: Abilities Str 3 (currently 11),Dex 15,Con 10, Int 2 (currently 1), , Wis 12 (currently 3), Cha 7 (currently 1) ; Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Balance +10, Climb +4,Hide +10, Jump+14 (currently +18),Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +2, +8 for water Possessions none. Attack any one in line of sight, craving blood as much as water.


Infected goat stage 2-CR 2 Medium animal, N Init +0; DR 5 while infected; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14-HP 20 (2d8 +6 HD) Fort +4,Ref +4,Will +2; Spd 40 ft. Melee +2 (1d8),Gore +4 (1d8 +5) bite +4 (1d4) Base Atk +2 Grp +4: Abilities Str 13 (currently 16),Dex 11,Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13 (currently 6), Cha 5 (currently 3) ; Feats Alertness, Endurance, Skills Climb +4,Listen +7, Spot +5, +10 for water, Possessions none. Will attack any non-infected.

Infected goat stage 3-CR 3 Medium animal, N Init +0; DR 8 while infected; AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16-HP 26 (2d8 +12 HD) Fort +4,Ref +4,Will +2; Spd 40 ft. Melee +2 (1d8+4),Gore +4 (1d8 +10) bite +4 (1d6) Base Atk +2 Grp +4: Abilities Str 13 (currently 19),Dex 11,Con 15, Int 2 (currently 1), Wis 13 (currently 3), Cha 5 (currently1) ; Feats Alertness, Endurance, Skills Climb +4,Listen +7, Spot +5, +15 for water, Possessions none. Attack any one in line of sight, craving blood as much as water.

 Drought Larva-CR 1/4 Tiny aberration, NE Init +2; Languages Telepathic; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12;HP 1 (1/4d8 HD) Fort +2,Ref +2,Will +2; Spd 20 ft. Melee +0, bite +4 (1d2) Base Atk +0 Grp -13: Abilities Str 1,Dex 15,Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10; Feats Weapon Finesse, Skills Climb +10,Hide +18,Swim +10, Spot +4, +10 for water, Special Attacks: Spore; Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Water Sense 100ft, Burrow; A Larva can burrow into any orifice on a human or animals body. Once it burrows into a creature it will release its spores. Spores carry an infection which affect humanoid creatures by reducing all mental abilities like Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 5 points and increasing their Strength scores by 4 points. Spores will make infected victims crave water those that fail to get the recommended amount of water 4 gallons a day will lose one point of Constitution every day they don’t make their quota. Larva can detect water in a 100 ft radius. Larva resemble centipedes in appearance.

Drought Worm-CR 1 Small aberration, NE Init +2; Languages Telepathic; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12;HP 2 (1/2d8 HD) Fort +2,Ref +2,Will +2; Spd 30 ft. Melee +0, bite +4 (1d4) Base Atk +0 Grp -7: Abilities Str 5,Dex 15,Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14; Feats Weapon Finesse, Skills Climb +12,Hide +18,Swim +12, Spot +6, +14 for water, Special Attacks: Spore, Mind control (Charisma based); Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Water Sense 300ft, Burrow; A worm can burrow into any orifice on a human or animals body. Once it burrows into a creature it will release its spores. Spores carry an infection which affect humanoid creatures by reducing all mental abilities like Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 7 points and increasing their Strength scores by 6 points. Spores will make infected victims crave water those that fail to get the recommended amount of water 4 gallons a day will lose one point of Constitution every day they don’t make their quota. Worms can detect water in a 300 ft radius. Mind Control a worm attaches itself to the nervous system of a victim telepathically. Influencing a victim’s action and motor functions save is will base DC 15. A failed save results in the victim losing control of all motor functions and actions needing a DC 20 will save to regain control temporarily.     

