Witch of the High Secret Order Prestige Class |
Posted on Fri, October 21, 2005 by Dongul |
Cebrion writes "Among witches, there are those who stand higher in their patrons' favor than all others. These are the witches of the High Secret Order, and they are privy to some of the most powerful magics Oerth has ever known.
Witch of the High Secret Order (HSO)
By: Brian McRae, aka Cebrion
Used with permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Among the witches serving supernatural powers governing over the world of Greyhawk, there are those who seek to become even more powerful through strengthening the bonds of their pact with their patron. Each patron power is served by a group of highly devout witches known usually as a High Secret Order. The members of a High Secret Order serving a single power may be concentrated in a single geographical area or spread across an entire continent, or even a world. Some High Secret Orders are extremely localized, particularly if they have been newly formed or are recovering from losses of some sort.
Witches who are accepted into a High Secret Order are bound by even greater bonds of servitude to their patron who imposes upon the witch to carry out her patron's will to an even greater extent. Other witches serving the same patron as the witch of the High Secret Order, and who are not members of the High Secret Order themselves, must defer to her in all matters, unless they are already under instructions from another witch of the High Secret Order or directly from her patron. Allies of the witch of the High Secret Order's patron are more likely to treat with her as an equal, and may even be persuaded to offer the witch aid if it would be of benefit their own master.
Witches belonging to a High Secret Order are feared for the varied powers that they can call upon, but none more so than the magical lore known as High Secret Order magic. This magic is in large part granted directly from the witch's patron and though many wizards have sought to learn its secrets, none have succeeded. Various mages of repute theorize this is because of the witch's unique gifts to harness supernatural forces to aid them in utilizing their magic, and that this is an inherent requirement for being able to master High Secret Order magic. More terrifying still is the fact that low ranking members of the High Secret Orders are somehow able to wield High Secret Order magic in limited amounts, though at great sacrifice. This is just one more reason among many why witches are not fully trusted by arcane spellcasters, for even guilds (and other more clandestine organizations) are wary of those with an ability to wield magic which they simply cannot understand.
Hit Die: d4
To qualify to become a Witch of the High Secret Order, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks,
Feats: Augment Summoning, Energy Substitution (appropriate to the witch's patron) for witches with an elemental patron, or any metamagic feat for witches serving non-elemental patrons.
Special: Must be able to cast Witch spells of 5th level or higher. Must possess one of the following items: crystal ball, any magical (non-cursed) broom, mirror of mental prowess, mirror of life trapping, or one of the following objects(depending on alignment): libram of silver magic if good, libram of gainful conjuration if neutral, libram of ineffable damnation if evil. Must be accepted for membership by her patron's High Secret Order.
Class Skills
The Witch of the High Secret Order's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha). See Players Handbook, Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All the following are class features of the Witch of the High Secret Order prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witches of the High Secret Order gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Spells per Day / Spells Known: At each level, a Witch of the High Secret Order gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in the witch class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit or special abilities a character of that class would have gained (such as the bonus feat sometimes gained by a wizard).
Greater Pact: By proving her devotion to her patron, the witch has been allowed entry into her patron's inner circle of servants, the High Secret Order. The witch gains many benefits as a member of the High Secret Order, but also takes on much greater responsibilities as the pact she has made with her patron is strengthened.
The witch's familiar continues to grow in power as its master does. Witch of the High Secret Order levels stack with Witch levels when figuring the abilities of the witch's familiar.
The witch may no longer use summon monster spells to summon any creatures
other than those that serve her patron, or that are representative of her
patron (i.e. have a template representative of the witch’s patron). For
example, a witch serving a patron of the elemental plane of fire might
summon a salamander, efreet, azer, or an elemental (fire) badger, but may
not summon a celestial badger or any other creature not having the fire
descriptor. As an added benefit, the witch need never worry about any
summoned creatures that are servants of her patron attacking her, regardless
of any rules that state otherwise. For example, an efreet might still be
difficult to deal with, as it is in their nature to be this way, but it
would never attempt to cause the witch any harm.
The witch's patron also reveals additional magical secrets to her. All spells representative of the witch's patron are cast at +1 level.
The witch must attempt to hamper the activities of any person or creature she comes into contact with that serves a patron that is an enemy of her own patron. The witch need not risk herself needlessly, but she must make an honest effort to cause as much mayhem as possible to her patron's enemies. In the past, High Secret Orders serving opposing patrons have been known to engage in horrific battles involving supernatural creatures and dreadful magics. Fortunately this does not happen very often, as High Secret Orders prefer to work against each other in more subtle ways, seeking influence among any from beggars to kings, and weaving complex plots that may span generations.
Ancient Lore: The witch becomes privy to ages old secrets of extra-planar powers and the forces of nature. The witch may use any spell scrolls, including cleric and druid scrolls. Arcane spell scrolls of all types may be used as normal. Level checks to cast spells from druid scrolls are made with a -5 penalty, while level checks to cast spells from cleric scrolls are made with a -10 penalty. These penalties also apply to the DC 5 Wisdom check to avoid a Scroll Mishap. The witch may still not make use of any spells opposed to her patron or alignment, even if they are in scroll form.
High Secret Order Spell 1: Witches of the High Secret Order are privy to some of the most powerful and ancient of magics, and are taught the secrets of such magic directly by their patrons. For each level gained, a Witch of the High Secret Order learns one High Secret Order spell of the witch's choice. At 1st-level, the witch actually gains one High Secret Order spell to help her learn the principles of High Secret Order magic, even though she does not yet have the understanding to use it. At 2nd-level, a Witch of the High Secret Order has learned enough rudimentary knowledge of High Secret Order magic to actually make use of it, though it is extremely difficult to do so.
To cast a single High Secret Order spell, the witch must "sacrifice" a 9th-level spell slot. If the witch does not have a 9th-level spell slot to sacrifice, the witch must sacrifice a total of three times the level of the High Secret Order Spell that she wishes to cast in total spell levels that she has memorized, or 27 spell levels. Spell levels "sacrificed" must always include at least one spell slot of the highest level the witch is capable of casting, or the next most powerful level slot if she no longer has any spells of her highest level available. High Secret Order spells are considered to be 9th-level spells for purposes of saving throw DC's. For purposes of determining if a High Secret Order Spell penetrates a creature's spell resistance, the witch's caster level is always considered to be at least 17th, unless the witch has a higher caster level than this. For the purpose of figuring the variable effects of a High Secret Order spell (such as duration, range, or damage) the actual caster level of the witch is used.
Casting High Secret Order spells is very taxing, so the witch may not cast a spell from memory after such a casting in the same round (whether by Feat or special ability) and for two rounds following the casting of the High Secret Order spell. During these two rounds, the witch is also considered to be staggered (see Dungeon Master's Guide, page 301).
Greater Counterspell: Due to her varied understanding of magic, the witch is able to counter her opponent's spells with amazing efficiency. When Counterspelling, the witch may use a spell of any school that is one or more levels higher than the target spell. A High Secret Order spell may actually be used to counter a 9th-level spell, but the witch will then suffer all of the penalties associated with casting a High Secret Order spell.
High Secret Order Spell 2: At 5th-level, the witch has learned to better harness the power of High Secret Order magic, and is able to cast up to two High Secret Order spells in a day. The witch must still sacrifice a 9th-level spell slot to cast each High Secret Order spell, if she has a 9th-level spell slot available. If no 9th-level spell slot is available, the witch need only sacrifice two times the level of the High Secret Order spell in memorized spell levels, or 18 levels, due to her increased knowledge and use of High Secret Order magic. Spell levels sacrificed must still always include at least one spell of the highest level the witch is capable of casting, or the next most powerful level slot if she no longer has any spells of her highest level available. Casting High Secret Order spells is still taxing to the witch, though not quite as much, so the witch may still not cast a spell from memory in the same round as such a casting (whether by Feat of special ability) nor in the round following the casting of a High Secret Order spell. During this round, the witch is also considered to be staggered (see Dungeon Master's Guide, page 301).
Limited Wish 1/month: The witch may use this ability once per month. Otherwise it functions as the spell of the same name.
High Secret Order Spell 3: At 8th-level, the witch has unlocked the final secrets of High Secret Order magic, and may cast up to three High Secret order spells per day. The witch must sacrifice a 9th-level spell slot to cast each High Secret Order spell, if possible. If the witch has no 9th-level spell slots left to sacrifice, the witch must sacrifice twice the number of levels, or 18 levels of spells. At least one of the spells sacrificed must be of the highest level spell slot the witch still has remaining. Casting High Secret Order spells is now only slightly taxing to the witch, but the witch may still not cast a spell from memory in the same round as such a casting (whether by Feat of special ability) nor in the round following the casting of a High Secret Order spell. The witch no longer suffers the penalty of being staggered following the casting a High Secret Order spell.