Drought (Worm) Men-CR 3 Medium aberration, NE Init +4; Languages Telepathic; AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14;HP 6 (1d8+2 HD) Fort +4,Ref +4,Will +4; Spd 40 ft. Melee +0, bite +4 (1d6) Base Atk +0 Grp +0: Abilities Str 10,Dex 17,Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18; Feats Weapon Finesse, Symbiosis Skills Climb +10,Hide +18,Swim +10, Spot +4, +10 for water, Special Attacks: Spore, Mind control (Charisma based); Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Water Sense 1000ft, Burrow; Control infected; A worm can burrow into any orifice on a human or animals body. Once it burrows into a creature it will release its spores. Spores carry an infection which affect humanoid creatures by reducing all mental abilities like Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 9 points and increasing their Strength scores by 8 points. Spores will make infected victims crave water those that fail to get the recommended amount of water 4 gallons a day will lose one point of Constitution every day they don’t make their quota. Worms can detect water in a 1000 ft radius. Mind Control a worm attaches itself to the nervous system of a victim telepathically. Influencing a victim’s action and motor functions save is will base DC 20. A failed save results in the victim losing control of all motor functions and actions needing a DC 30 to regain control temporarily. If a victim fails to regain control within a week the worm will become a symbiotic with its victim. Symbiosis once this has been attained removing the worm or killing the victim kills both of them. The benefits of Symbiosis are as follows the victim gains all of worms abilities save burrow, mind control, and Symbiosis. The victim also gains +9 to strength +4 to wisdom, intelligence, and charisma. The greater of the skills between the two are kept and the victim gains DR 10. This changes the CR based on the victim. The Drought men will try to mate with an Annis so it can create more larvas. Note infected never attack a Drought men and can be controlled by drought men making them very deadly indeed.

Westil Drought men-CR 5 Human Symbiotic; before infection LG, now N (with evil tendencies) Medium humanoid; Init +6; DR 10 while infected; Languages Common, telepathic; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10-HP 18 (3 HD) Fort +6,Ref +6,Will +6; Spd 30 ft. Melee +6 hands (1d4)bite +8 (1d4 +4); Base Atk +2 Grp + 2: Abilities Str 10 (currently 19),Dex 11,Con 12 , Int 10 (currently 14 ), Wis 10 (currently 14), Cha 10 (currently 14) ; Feats Alertness, Iron will; Skills Climb+14 Handle Animal +6, Listen +7, Profession (farmer) +4, Ride +6, Spot +10, +20 water, Swim +14;Special Attacks: Spores; Special Qualities: Dark Vision 60ft, Water Sense 1000ft; Control infected; Possessions none.

Note: Salt bypasses the DR of any infected or Drought men. It also makes the infected immobile for 1d4 rounds after exposure.

 Halfling Slingers-CR ½ Halfling warrior 1 NG Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4; Languages Common, Nobiz, AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12-HP 4 (1 HD) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; Spd 20 ft. Melee small club +1 (1d4/ 20) Ranged sling bullets +4 (1d3/20) Base Atk +1 Grp +1: Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; Feats Weapon Focus (sling); Skills Climb +6, Intimidate +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +2; Possessions leather armor, small wooden club, sling w/ 20 bullets.

 Lowgar Bucklebrook-CR 1 Halfling rouge 3, N Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4; Languages Common, Nobiz, Velunise, Flan, AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13-HP 20 (3 HD) Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +3; Spd 20 ft. Melee dagger (Keen) +8 (1d3,17-20) Ranged sling bullets +9 (1d3/20) Base Atk +1 Grp +1: Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18; Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse; Skills Appraise +7, Balance +6, Bluff +12, Climb +6,Diplomacy +12, Disable Device +8, Hide +14, Jump +3, Listen +8, Intimidate +9, Move Silently +14, Open Lock +14, Ride +4 (Pony), Search +8, Spot +14, Tumble +10, Use Magic Device +4; Possessions Mwk studded leather armor,(Keen) Mwk dagger , sling w/ 20 bullets, potion of glibness, potion of cure light wounds.

Shandalanar Map: Each square equals 20 ft.

Secret Ruin Passage Map: Each square equals 5ft."
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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1)
by SirXaris on Fri, June 03, 2011
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I'm glad to say it turned out well, Argon. Nice job! :)  And, your maps look great!

I must say that your Drought Men, especially Westil, seemed abit over-powered for 1st - 2nd level characters with their DR 10.  I see that salt can overcome it and even paralyze them for a while, which is great if the PCs can discover that.  I don't remember you providing a way for the PCs to discover this information in the Side Trek, though.  Did I miss it? 