Table 1. Witch of the High Secret Order
Level |
Special |
Spells per Day |
1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+2 |
+1 level of witch class |
2 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+3 |
High Secret Order Spell 1 |
+1 level of witch class |
3 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+3 |
--- |
+1 level of witch class |
4 |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
Greater Counterspell |
+1 level of witch class |
5 |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
High Secret Order Spell 2 |
+1 level of witch class |
6 |
+3 |
+2 |
+2 |
+5 |
--- |
+1 level of witch class |
7 |
+3 |
+2 |
+2 |
+5 |
Limited Wish 1/month |
+1 level of witch class |
8 |
+4 |
+2 |
+2 |
+6 |
High Secret Order Spell 3 |
+1 level of witch class |
9 |
+4 |
+3 |
+3 |
+6 |
--- |
+1 level of witch class |
10 |
+5 |
+3 |
+3 |
+7 |
Favored One |
+1 level of witch class |
Favored One: The witch has achieved a status among the servants of her patron that few ever attain. As a reward, her patron grants the witch the secret to a powerful ritual that transforms the witch into something other than mortal. The witch’s type changes to that most representative of her patron: outsider or elemental. The witch gains Darkvision 60’; if the witch already has the Darkvision ability it is increased by a further 60’. The witch also gains Damage Reduction 10/ magic if of the outsider type, or immunity to the element her patron is associated with if of the elemental type. The witch also manifests a minor physical trait representative of her patron, such as oddly colored eyes, skin, or hair. This minor physical trait further enhances the witch’s unnatural presence, modifying all reactions to her by a further -2 penalty, although this becomes a +2 bonus with regards to the use of the Intimidate skill. The witch maintains a soul outside of her body and can still be raised from the dead or resurrected as normal for a creature of her previous type.
Spells of the High Secret Order
High Secret Order spells are very powerful and are beyond the power of any simple dispel magic effects. High Secret Order spells may only be dispelled by the use of a limited wish, miracle, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, or wish spell. High Secret Order spells will temporarily cease to function if entirely within an anti-magic area. If not entirely encapsulated within an anti-magic area, a High Secret order spell will continue to function with regard to any portion of the spell’s effect that lies outside of the anti-magic area. Unless otherwise stated, the caster of a High Secret Order spell is never personally affected by her own spells unless it is a spell’s purpose to affect her; this effect also applies if a witch’s own High Secret Order spells are in any way turned against her.
A Witch of the High Secret Order may attempt to research new High Secret Order spells, but may only do so upon reaching 10th level. Consequently, many of the most powerful Witches of the High Secret Order possess knowledge of unique and powerful spells only they themselves know.
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Witch- High Secret Order
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature or object Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch calls down a curse of banishment upon an individual creature, including automatons or even animated objects, and casts them into a random outer plane. Determine the plane the target is banished to by rolling a d20 and consulting the following chart:
d20 Roll |
Plane |
1 |
Celestia |
2 |
Bytopia |
3 |
Elysium |
4 |
The Beastlands |
5 |
Arborea |
6 |
Ysgard |
7 |
Limbo |
8 |
Pandemonium |
9-10 |
The Abyss |
11 |
Carceri |
12-13 |
The Gray Waste |
14 |
Gehenna |
15-16 |
The Nine Hells |
17 |
Acheron |
18 |
Mechanus |
19 |
Arcadia |
20 |
The Outlands |
Circle of Blindness
Abjuration Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 30-ft. radius spherical emanation Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
This powerful spell calls forth an area of physical and magical obfuscation. Within the area of the spell, all vision and hearing (magical or otherwise) is nullified, effectively blinding and deafening all those in the area of the spell, and Divination spells will not function within nor penetrate the affected area. All witches are immune to the affects of this spell.
Combine Transmutation Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
This spell allows the witch to cast two spells as a standard action, so long as the total levels of the two spells to be cast does not exceed 9. The two spells to be cast may be altered with metamagic feats, but the total enhanced levels must still be equivalent to 9 levels or less. The two spells to be cast must be ones that the witch currently has memorized. The spell lasts until the duration expires, or until the two spells are cast.