I'm not sure how you get the Drought Men such a poor Grapple bonus, though.  With a natural +0, that means that wrestling the creature to the ground and tying him up is the easiest way to defeat him.  But the Grapple score is BAB plus Strength Modifier.  Westil's Grapple bonus should be about +6, not +2.  Did you give these creatures a natural penalty to such checks?

Oh, and by the way, the Urflan didn't worship Incabulous as you imply in the history of Arithyl as told by Bucklebrook in his information section.  They found a way to tap into divine energy through the blood of sacrifices without worshipping any gods themselves.  Perhaps you intended this information from Bucklebrook to be false. :)

I like how you made it possible for the PCs to convince Westil to abandon his devotion to Incabulous.  That's a great 'feel-good' ending to the story. :)


Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1)
by Mystic-Scholar on Fri, June 03, 2011
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Definitely a future "module writer" in the making. My same critique applies to this "second" part as I gave for the first.

Nice effort, nice job. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, Argon. Keep it coming.

Louis Vuitton Alma MM M93595 (Score: 1)
by damipenny on Sun, April 22, 2012
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So far, Mr. Tebow has worked with brands like Louis Vuitton Alma MM M93595 [] Jockey, Nike and EA Sports, though some industry professionals say that he will have to come to peace with New York and what it represents if he is to thrive here. I don't think Louis Vuitton Artsy GM outlet [] that this guy is going to be first pick in New York, said Kelly Cutrone, the founder of People's Revolution, which recently handled the fashion shows for Jeremy Scott and Nicholas K. Do you want him front row at Dolce men's? I don't. After all, louis vuitton handbags outlet [] is very, very to the right, Ms. Cutrone said. He doesn't believe in abortion or a woman's right to choose. That's problematic, she explained, particularly artsy louis vuitton handbag [] in a city rife with empowered women who make their own money (not Bible Belt beauty queens), gay men and people who support gay and lesbian rights — the very people who Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 outlet [] run the fashion industry. Asked if she thought Mr. Tebow might receive the Victor Cruz treatment, Ms. Cutrone said, I don't think Anna Wintour is going to be jogging over there. Spring weather usually tosses a lot of bad fashion louis vuitton speedy handbags [] trends onto the city's sidewalks. But this year, with our strangely early spring, the journey between my house and Bergdorf's is absolutely perilous cheap Louis Vuitton Belts []. I worry — I do! — about those late-middle-aged women in super-high platforms and skinny J Brand jeans. A ballerina in toe shoes would have more contact with the pavement than these babes do. Women love platform shoes, for their Louis Vuitton purses [] sense of superiority and comfort (relative to other high heels); I love platforms. For 20 years I had a favorite pair of Lagerfeld black suede platforms — from the era of Louis Vuitton Monogram purses [] Karl Lagerfeld's high-fashion label, with crisscross ankle straps — that almost every year I left at Shoe Service on West 55th Street for a perk-up. As men know, good shoes can be repaired Louis Vuitton 4 KEY HOLDER M93517 [] and worn for a long time, and the Lagerfeld platforms, aside from being well made, were a classic sin trap style — sexy and shapely but rather modest in height. A decade ago it probably louis vuitton sarah wallet [] became obvious to me that I couldn't replace them, not in style or quality, and certainly not in cost. It wasn't just that platforms became absurdly big — like a giant Idaho potato wedged Louis Vuitton Zipp Wallet [] under the ball of your foot — or that the height of the stiletto heel seemed to almost taunt the wearer (or victim?). Rather, these new platforms ceased being feminine and interesting. They were louis vuitton luggage [] consistently of a type: sleek, aggressive, challenging. This trend started six or seven years ago, as part of the dominance of accessories, and it hasn't stopped. In fact, it's gone further mainstream, to judge by the feet I see most Louis Vuitton Travel KEEPALL 50 [] days on Fifth Avenue. [] Dami

Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1)
by owiqweuw on Fri, November 28, 2014
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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1)
by samuelddarden on Mon, December 30, 2020
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Re: Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II (Score: 1)
by JellyMin on Wed, March 09, 2022
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Unfortunately only one person can enter this room at a time forcing the others to wait while their companions suffer the effects of the trap. []

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