Disintegrate Flesh
Transmutation Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 40 ft. cube Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch causes all living material and beings within the area of effect to be disintegrated. Any creature within the area of effect takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 hit points or less is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. The spell also affects non-living organic matter such as bodies, bones, etc., but does not harm a creature’s equipment.
A creature that makes a successful Fortitude saving throw is only partially affected, taking only 5d6 points of damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points or less, the creature is entirely disintegrated.
Elemental Circle Evocation (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water) Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: See text Duration: 1 round, plus 1 round/5 levels Saving Throw: Reflex partial Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch creates an area of elemental energy that expands outward, damaging all that comes into contact with it. The spell begins as a 10’ radius area 5 feet in height, and expands another 10 feet outwards (not upwards) each round for the duration of the spell. Anything coming into contact with the elemental energy sustains 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster (maximum 20d6). A successful Reflex saving throw results in half damage. The witch may choose the type of energy that manifests (acid, cold, fire, lightning), unless one of the energy types is representative of the witch’s patron. In this case, the witch may only manifest the energy form representative of her patron.
Intensify Transmutation Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: One square mile Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: No
This spell multiplies the power of one currently existing natural phenomenon. A light breeze would become a hurricane strength wind of catastrophic proportions, a sprinkle of rain would become a flash flood, the rustle of leaves would become a deafening roar, a cloudy sky would become a dense fog that completely obscures vision, or the shining sun would become blindingly bright, a hot or cold day would become scorching hot or freezing cold.
Extreme brightness or sound would result in blindness or deafness. A successful Fortitude saving throw must be made each round the subject is exposed to such effects or they will become permanently blinded or deafened. For figuring other effects of this spell, consult the DMG for information on floods (p. 93), severe winds (p. 93-95), and extreme environmental conditions such as cold and heat (p. 302-304). This spell may only be cast outdoors.
Paralyzing Pit Transmutation (Earth) Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 20 ft. cube; see text Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: Special, see below
This spell causes a pit 20’ long, 20’ wide, and 20” deep to appear when cast outdoors. Those in the area of the pit when it forms may avoid falling into it by making a successful Reflex saving throw. Those falling into the pit sustain 2d6 points of damage and must make as additional Fortitude saving throw or become paralyzed for the remaining duration of the spell. Each round that a creature remains within the pit it must make a successful Fortitude saving throw or become paralyzed for the remaining duration of the spell. The caster of the spell may easily and safely enter and leave the pit during the duration of the spell if she so chooses. At the end of the spell’s duration the pit remains, though the paralyzation effect ends.
When this spell is cast indoors, no pit is formed; instead, a paralyzation field 20’ long, 20’wide, and 20’ high is formed. Those entering the paralyzation field must make a Fortitude saving throw or be paralyzed for the remaining duration of the spell.
Spell Resistance only applies to the paralyzation effect of the spell; any falling damage is sustained as normal.
Reflection Abjuration Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/5 levels
The witch surrounds herself with a shimmering cloud that foils all attacks made against her, and reflects magical attacks back upon her attackers. While protected by this spell, any magical attacks that directly target the witch are reflected back upon her attacker. The witch is also protected from area effects that the witch need not be specifically targeted by, but that would normally affect her, such as a fireball or dragon breath. Such attacks are merely foiled, but are not reflected. Divination spells directed at the witch have no effect and attacks made with magical weapons rebound upon their wielder. Non-magical attacks, including those made by non-magical weapons, are simply foiled.
Only High Secret Order spells can penetrate a reflection spell. A Mordenkainen’s Disjunction spell will cancel this spell, but will have no further effect upon any other spells the witch has cast upon herself or upon any items in her possession.
Seek Divination Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Unlimited Target: One creature, object, or place Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
Through the casting of this spell, the witch gains the ability to locate any single item, place, or creature and visualize the area around it within 30 feet. The spell reveals to the witch in what part of the world the thing being sought is located. No spells of obfuscation will block the functioning of this spell; the only effect that will block this spell is if the thing being sought is within an area of anti-magic. If the thing being sought is something that the witch is personally familiar with, or the witch is in possession of an article from or linked to the thing sought, the witch gains an exactingly detailed vision of the thing’s location and of the surrounding area. Items linked to the thing being sought would include such things as a lock of hair from a person, a chip of stone from a statue, or a scroll that once resided in a lost city. Any creatures, objects, or locations that lie within 30 feet of the thing being sought at the time this spell is cast are also reveled.
If the witch wishes to teleport to the location of the thing sought, the area viewed through a seek spell is considered to be “studied carefully”, or in the instance of a thing the witch is familiar with the area revealed is considered to be “very familiar”.
The seek spell is not limited to only locating things on the prime material plane. Items, creatures, and locations on a plane other than the prime material will also be revealed to the witch. As to other planes, the only location that will foil a seek spell is if the thing being sought resides within 900 miles of the central spire of The Outlands. If the DM is using the city of Sigil in their campaign, and if a thing being sought resides within that city, this spell will reveal its location due to the strange laws that govern that location.
Witches often cast this spell as a service to others who are looking for something very important to them. Most witches will only cast this spell for such individuals in return for a service of some kind, or for a magical item or large amount of money worth in the range of 10,000 to 40,000 g.p. in value, depending upon how badly the person needs the information being sought.
Solidify Air Transmutation (Air) Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 20 ft. cube Duration: See text Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch causes the atmosphere within the area of the spell to solidify. On the first round that the spell is cast, the movement of creatures within the area of the spell is slowed by 5 feet. On rounds two, three, and four creatures continue to lose an additional five feet of movement as the atmosphere within the spell’s area becomes increasingly hazy and thick. On round five, the atmosphere forms into a rock-like substance which is solid and hard, but porous enough for trapped creatures to breathe. Any creatures within the spell’s area at this time are trapped. Due to the gradual effect of this spell, most creatures will not be aware of what is actually happening, other than noticing that their movement is slowed and that the air is becoming hazier. The witch may also choose to cause the solidified air to become nonporous, suffocating those within it as per the suffocation rules in the DMG p. 304. The witch may communicate freely by speech with any trapped creatures at any time.
The rock-like substance created by this spell is able to be affected by spells that affect rock, such as rock to mud or stone shape. For such spells to function though, the caster must succeed in a caster level check to be able to affect the solidified air.
The duration of this spell is permanent, though the witch may choose to end it at any time with but a thought.
Vaporize Transmutation Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 40’x20’x20’ Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch causes any rock, mineral, or metal within the area of the spell to become a thick fog which can be blown away. The area of the spell can be placed horizontally or vertically however the witch chooses. Items made of rock, mineral, or metal that are in the possession of a creature are allowed a Fortitude saving throw (based on that of their owner) to avoid destruction. Creatures made of rock, mineral or stone, such as most constructs and earth elementals or similar creatures , sustain 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster (maximum 20d6). A successful Fortitude saving throw reduces the amount of damage sustained by half. This spell has no effect upon any items carried by the witch should she be within the area of the spell.
Weight Alteration Transmutation Level: Witch- High Secret Order Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (50 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Up to 10 creatures or objects Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch causes the targets’ weight to either increase or decrease by a factor of 10; all targets must be within range of the spell at the time it is cast. A target weighing 100 pounds could be made to weigh either 1,000 pounds or a mere 10 pounds. All targets of the spell must be affected in the same way. Creatures that have their weight increased will find it very difficult to move or may be unable to do so depending upon how strong they are. Flying creatures will plummet to the ground out of control, sustaining 1d6 damage of every 10 feet flown in the previous round and an additional 1d6 damage for every 10 feet of height fallen, to a maximum combined total of 20d6 damage. Buildings or bridges could be made too heavy to support themselves and collapse.
Creatures or objects that have their weight lessened may become susceptible to very strong winds and may be more easily picked up or moved, particularly flying creatures which may be blown away or into immovable objects and sustain damage as if having fallen. Heavy creatures or objects might be made immovable.
Creatures attempting a Bull Rush or Overrun maneuver against a creature that has had its weight lessened receive a +10 bonus on their action, and it becomes possible to initiate such attacks against affected creatures up to three size categories larger than the attacker. Attackers that are at least one size category higher in size than an affected creature may choose to initiate a Bull Rush as a free action whenever they strike the affected creature with a regular melee attack.
Other effects of this spell are left up to the DM’s discretion. As an example, affected suits of heavy armor might be made extremely light while still affording their protective value, and the DM might allow creatures wearing such armor to move more freely (half the armor check penalty) and at a higher movement rate (as if they were wearing light armor). Use common sense in dictating the effects of this spell with regards to how it is applied.
References: Thw Witch, by Bill Muhlhausen, Dragon 114, page 8.
The Witch Class Kit from The Complete Wizard’s Handbook (2e), by Rick Swan, page 65, TSR 1990. "
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